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Everything posted by buddhafabio

  1. something funny i found hasbro has the long stacks on its site hasbro
  2. wouldnt it be funny if they released Kakizake valk and it sold. it would mean you need to get killed or shot down to sell good if you were male.
  3. it is a racer you could put any thing you want including nascar colors
  4. i hope it does fit all valks but i am prepared if it dont. i kinda think it wont because the boosters attach to the pack in the series
  5. very nice but no monster
  6. when they dont sell anf toynami has warehousers full of them i might buy one for 10-20$
  7. my faviorite display is one of my vf-1s's legs are standing on an invid scout with gun pod pointed at its head
  8. i was guestimating based on the image
  9. i would be happy with a monster 1/200 Come now.... are you a MAN.. or a Girlie Wo-Man... j/k Men want Big, Expensive toys!! yeah but this man is afriad of wifey and felt adventours when i got my two bandais and three 1/60 vf-1s. i still want an mpc prime, 1/48 roy, yf-21, and the vf-0. and what i now have was pushing my luck. and here is a size comparison for you guy to consider vf-1s vs monster the monster probably weigh 80-90 lbs the monster is double battaroid height and three times the length
  10. i would be happy with a monster 1/200
  11. two more jet auctions a former blue angel f18 for 1,075,000$ auction ended the other is t-33 ready to fly at 225,000 $
  12. i know every one is waiting for a real vf-1 but right now you can own your own military fighter, a mig-21mf it even still has a working engine only 186,500$ mig auction
  13. nope they were refering to robotech the movie was only released in the dallas fort worth area. and robotech II the sentinals
  14. i am not at all suprised, the government is taking away the weapons from gijoe little boys that own them
  15. from looking at the pictures, i think you may need to modify your yamato if it did not come with fastpacks. because there is no way for the boosters to connect to the back pack on a valk that didnt come with fastpacks. look at the picture the left one is my vf-1s strike set the right is my vf-1a cannon fodder. the vf-1s has the holes and the connon fodder does not. my other vf-1s does not either
  16. congrats, though a 1/48 is at the bottom of my list. next purchase mpc prime then yf-21 yammie then 1/48 vf-1s roy if yamato dont release the vf-0 before this
  17. either way you will enjoy both. as mentioned before the bandai/takatoku valks take a licking and keep on ticking, (unless it is an elitseeker thrown from a building 10 stories up). and the 1/60 are more eye candy, with the 1/48 being the best for eyecandy yeah its hands are bigger, better to punch battle pods with.
  18. just got the 1/60 vf-1s yamato strike set. was wondering what is the best way to fix the backpack from falling down. the joints are tight but no matter what i do it flops down. and i got this guy for the gbp armor to be released soon
  19. that is messed up because the the exo squad rt destroids didnt sell. and i last saw them at the dollar store a few years ago.
  20. i have a couple of questions, when did japan get toy r us stores and is there one on okinawa (it was not there when i was there)
  21. yeah they will, betcha the workers in the toynami hav went to the toy store in chins and bought yammies to add to their collection
  22. i had a dude that was not going ship a processor i bought from from ebay. after three weeks i did a google search and happened to get his business phone number. that number didnt work. but then i had the area he lived in and called everybody with his last name, i got his uncle, cousin and sister. they gave me his home phone and cell phone. need less to say he had it shipped the next day via fed ex
  23. there devices that plug directly in to the phone for recording. i think you can get them up at radio shack for fairly cheap
  24. try aistalling the data.rar in the correct folder MACROSS VOXP\DataFiles\record
  25. the only one i have seen on ebay was being sold by monkey nugget
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