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Everything posted by buddhafabio

  1. i made a max 1s and a custom grey cannon fodder that is it for the 1/60 lines
  2. do yuo know the best things about this forum is it is free. also free of advertising (of sorts) at least no banner adds and popups. and shawn does not ask for donations. (i know many who would give regularly if they did)
  3. i thought the rumor was tha Hugh Jackman was to be bond
  4. !@#!$!ing nice I want one. it needs an arrow under the nose
  5. thats is also the reason they try to divert damaged naval aircraft to emergancy alternate airfields
  6. actually there were alot of SR-71 crashes during devlopment the bird you mention was flown out of Kadena, it engine ceased and the rso was killed but the link says otherwise humm
  7. One of the largest planes to land on a carrier was the C-130. It happened to the U.S.S. Forrestal. Read up, has video
  8. very correct the maintance personell (one of my dads friends) at Kadena said they would were rain coats
  9. A B-52 can land at almost 20 dergree face to a runway. and has landing gears that at one time were top secret because they can swivel below is a pic of the b52 prototype. and by the way in prototype the b-52 pilot and copilot were arranged like fighter pilots as the copilot sat behind the pilot.
  10. I now sacrifice a 1/60 vf-1 frankenstin for parts. it has roys colors, a max wing (013) and a max vf-1a head as of 5pm july 29 it has all the parts except the following are broke. the tab on B-1 (right behind the cockpit) is broke. and the plastic hinge on LA 3 broke when it fell when a gust of wind hit it when i had the gbp armor on. cosmetic wise the legs have chipped paint and the donor valk for the parts i got the prevoius owner missplaced a few stickers, mainly on the tails . what else do i have??? I only got 1 nose plug, and the hands that came in the hands. no anttanae norother hands a used sticker sheet (if you really need one i 1 xtra have also). all the missles and the gun has stickers applied. (if you want one with out i can supply) prices are 2.50$ plus 5$ shipping. edit oh yeah the box is in ok shape some shelf wear pm me for parts
  11. expecially carrier hangers wold be nice
  12. my dad, "a retired airforce jet engine mechanic" actually also faa airframe and powerplant certified. any way he said after i watched top gun and asked if a f-14 could crash like that. that some of those f-14s and other aircraft that entered flat spins. recovered on thier own. after the pilot ejected.
  13. only thing i saw take of like a bat out of hell like that was the SR-71 i saw take off from Kadena Air Base in Okinawa. I saw one of the last flights of the Habu. right after the crash and before the retirement. it was near sunset and the flame out the back was long and when it was air born it went straight up.
  14. how about when the Russians after they got thier hands on B-29s that did emergancy landings in russia after a mission over japan. Stalin wanted to copy it so bad and the Engineers were so afraid to be accused of a screw up and get killed for it that they, even copied the patches over battle damage from previous missions. even though they knew what they were.
  15. i found some thing wierd and neat did you know the F-8 Crusader could fly with its wings folded "The Crusader had a unique characteristic unforeseen by its builders. It could fly with its wings folded! Although never deliberately tried, there are many accounts of accidental take-offs with a "shorter" wingspan. Luckily, with the large center-wing area, and control surfaces located inboard of the fold, most of these amazing flights ended with reasonably safe landings and very nervous pilots. "
  16. i too would give them what they want as the most prevelant burgular is the drug junkie. and likly the pro wouldnt waste his time in my crib
  17. most times a simple adt sign would keep the petty thieves out. a professional burgular said the pros do not want a confrontation. so if some one stumbled on the "at work" they just bolt. he said the druggies are the ones to worry about because they can and have killed to get thier fix.
  18. hummm i am now thinking to get one. at first it was going to just be the corsair but i dont know....what would be neat would be a Blue angel version i would get one then for sure
  19. according to the star wars history from the books the sith and the jedi got in a large battle a thousand years prior to starwars episode 4. in vhich the jedi were victors and were thought to have wipe all sith out. ovbiuosly not. if i recall correctly the rogue squadron books cover this
  20. they both look nice but the first looks like a cross from Misa from dyrl and Loretta Swit Aka Major Margaret "Hot Lips" Houlihan from the tv show Mash
  21. the b-29 story was funny they had exactly copied it even the patches covering the battle damage from previous missions. because the Russian engioneers were so scared that the higher ups said they screwed up because the outside of the copies did not match the original
  22. where was that pic taken, boeing st. louis. i wonder if my dad saw it. he works final assembly
  23. i had thought of the avenger. but i dont have room. Knight26 if you can get to saint louis area i know where a b-25 and a avenger in flying condition are stored and you can visit it if you tour the ww2 avation memorbilia museum for 2$
  24. i been wanting a corsair for the longest time but was not willing to pay over 100$ for some thing that originally sold for half that a few months ago. and not bad cat toys has the corsair (which i preordered) the f-18 and f-16 in 1:18 scale. those are huge f-18,f-16 corsair
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