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Everything posted by buddhafabio

  1. wow he has added alot more since i last saw it
  2. al of the 3d modelers and skiners could make a mod. then we can all play it
  3. they are good for one thing, give to the kiddies if they insist on playing with your valks. then you are only out 2-10 $ and not 50-500$ when they play with it
  4. i had a idea popup just now. a way to combat sellers and traders who dont come through on their end, is to give thier phone number and address to the forum admin through a private message, before their first listing. that way the admins. and maybe even the mods can relay that info to the person buying item if a issue comes up from the transaction (ie the seller does not ship.) you would hope the ss and blacklisted threads were enough. but maybe this would help
  5. Well Buddhafabio, where did you have it delivered to and how long did it take him to deliver it? I'm just curious because it's been close to a month now. i paid for on a thursday mid december he shipped next tuesday after i paid. and i recieved just before christmas because i packaged my brothers present in the box. (the address may still exist if you want it)
  6. i dealt with him and got my stuff on the 17th of dec. couldnt be more pleased. i am still a rather a newbie here at macross world. so i am still getting to know people. but still, i am surprised at his actions after my good experiance with him. i would think something happened to him.
  7. look at the title of the auction http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...&category=49210
  8. just courious where did you get it, and is their any more?
  9. have a link for the video
  10. yes they do but as you can tell the 1/48 scale valks are the most detailed and expensive when bought brand new. and hopfully yamato gbp armor looks nice and not like bandai were the valk looks like a hockey goalie
  11. people buy more than just toys here. i have macross models, a couple bandai, couple yammies, and a few dvds.and a few games
  12. i wonder if bolting shelf to the wall. and then hang valks from the shelves with fishing line would work
  13. i was just pointing out the his role in the fim was a pilot and that and that was just a line i used for a joke and i figured forums here are intrested in avation as they are in macross, as the anamie is based off of avation. and if people were to watch out for the military avation accident reports. in situations like that where the pilot loses his flight controls. more times than not he choses to punch out. rarely do you here a pilot use thrust to manuver the plane back to base. now granted the facts that civ. planes do not have ejection seats. and the fact that military fighters are built for performance. and that most military planes are hard to control with out assistance of a computer.
  14. found this amazing feat of piloting on taken place on the 22 of November landing an airbus a300 with out Hydraulics DHL/EAT Crew Lands A300 With No Hydraulics After Being Hit By Missile By David Hughes and Michael A. Dornheim December 7, 2003 No Flight Controls In a situation reminiscent of the United Airlines DC-10 landing without hydraulics in Iowa in 1989, the crew of a DHL A300 hit by a missile relied solely on engine power without flight controls to land at Baghdad. Pierre Ghyoot, secretary general of the Belgian Cockpit Assn. (BeCA), told Aviation Week & Space Technology that the pilots were able to guide the aircraft to a safe landing on Nov. 22 using only engine power settings. The aircraft lost all three hydraulic systems and all flight controls. Ghyoot said his organization is already planning to give the crew a safety award. According to one aviation source familiar with the incident in Baghdad, the incredible feat of airmanship is explained partly by a safety seminar the DHL/European Air Transport (EAT) captain attended in Brussels earlier this year. In a stroke of luck, one of the speakers was retired Capt. Al Haynes. In 1989, Haynes commanded a United Airlines DC-10 in which all the hydraulics had been lost due to a center engine rotor burst in cruise. Using engine thrust alone, the United crew was able to crash-land the crippled aircraft at the Sioux City, Iowa, airport, and the majority of the passengers survived. After the DC-10 accident, studies and flight tests by McDonnell Douglas and NASA Dryden Flight Research Center showed engine thrust can be a control in some cases and that practice before landing is extremely valuable (AW&ST June 24, 1991, p. 43). NASA research pilot C. Gordon Fullerton noted the primary job is to damp roller-coaster phugoid oscillations in pitch and find a stable attitude. Adding thrust with underslung engines like the A300 tends to pitch the nose up. "You have to devote maximum attention to the position of the nose and keep pitch rates low," Fullerton said. Turning the aircraft is done with differential thrust. NASA experience with landing a simulated Boeing 720 using manual control of thrust was "very iffy," but the agency and McDonnell Douglas modified an MD-11 with software to control the engines, and flight test showed it could make airline-quality landings using thrust alone. But for manual control, Fullerton suggested finding as large a landing area as possible, such as the lakebed runways of Edwards AFB, Calif. However, that presumes aircraft condition is not deteriorating, and the DHL aircraft's wing was on fire. The DHL/EAT crew headed the aircraft back to Baghdad International after it was hit at 8,000 ft. on climbout from the airport. Normal DHL procedure at Baghdad is to make a steep climb to avoid attack. Takeoff configuration is slats extended with zero flap, and that is maintained in a 160-170-kt. climb to 10,000 ft. Then the slats are retracted and the aircraft accelerates to a normal 300-kt. climb speed. The flight was still in this low-speed climb when it was hit. When the missile exploded, the crew first thought an engine had suffered an uncontained failure, but all readings were normal, the aviation source said. Then the hydraulic pressures started dropping and a ground call told them the wing was trailing smoke. The captain could see that the wing was on fire. Damage, presumably from the missile blast, is concentrated at the left trailing edge along