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Everything posted by buddhafabio

  1. amazing hind d video wow http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DjPfzKbYDXw
  2. macross zeroish nice
  3. one thing that pisses me off about this movie is the autobots look to be gm products. they should be across the board. gm and fords.and dodges . it looks like i will be rooting for the decipticons in this movie.
  4. micheal bays designs became the subject of a fark photoshop http://forums.fark.com/cgi/fark/comments.pl?IDLink=2795860 this is one i found the funniest this one came close
  5. bah what can we learn from pics of the f22 engine exhaust? geeze that is all most a money shot for aviation enthusiast is seeing the end where the fire come out. my first navy ship i was on was the USS Salt lake city. i was 11 and i didnt even know it was a 688 nuclear powered boat and wondered why i couldnt see the "classified engine" got to look through the periscope and sit at the controls. years later my pop and i were talking about that day. he said that he heard a 688 boat was at white beach on okinawa (when he was stationed there) so we went to go look at it. it was raining and my dad figured the skipper saw us getting soaked and invited us onboard because my dad had my sister and i with him and that the crew was home sick and seeing kids helped them cope. as we were the only ones taking the tour that day.
  6. i would have assumed price tag. considering the Aussies havent bought any f-15s when they got the f-18s or later gone for any f-15e based f15s
  7. then later was dewinged and scrapped
  8. interesting shuttle pics http://www.mustangevolution.com/forum/t26726/
  9. maybe the japanese will improve the software (hardware also) in the computers
  10. the first few kills for the f-15 were by Israel and one of those was a gun kill
  11. langley and tyndall arent the f-22 shows year round?
  12. from what is said on this thread that thing is a pain to maintain. the f-22
  13. if planes are anything like cars, they also get more complicated to work on do to tech advances. for instance 1969 mustang brand new is easier to swap engines in it then a 2007 mustang. so the same for f-4s,f-14s when they were brand new vs f-18s
  14. mixing your threads again?
  15. you will just here the same thing in the end from our air force "fox 2..........target has been destroyed"
  16. i wonder if they will release any rambo figures. or and 8 round rocky figures.
  17. yep. it showed the first kills ironic they were with iaf.
  18. in some of the aviation novels i have read the aim-120 is referred to as scorpions at least in Dale Brown books
  19. well a few benifits i can think of is 1 i dont know specs on how many times airlines can paint before they have to strip the metal bareagian. but every new layer has atleast ppaint ontop of old but may also have primer layer and paint 2 i saw a plane on airliners.net that had peeling paint and that adds drag. maybe boeing has better paint. but i am just a baker..... so what do i know.
  20. if i have time i will take better pictures of my custom the first ones sucked.
  21. is starscream mp 03 coming to the states or should i snatch one off of ebay?
  22. hehehehe if they got one and If ole wacky in north Korea launched another test missile over Japan they would use it for sure.
  23. video of an idiot destroying his system in front of others waiting for one http://www.planetboredom.net/video.php?id=2944
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