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Everything posted by buddhafabio

  1. rc su 27 http://warnet.ws/news/28796
  2. i found this logging into myspace low flying french kc-135 did it ever get posted here?
  3. well in the st book, flag full of stars, they refitted the saucer section on earth and had it fly up to the rest of the hull to be reattached
  4. aside from a few that have been mentioned, i watched alot of wraith of khan, neverending story, bigshots, explorers, both karate kids, the second was for humor because Okinawa was not like that, back to the future , heman and garbage pail kids the movie.
  5. i went there earlier this year. i determined when i go back i need to spend 2 days there. one to read exhibits the other to look at the planes. also bring more money. i didnt even get to see the prez planes that are on the base. if you go only one day you need to be there at open.
  6. cool.... what sucks is st.louis county lost its airshow. do to politicals deciding to kill it. so nothing for me this year.... at least i went to af museum though
  7. humm i wonder what we are going to do with homestead http://www.monstersandcritics.com/news/eur...bers_on_Cuba%22
  8. b2 crash earlier this year explained......pilot error. \ http://www.popularmechanics.com/science/ai...ce/4273248.html
  9. with drone that the air force tested with the sr 71. there is the pack for jetfire......but what about aircraft in groomlake.
  10. maybe i didnt catch them, any reasons for the a380 and 787 delays?
  11. saw this tonight with my pop and brother. i liked the movie. it will get bad reviews. but you have to keep in mind it is based off of a cartoon in the 60s and if you hate the cartoon avoid this movie like the plague. you will not understand and will hate it. this can easily become a cult classic. in my opinion it is what cartoons brought to movie should be. i did hate the mach 5 design from early beginning of the movie. but the true form of what you remember of the mach 5 does make an appearance. in races no less. only thing that didnt keep with the cartoon is they toned down the girly screams (if you are a fan you know what i mean) and the off sync of the lips of the characters was not there when there was dialogs.
  12. i have sound not synced issues with gattai sub mkvs.
  13. Glen Agnus was a genius with cg art...was too soon . the air force has some good pieces on its site also http://www.af.mil/art/index.asp?galleryID=106
  14. thats funny looks like not getting the jsf contract is profitable for Boeing also.
  15. sounds like a book i read where a kid in denmark stole a tigermoth in the early days of ww2 to leave German influenced Denmark for England.
  16. Nobody saw the belly landing of an A-10 on march 25th? I am surprised. http://www.pointniner.com/2008/04/10-gear-...g-pictures.html i will give the airmen some credit, they still caulked the wheels.
  17. i have four star wars items. and that is all i want so far. i thought the jedi star fighters looked neat so i got the largest one th walmart sold and a wookie for a pilot..... he was too big/tall. then i was a a closing toys r us 2 years ago and saw a epp 1 naboo fighter behind the costumer service desk, the clerk said it was found under the shelves in the back and be. and sold it to me for 5$ i found a unopened pilot aniken at a antique shop and currently have both in my closet
  18. i would side with the Q, then all of the other races would become my play things. i would get board, then start a massive attack on ds9. if that does not thrill me fling a few federation ships into borg space just to watch the fun let the crew get assimilated and then "fix" the assimilation. if that werent enough klingons on tootoos doing the ballet. or make a huge asteroid of gold pressed latinum and place it in front of a ferengi ship and make it act like a carrot in front of a donkey tied to a string on a stick over his head.
  19. kinda sucks. about the tankers because there was talk of them building the plant at scott afb here in st louis area. northrop still does part of manufacturing on the "BUG" http://www.irconnect.com/noc/press/pages/n...s.html?d=135649
  20. miller gmaw welder (mig)
  21. damn that is how long it takes us to build a carrier from the keel up and over half the cost.
  22. over a billion up in smoke.
  23. more then just neat raptor pics there . that place is what my wife would call airplane porn
  24. bump(just because i am tired of seeing the the idiots demand in the closed thread)
  25. well it fits with the latest industry trend, eliminate the fuel bumper so that air traffic control has to give the in coming plane a better slot in the landing queue
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