the outboard flap, between the engine and the outboard aileron. The outer half of the outboard flap is missing, and the outboard flap track is dangling from the bottom of the wing. About 10 ft. of the rear spar is broken open or missing, and fire-damaged ribs are visible inside the outboard structural fuel tank. All hydraulic pressure was lost about a minute after the hit, the source said. The low-speed aileron outboard of the damage is supplied by all three hydraulic systems, and there are five spoilers in front of the outboard flap, fed by the three systems. Primary flight controls become inoperative on the A300B4 with total loss of hydraulic pressure, because there is no manual reversion. The stabilizer trim froze because it is powered only by a pair of hydraulic motors. The crew deployed the ram air turbine with hydraulic pump, but the leaks rendered it ineffective. The crew had problems controlling the aircraft and at times didn't think they would make it, the source said. But the captain recalled the Haynes presentation and started using engine thrust for control, and was surprised to find it worked rather well. The aircraft circled twice while the crew manually extended the landing gear. Ghyoot said the pilots lined the aircraft up for a flat, straight-in approach from 20 naut. mi. out and that the approach and landing speeds were 225 kt., though the source said touchdown was around 180 kt. "Having the trim set right when they were hit saved them," the source said. Ghyoot said he believes the aircraft had flaps retracted, but the brakes worked as they were powered by an isolated hydraulic accumulator. The crew aimed for runway 33 Right, but at short final were thrown off course and decided to try to land on runway 33 Left but were not properly lined up at touchdown. A photo shows the aircraft touching down on the runway on the right wheel, banked a few degrees to the right, and in a slightly nose-up attitude. The aircraft ran off the left side of the runway and went through barbed wires, fences, and dirt before coming to a stop near the fire station. Full reverse was applied, causing a large dust cloud. Both engines were damaged by debris. A Paris Match magazine freelance photographer was with the attackers and shot pictures of the missile launch and strike, which are in the Nov. 27 issue. Ghyoot said the U.S. Defense Dept. is investigating the missile attack, and then the Belgian Civil Aviation Authority's accident investigation service will conduct the final phase on the civil aspects. A Belgian criminal investigation is underway. DHL was carrying U.S. mail to troops in Baghdad but shut down this operation for about a week after the missile attack. The 1979 vintage A300B4-203F was operated by DHL/EAT with two Belgian pilots and a British flight engineer. DHL offficials said the aircraft will eventually be repaired. In the past 25 years there have been 35 shoulder-fired missile attacks on civil aircraft, 24 resulting in crashes with 500 fatalities, according to AOC, the electronic warfare and information operations association, in Alexandria, Va. The U.S. Homeland Security Dept. is about to pick contractors to develop prototype missile-self defense systems for use on commercial aircraft (AW&ST Dec. 1, p. 46).
  15. my beliefs also, and my spending spree came after i put in 16 hours over time. 34 hours o/t in three weeks. so we are not hurting with money and only need gifts for 2 people. and on top of that i get bonuses for good work proformances.(that check is this week) and a xmas bonus
  16. i was just told an hour ago that other men my age do not collect toys?????? hold up, wtf i am not like other men (i just started macross) but before that i have a large car collection. and i plan on getting the optimas prime mpc
  17. my wife kinda got on me for a couple, oh.... ok 5 additions to my collection. just courious to the excuses other married men use
  18. Well I was looking around. I wasnt sure about Twin Moons till now. I am a careful shopper. I do not want to be taken. Been taken once on Ebay... good thing it was for a couple of bucks. I came close to a guy from Texas. Was good that turned bad but I finally got my stuff because I was going after him. I know VE has them but they look to be out of stock. Not like I dont want to support them, just seeing where I can get it cheaper. If it is a few bucks less, I will go to either or. Before anybody gives me grief about it, I have ordered the VF-1J FP from Kevin and have the FPs and MPC Prime on order with Twin Moons. I will likely buy these re-release but building a dual Athlon and a single athlon for a linux box must take precedent... Oh, I will preorder M&Ms from Kevin. BTW, I am not that old on here. Only 4 months. almost got taken by twice on ebay. both times I was able to call them on the telephone. one, i called his uncle, mom, then his cell then got a hold of him at his residence and scared the pants off of him that i was able to do that. a few weeks later he got banned from ebay for a load of nonshipping sellers. by then i lost all info i had on him and couldnt give it to the victims.
  19. try the divx player
  20. my pop is retired air force. the last base we were stationed at was tyndall the training in the f-22 those boys will be getting will most likly be air to air combat as tyndall had a lot of qf-107 aircraft and were getting qf-4s in 95 when we left. and a few areas for launching smaller drones for targeting.
  21. true but if he was in Roys squadron it would be likely that he would still be in Skull Squadron during macross.
  22. Maybe they will add a romeo and juliette twist and let sara die and shin kills nora in a death ramming. because if they do not put shin on the sdf-1 then he is dead anyway
  23. pachinko is huge in japan. when i lived in okinawa from 88-92 the pachinko parlors were every where (as much as the love motels). to put it in presective in american terms the parlors were as speckled as mcdonalds in american citys
  24. Enemy mine was great also, read the book before i saw movie first and when you do that you are always a little dissapointed. dont get me started about how they mutalated battlefield earth. the movie was only 1/3 of the book and of that was only 1/3 correct.
  25. that would make a great diorama
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