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Everything posted by buddhafabio

  1. fine the US should buy mkis just to fly them in red flag. even if we paid double what they go for the training they would provide will make up for it.
  2. think of how many hellfires can be mounted on the wings.
  3. real recently the air force complained that a congressman in texas forced more unneeded c-17 down their throats. so the airforce does think it has too many c-17
  4. new AERIALBOTS...refreshed. Silverbolt ......v 22 because he is scared of heights fire flight..........f 22 air raid.......f 15e skydive .....eurofighter slingshot.....jsf
  5. Damn, that will eat some birds. looks like something that raced aniken in the podrace in epp 1
  6. any chance there is one with a man standing by it to put it in perspective.
  7. auto darken miller welding mask, better toolbox for welding class, mini rc helicopter, new favorite blanket to replace old favorite blanket. so far.....
  8. she might pull it off but i thought the char was taller.
  9. even with crossing international date line?
  10. i had a question pop in to my head while i was working. it may have been already covered. but would piloting lieing down as opposed to being seated help in any way at reducing the effects of gs?
  11. i'm laughing now... but it was going to be a killer low viz. even got the decals for it.
  12. dont use break fluid.... i had a chunky monkey that was a bad custom that i got from ebay. soaked it in break fluid to remove paint. i come back after some time all that is in the the metal container is the diecast.
  13. i knew it was a 7-7 series plane just couldnt remember which one. and i thought Boeing closed the 737 line already
  14. nope the navy is getting a boeing bigbird one of the 757 or 767 airframe land based plane to replace the s-3 and the p-3 orion.
  15. if anyone is looking for starscream in the st louis area i went to all of the stcharles county walmarts and found one in wentzville and there was 2 left after i got mine
  16. it was a air national guard plane, and we all KNOW they get the cream of the crop when it comes to airframes. for now it kinda still early for a cause just yet.
  17. for the lovers of the A- 10 (or atleast the gun in the nose) http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=858_1192985738 nsfw for language
  18. any word on the dinobots?
  19. Bigger planes would help in the faa control problem.
  20. funny because the kc-135s were bought because the bombers were at stall out speed with the piston tankers at full throttle.
  21. notice the drip pans under the blackbird
  22. wings on discovery and the guys my pop talked to while stationed at Kadena ab said sr 71 leaked like a cive . and wings had the airmen in rain protection under the plane
  23. the remake of battlezone was pretty fun and my faviorite tank had to be grizzly tank there http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battlezone_(computer_game)
  24. maybe, but david webers name was bigger on the book. maybe just to sell more but still.
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