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Everything posted by Atharun

  1. So Lionsgate is releasing another collection but this time with the Original Macross on it as well? Is that version going to contain the ADV dub on it by any chance or was that not mentioned because the ADV sets online are, in the words of Jimmy Mcmillan, TOO DAMN HIGH. I would buy one of those in a heart beat
  2. Doesn't look like this will get funded. It is tracking progressively lower and lower.
  3. Looks like it is trending to about 90% now, be interesting to see if it makes it.
  4. Michael Ironside as Darkseid. No one has topped it yet IMO
  5. I love that the character designs are by Phil Bourassa who did them for Young Justice but I liked the voice actors from Young Justice much more. The older DCAU voices may not fit as well with the younger take on these characters but I will def give this a shot. Am I the only one who wished Jason Todd/red Hood was in YJ?
  6. The show felt kinda boring to me. The acting was kinda blah too.I'll give it a few more eps before I decide to keep watching or not.
  7. I think the competition from YJ and Legend of Korra made TCats a distant 3rd. That plus the writing hurt the show. some episodes were great others felt like villain of the week such as Ramlak Rising. BTW Terry, love the Fatal Fury MP Quote. thought I was the only fan.
  8. If I am not mistaken the episodes by the studio that animated the 1st season begin next week. I may be the only one but I noticed a difference in the 1st 3 episodes of the 2nd season.
  9. I remember when TTAFFBH was on USA network as a kid . It was worse than Power Rangers,Beetleborgs, VR trooper, even worse than Super Human Cybersquad and it's hacker bad guy who is supposed to be a teen but looked 30. Does anyone remember the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles live action series? That has to be up there with the worst sci-fi'ish tv series.
  10. DS9 is my all time favorite Trek series. Always wondered what happened to Federation ship shields in those fights though. One energy type shot and the ships had a hole in them. Anyway, the Gorn comment Bones makes...was it part of the game's storyline?
  11. Am I the only one that wondered where ESD was the entire time they were fighting by the Moon or during their plummet?
  12. They are both series with transforming mechs and some singing and that's about it.Honestly, it's as if people feel obligated to hate RT because they like Macross. Some of us like both and see them for what they are, two completely different series. Sure they shared the same original animation but that's it. the stories differ greatly. Seriously... Anyway BOT....LLA just felt like a a cheap filler to divert attention away from Shadow Rising. It wasn't all that good but then again I judge it harshly as Lancer is one of my favorite RT character. Didn't like the ending at all. I always wondered why Tatsunoko doesn't animate an RT piece. They did a good job on Cashern Sins, would love to see themdo an RT project.
  13. After watching it, I am more convinced than ever RT:LLA was a bad idea. The new animation was very choppy IMO.
  14. I think the version by don Figueroa for the old IDW ongoing would work well in a movie. Didn't like it for the comic but would do well on film.
  15. Tommy is the largest reason Robotech is suffering IMO. He has a stranglehold on the franchise because in reality there is no one to questions him. Agrama has his own things to deal with and aside from him, everyone else involved is below Tommy in position or won't stand up to him. He has mismanaged the franchise greatly. I still have no clue about who would like his comic art style but it is very unappealing. He is very defensive and talks in circles and is one of those people that says a lot to cover up that he is actually not saying much. RT could be great but it needs a serious reboot or better talent managing it....both
  16. I admit...I don't mind a chick with extra pounds every once in a while.
  17. Currently watching season 2 of Sengoku Basara and loving it. Love the extreme action and the animation is very well done.
  18. I honestly think had it not been for how crowded this summer was (more so than in a long time) that this movie would have done much better but all the sci-fi movies and the beyond old hate people seem to have for Tom Cruise held it back. great movie.
  19. Just saw this today and really enjoyed it. What really stood out to me was the music. Something about it. Not your typical soundtrack for recent sci fi.
  20. Actually I do but given how Fox has made the franchise all about Logan, it would be refreshing for someone else to get some attention and Cyclops would be a good fit. I kinda wonder if they will have a future Kitty Pryde warn the modern era version.
  21. With Cyclops not being in it, I think I will pass. Tired of the X-Men franchise being used to just give Wolverine supporting characters
  22. After seeing this movie....I enjoyed it but it was ok. I did not like the Silver Samurai as a robot angle. One of the biggest pet peeves I have with movies is the constant deviation from source material. I understand completely that not everything translates well but come on...Harada is supposed to be the Silver Samurai not Yashida. That always bugs me, kinda like Michael Bay making Iron Hide a black truck instead of red.
  23. I am looking forward to seeing this. Not a fan of Clooney or Bullock but not a hater either. The visuals on this grab me though.
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