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Everything posted by buddhafabio

  1. i think we wasted money buying either one of them. unmaned air superiority fighters. and ground attack ucaves are a far better option. no pilot to get killed.
  2. that is why i felt the boeing version was better. but without being political one of the guys incharge of selecting the aircraft of manufacture had to dump his share of lockeed.
  3. even though it is neat people are pushing a jetfire custom over 700 bucks. and it still has 2 days left to go on the auction.custom jetfire
  4. well i actually own it. i tried to order it directly from japan and two places wouldnt take my credit card. (didnt know japanese had differant systems) then i found it on japanese amazon and they said they wont ship to america because of the hg issue. so i had to pay 90$ for the game from an american dealer in los angelas
  5. i know you can shoot miossles with battelroid mode. and out manuver in fighter mode. i never been able to use ecm stuff
  6. what city does he live in may be some one from macross world can pay him a visit if they live near him, this is why i started my thread in commernts and suggestions.
  7. may because prime is a leader not a thug
  8. i have never found it. i just figured how to change weapons though
  9. maybe he is waiting to ship mine when the yammie gbp armor comes in i dont mine.
  10. not all the cannon fodder in macross was brown. some were grey
  11. any idea when the armor will be released in febuary. early, mid., or late febuary
  12. anybody hear if Kevin (valkerie-exchange)got his in yet?
  13. i found a guy in south saint louis a month ago. when i was forced to go to an antique mall with my lovley wife. a gut had professionally built models in a case smoe of those were 20-80$ nicly recently built and he offered a service to build any model though i am sorry i didnt write the info down when i had the chance,
  14. yes but what is the easiest color to see when you nee to rescue a pilot in space? the cockpit is pretty small object on radar. and other than a homing beacon i would figure whitewould be the best for seeing you
  15. dude chill out, i was just saying of the items i saw the stuff i was intrested in was what i felt was over priced. i am very intrested in seing you get off the black list and eventually on the ss list. if i didnt think you were honorable i wouldnt even look at your auctions or the stuff you post on mw for sale. matter of fact i ment to bid on few auctions back. i didnt because i hate snipers and will bid on an item and lose it. so i have become a sniper my self and tried to do that to an invid shock trooper you sold a few weeks ago and forgot i needed to do thbid till it ended
  16. you need to becareful with him,(i was warned by someone else but still knew what i was doing before bieng warned) he has intresting stuff but likes to over charge, that is why i have not done a deal with him yet. and other pooeple are wary of any deals with him because he is on the BLACKLIST. what he did can be found here at theBLACKLIST some of it is rather funny.
  17. nothing its like simcity 2000 and simcity 2000 deluxe
  18. if roy would have let hikru fly the vf1d a little longer. it would have been armless
  19. when i foun this place i too asked the same question the thread is found here
  20. i was looking for a 1/18 scale F4u-d corsair. when i found a 1/18 scale Blackhawk at toys r us for 69$ last week. i would have gotten it,if it were half that in price. but it got me thinking how big would a f-14 or f-15 be if it were 1/18 scale.
  21. i think cmost of those are made with just a good color printer. that is what i would use. i plan to make the vf-1, the p[od and the defiant as soon as i get to my dads house
  22. i am just happy they are making one. i plan to get at least 2 Roys and Shins. and i am sure my bro will get one
  23. when they dont list prices just pm a offer low like 60$for a 1/48
  24. i found lots more including starwars and trek http://www.linkclub.or.jp/~shun-pop/gallery2/SF.html http://www.linkclub.or.jp/~shun-pop/gallery1/SW.html zentraidi pod from macross http://www.thewordwerks.com/downloads/ http://jove.prohosting.com/%7Emadanger/mod...undam.htm#amuro gundums http://jove.prohosting.com/%7Emadanger/mod...undam.htm#amuro and many more found herehttp://www.freepapertoys.com/pt-scifiction.html
  25. dont some one from macross world have their car painted like Hikarus VF-1j
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