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Everything posted by buddhafabio

  1. Link to a neato f-22 pic http://www.signonsandiego.com/photos/galleries/2010/oct/01/2010-miramar-air-show/14096/
  2. http://www.deadline.com/2010/10/wonder-woman-returning-to-tv-as-series-written-and-produced-by-david-e-kelley/ Wonder Woman Returning To TV As Series Written And Produced By David E. Kelley i think it will flop just posting for all of you people
  3. i am apprehensive. i will see how others say about the movies if he did a good job before i spend my money to see a movie of his in 3d.
  4. whats funny is the f-15 is still being produced
  5. in the scene where kup and hot rod make it back in the city and help move the mortar catapult thing you see arcee hauling the body of wheeljack. and i thought i saw a red bodied transformer there cliff jumper maybe?
  6. at least you weren't singing "my boyfriend is a pilot."
  7. so is walmart going to get any grimlocks? i have access to a 10% discount which will help out.
  8. those were pretty good
  9. good we get to see how it stacks up in exercises. i would love to see a f-15 up against it.
  10. and they are better in electronics now compared to then
  11. please some one let the onrush of superhero films end.......also they need the little girl from "adventures in babysitting" do a cameo
  12. i wounder if this was done to knock down the news reports of the c-17 production strike boeing revels the phantom ray http://www.brahmand.com/news/Boeing-unveils-Phantom-Ray-combat-UAV/3863/1/30.html
  13. would that mean the hornet will get another letter. i.e. f/a-18h, f/a-18i
  14. faa says no more minesweeper and solitaire in the cockpit http://consumerist.com/2010/04/faa-to-airl...for-pilots.html
  15. thet is as entertaining as the f-18 sr 71 story.
  16. i think a ghost fighter is most practical thing on macross, followed by submersible aircraft carrier. as for exo suits ie iron man its slowly evolving as we speak. but the first iterations will be stuff that help us run and jump a bit higher but is only protected with kevlar or dragon scales and be unit interactive. like in orsons scott cards hidden empire
  17. i wonder if they made the part out of diecast would it still break.
  18. probably just a photo op like the blue angel that was photoed doing carrier shots.
  19. dale brown has some good ideas in his fiction books, while his fiction has had some intresting airframes and weapons in his books, some of the more feasible are the cruise missles that deploy micro missles similar to hellfire missles and then if need be the main weapon can either become a weapon by slamming into a target or be recovered by landing strip or mother aircraft which is it self a remote controlled b-1b
  20. i would only be satisfied if i had my own golf cart. hell, i love going through car junk yards.
  21. Steven Coonts had it happen to Jake Grafton in his book the intruders they are called by him maybe all aviators "In-Flight Engagements" in the book he blew all the hydrolics in the landing gears and some of the electronics in the cocpit. the next time the plane flew one of the boxes fell out of the instrument panel and pushed on the stick causing grafton to not be able to control the aircraft after the cat shot and eject
  22. i am a big guy my self that said it looks like he needs to stay off of both and take down that pic of carrie fisher down from his mommas basement wall, go out get a truck and live life.
  23. since someone on a macross forum needs to say it macross dryl.....
  24. looks like it has center line fuselage weapons bays.
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