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Everything posted by buddhafabio

  1. one of the movies i watched over and over as a kid (on a beta vcr )so when i saw it on dvd i snatched it up real quick. (walmart may still have it )
  2. i am 25 and i got my 19 year old brother addicted to macross after he finished watching dbz and wanted some thing new. and i am just starting my valk collection
  3. has any one seen 2nd party low vis dicals for a vf-1 . if they are cheap enough i may just model my es-3a that was breifly in macross 0 ep 3
  4. do,oh now i have another item on my "toys list"
  5. id like to see starblazer and gijoe dvds personally
  6. spoiler alert transformer headmasters were a four part series (to sell toys) daniel and spike and a few autobots crash land on a far off planet. daneil is hurt some how and the auitobots decide a few of them need up grades to fight better so they get syimboates to help and they transform and fit as the heads.
  7. you knoew what is funny. lists like that just make the toys sell more
  8. thank you, has anybody been able to install the patch.below is the error i get
  9. if i have a screen shot of the controlls would someone who can read japanese be able to translate?
  10. a little off topic: this guy here built a model of an f-15 from dale brown book. i read the book some time ago but it was very intresting. http://www.spencer1984.com/my_models/cheetah.html
  11. any body think of getting rubber gloves for handleing
  12. so, when will someone cg this and make some cool desktop wallpaper and you can keep the thunderbirds flying normal airplanes as the un airforce still exists with regular fighters as cannon fodder.
  13. my b-52g ans some of my arii macross lil guys
  14. i mostly do airplanes my wife grabbed the plane by the tail before the decals set i didnt realize they werent straight till now
  15. i better get my pop to help. he is in ex airforce mechanic and is faa cert. for maintence on airframe and powerplant. i think that site is where i got my idea from. the B-52 is my faviorite bird. I saw them fly aroud all the time when we were stationed at Carswell A.F.B. in Texas.
  16. humm something else to think about. i plan alot of testing but the only mock up i have right now is an arii 1/100 scale fighter. i guess can have the wings permanatly swept forward. for more lift i may have to go vf-0 because it look like it will be more aerodynamic. i plan on buying my first two trainers next year after christmas. the b-52 is a 5 year goal. i was thinking 4 engines with 4 fake ones for look of 8 engines.
  17. i work alone and i have lots of time to think. so i was wondering if a vf-1 will fly? the reason i ask this is some day my modeling hobby is going to mature into remote control aircraft and what i want to build and fly in this order. i did a google search for vf-1 remote control, macross remote control and i found nothing just models i have built 1. trainer (dont want to spend alot of money and time building a neat plane only to crash on take off) 2. replacement trainer (need something to learn on after crashing the first 5 min. ago) 3. ww2 bird (probably my fav war bird the corsair) 4. either a f18 blue angel or a vf-1 Valkyrie (if it will fly) 5. a b52 g bomber
  18. hello i have been lurking for a day or so looking for neat wallpapers about a month ago i bought macross voxp for the pc. i have gotten pretty far except i cannot chane missle selection and use the gun when i am equiped with strike pack
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