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Everything posted by buddhafabio

  1. here is an idea when i finish models i will start selling the empty boxes on ebay like this guy did empty box
  2. doing my usual rounds to ditermine when the yamato gbp armor will come out (Hoping to see presales on ebay soon) saw this ebay CHOGOKIN gbp i have never seen one before and there is no match in the toy section. and i do not see a big west logo on it edit: duhhh thought i was in the auction section
  3. buddhafabio

    Better hurry

    that is what i was thinking also
  4. maybe thats how much he paid for it and he feels he should recoup his money even though it is not worth that
  5. my godson came over last week from Kanas city. he eye balled my collection at the top of my display case and his eyes got huge. so i handed him a chunky monkey to play with. his dad, was intrested. so i passed him the other chunky monkey. guess who broke theirs the dad he had managed to chip the wing tip
  6. they are ok kits some to do in 4 hrs. but i do not like how the forward section fits with the rest of the valk
  7. Man, I ain't seen an auction where there were more canceled bids than bona fide ones. Check out the bid history of that wedding dress. "Entered wrong bid amount" my ass... alot of people lost their ebay acount over it also
  8. she has gotta be confused with Roy Focker
  9. buddhafabio

    MW Custom Fest!

    if i see a good deal on a 1/60 valk i will do a mid-ww2 navy fighter scheme like what is seen here http://www.angelfire.com/fm/compass/F6F.htm
  10. is there an cag or an equilivant to a cag in macross? why do unspacy noy record kills on nose of valks?
  11. i just hate chatting. you do not get all those teenage lol and rolmaof stuff that you have to look up on another website. with forums
  12. the original find lat. long. is farked so i used.cenus.gov 38.762237 N, 90.547059 W edit i live in St. Charles Missouri
  13. i forum...... i do not chat
  14. bought and built 5 of them
  15. may be if it were cheaper. by the way this probably belongs here Other Anime or Science Fiction
  16. that because it is listed on fark.com or at least totalfark.com
  17. the syncro gear was a BIG invention in world war 1. basically the gear timed the machine gun to shoot though the little window of the propeller travel. it was introduced by the British in 1916 http://www.greatwarflyingmuseum.com/aircra...h_strutter.html i remberer asking my dad as a kid how did they shoot through the propellor. and he told me this, i did not fully grasp it till Harry Turtledove started writing his alternate history books.
  18. makes me wish i kept mine and not have sold it for 30$ in 1991, but that was while i was in my "toys are not cool" phase.
  19. what is your prefered method of payment?
  20. they where a limited run. Most of them where probbaly exported. You do know what limited run means right? you have to realize the low viz is not scarse because it sold well. it is scarce ebcaue there where very few made. if it was made in the same number as other varients it would still be avalable at retail. as far as the ebay thing. $280.00 $255 227.50 225 DUH i know it was a limited run, let me explain it s l o w e r MY point is if the low viz iwas success full, if Yamato was ever going to make more, Wether they were Vf-1s, Vf-1js Vf-1d, or hell a even low viz ve-1 it would sell. that it would hurt the sales of other macross items. And that may be the reason we do not see any more lo viz products. it is called a Theory and is NOT debatable. and frankly you are wasting your time and MINE doing so. And if you think about it, Yamato does keep an eye here at macross world. they also probably keep an eye on the auction sites. and they notice the auctions going for double and triple the price. and they probably wish they had more.
  21. if they are 90 bucks oin japan how come you do not see more auctions ebay or yahoo japan. heck monkey nugget is very entreprenul he would jump at a chance to sell low viz s at a 300 % profit. fact is back in january they were scarce in japan. monkey tried to get a few for people here in the states and if i recall correctly his supplier fell through
  22. not every one is hard core macross fans and will buy EVERY thing yamato pumps out. if they release low viz vf-1Js and vf1-Ss. people may ignore gbp armor and vf-0s and buy the released low viz valks. another thing is that they may only have a few plants and setting up the molds takes time.
  23. perhaps they do not want to hurt the sales of other releases. that are coming out. i too would get an j or s model
  24. i would try a picture of a good yamato custom.... there are plenty here at macross world
  25. besides shawn and graham are busy guys and have lives out of macross world and any thing said on the forum should do for now
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