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Everything posted by buddhafabio

  1. fugly hips or not i plan on getting one
  2. not even pre orders for the armor on ebay
  3. bsu legato gave me another idea Homeworld 2:macross, space war I
  4. Homeworld 2:do you remebemer Macross
  5. I did notice a paint scheme i liked. The old navy blue, sky blue, and white/dull ghost grey from ww2. they painted a corsair and carrier planes like this early in the war. After building a small 72nd scale corsair. I built and painted a 1/144 scale f14 in the same paint scheme. Just to see if it looked ok. Need less to say i liked it and plan to build a 1/48 scale f-14 scale i have in my closet with that scheme. and may be the vf-1s i have half built.
  6. you need to check out the otherones from that site http://www.ebaumsworld.com/cartoons.shtml
  7. i am wiating for my ebay auction to arrive and when it is finished i will let every one know
  8. this must be the head the chunky monkey was based off of
  9. hint hint is there any chance someone can make the snapshots of roys plane and the explosion in to desktops
  10. a discrtiption on a low viz auction ebayi do not care to own one right now but it is my understanding that the low viz valks are not sealed
  11. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...3187116108&rd=1 either this auction is for one big valk or the poor guy for got the 8 in his title
  12. buddhafabio


    one of those import bootlegs of game shark will work. that is how i get my vfx2 to work(my first psx game) hell i played it on thursday even
  13. i think the brown (not tru) vf-1a only needs a backpack modification
  14. while i wait for it to dl. i shall say it could not be any cheesyier that a star trek top gun video i saw
  15. hahaha he shilled his own auction and won it with the blue alpha name
  16. shill bidders are slime, to think i defended him once.... hah he taught me ,once a crook always a crook. sad part ebay does not care, it means more money for them. at least he did not get "bobe pat" one of his bidders.
  17. buddhafabio

    CF VF-1A

    man you never cease to amaze me how are you going to top this
  18. as mention earlier in the thread. the concord was prohibited from flying in us airspace at supersonic speeds, so windows wont get broken and stuff like that. but it could enter at subsonic speeds
  19. a pullman car that is movable by rail, huh. it looks like it isnt pullman on ebay kinda hard to move by rail if the railroad is not connected to it any more
  20. i just noticed that the x-43 was successfull and was going to post but thought not to because it was out of topic. most threads that concern aviation end up in the other/ scifi forum, I know this forum deals with macross. but alot of people who vist here are in avation related jobs or are intrested in the field. i was just gauging if others feel we need an avation section.
  21. even if i have to get froim japan i would rather have a walter p38. besides there is a 20th aniversary addition megatron, it comes with the prime
  22. chaulk that one as answered
  23. any way you can type up a step by step?
  24. just a case of bad photochopping. ever try to cancel an aol account. the first five minutes of talking with the lady. i laughed. the next 15 i was annoyingly tried to get her to agree with canceling my account, while she spent it tryin to convince me to keep it. I guess that is what i get for using aol as a stop gap when i changed my dsl com panies
  25. Hey, I may have called you wacked but, I give you deep respect for attempting such a project. And it was very kind of you to join our community. Any chance you could do a Mac 2 monster?
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