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Everything posted by buddhafabio

  1. so going by this yamato could sell valks in the us if they were taken apart and had some assembly required.
  2. Saw it today, it was being played at a movie theater on delmar in st louis. i would have to say as an american anime, it was alright. its plot was better then robotech. but not by much. the bad guys are still looking for "protoculture" to enjoy this movie you kinda need to drop your knowledge of physics at the door along with ties to macross to enjoy this movie. it was a little bit of mospeada and gundam seed mixed together wise. it reintroduces a few old characters with some new faces. Rick hunter is in it in an "admiral janeway" type role along with a few of mospeadas characters. it basically picks up during the last episode of mospeada and there is a new enemy to fight. and in lord of the rings style there is a cliff hanger. the mixture of regular animation and computer animation was ok. i would have to say almost to the caliber of gundam seed. but the speaking on some of the characters was off in how the lips moved. and the phyisics on how the alphas moved in space was off because they flew like they were in an atmosphere not in a gravity less vacuum. i would have to say all in all it was an average anime. worth any effort to see it for under 10$
  3. I saw the Korean war Mig-15 up at the walmart 2nd nearest me yester day. it looked neat enough i told my wife about the christmas present she was going to get me. her responce"you better have not got it yet"
  4. Not accurate. no white flags.
  5. tell me about it. nothing like flying for 24hours in a 747 from okinawa to stlouis
  6. opps mixed up pounds for euros still is an expensive bird for what it is designed for.
  7. well my dad said the f-111 was only good enough to fly to the target, eject and let the plane crash on the enemy. may be the government is trying to replace that aspect in the f-111 with the f-35 last week my dad also said that he was facing layoffs because of beoing getting lack of c-17 orders so i looked and compared aircraft stats with the A400M ability to lift troops on target goes to the A300m but c-17 has cheaper price tag, more lifting compacity, more range ,and speed. the c-130j-30 seems to be 1/3 the performance of the a400m in stats but is a better value at 1/4 the costs price for a400m is 200m euros roughly 400million dollars c-130j-30 48 million c-17 US$330.8M i understand europes airbus loyalty but it seems to me that the c-17 is a better buy with the c-130 as a good econo transport
  8. I think an apt name for a class of carrier is a Theodore Rosevelt class exp. the carriers embody his speak softly and carry a BIG stick
  9. not close enough. and jp3 was compiled of scenes not used from the plots of 1 and 2. and they omited the fact in jp 2 that the dinos all had mad cow disease
  10. i think i read some where (popular mechanics????) a while ago that caddy was going to put a few in their windsheilds.
  11. i have some serious spoilers and more pictures with 4 pages of script http://www.filmwad.com/transformers-365-p.html
  12. My first 1/60 i flipped out when i go to transform it and the legs pop off. i thought it was broke because my first transforming valk was a chunky monkey. then i sent a quiring email to a fellow macross member (the one i bought it off of) and found out it was supposed to do that.. now the damn thing is really broke because it was in battaroid mode and the case it was on was bumped and it fell breaking one of the die cast tabs???? and a shoulder so i epoxied it into fighter mode and it stays that way and transplanted the heatd to a max vf-1a body
  13. we do have cap patrols flying in iraq but iran has enough planes to overwhelm assets in reagion for air defense. but a week after that would be another story. i figure we have enough air to air cabability to own the chinese and iranian airforce at the same time. maybe even just on carriers.
  14. exactly, it looks like ramjet has the nose of jetfire.
  15. but you get my point, though. right. i dont see anything like the 18"spiderman that was released. wasnt one for superman returns nor batman.
  16. one thing i have to say about the movie char designs are that they will mak it a b&%^h to make toys for. un less they go for clunky toys like they did for hotrod and the others when the animated movie came out.
  17. that starscream is a toy look at the legs it has screws in it. would they have screws exposed. in a model for a movie even if it is just a desk model? the only thing that seems to be consistant is the bumblebee and prime. and remember when enterprise came out there was a "fake ship" picture that was released. it looked more organic then the enterprise that looked like the akirsa class ship
  18. They were talking about this on Airwarriors a while back, said that the U2 dug its nose in bad when it trapped. Nope, he put a navalized F-117 on the deck. JAG Episode Guide 426447[/snapback] as you were saying they dont say what type of plane it was but it was a c-130 http://www.tv.com/jag/touchdown/episode/27...ep_list;title;4
  19. wether it is good, bad or ugly. i am going to see this movie out of shear loyalty as a fan. then i am going to gripe. no use griping about the movie unless you have seen it already.
  20. even more amazing is it is a forristal not a larger nimitz class or a kittyhawk class. they had to remove all of the arrester cables also. making it impractical for regular carrier landings. they even had it on jag where harm landed one on a carrier that swing wing jet was on popular mechanics a long while ago.
  21. it looks like something put thoether for the new faa sport licence. might be a good lil plane for under 100,000
  22. any where i can get the f-18 version full download.
  23. well most of them are the same also.from megatron to the seekers to the dinobots. and most of the first season autobots.
  24. http://www.weeklyworldnews.com/features/sex/61284 Collette . . . ACTION HOOKER
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