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Everything posted by buddhafabio

  1. I remember reading in a popular mechanics the cover story a few years ago that we were researching designs for stealth carriers. one design was this guy it was only a concept. in the article they said stealth carriers could end up like this. it said the next carrier we build was to be a modified nimitz class with a smaller island and that it may possibly be in the center of the deck. the pic i found does not incorporate the center island but it looks smaller. the article said it was nearly impossible to make a carrier invisible to radar but if they could make it look smaller, say the size if a fishing boat. it would force the enemy to look for the carrier amonst the hundreds of fishing vessals on the worlds oceans. aw cool i found the article pop mechanics i also know that the navy is experimenting with trimarain hulls and they have a carrier concept here more popular mech.
  2. a while back we had a paper model thread and i have now found a paper transformer site with autobots and deceticons here
  3. it moves on its own???? just kidding
  4. he dont even have large pictures of those grainy thumbnails????
  5. to all no airliner hit the pentagon beleivers, civilian average joes said they saw a large aircraft fly over the interstate and hit the building that day you know the type of people who only know if a plane is large or not and not the type. and those planes are designed to fly long and efficent at mid to high subsonic speeds and dot you think a terrorist would fly the plane at the fastest speed possable for his death run? that being the case there is no telling what a fragile plane would exactly do to a well built building like the pentagon i am more concerned that the black box recording were not released.
  6. yes a direct link to such news
  7. it dont even have macross or robotech
  8. i found a wierd star trek flash game on www.totalfark.com the pay site of fark thought other trekkies would like it http://www.fossan.us/flashtrek/flashtrekgame.html
  9. any politician would be considered a sith
  10. a sun downers set woul be neat, i might buy a 48 (would prefer 60) to do one if it were possible
  11. my point was too many people seem to forget that this forum is owned by some one and appreciate it is around and not to get all huffy when the mods lay a smack down for one reason or another
  12. i would say start with 1/60 but prices are going up on some of the older 1/48 yamatos so if you dont get one now you wont want to
  13. hurricanes are some serious stuff. i was in some bad ones (well typhoons) overseas but the military but their housing strong and so did the okinawans so it was a non issue. and the one i got when i lived in panama city flordia were weak ones.
  14. i have seen most of those and they are all funny but my faviorite would have to be homestarrunner. it is the only place where you can go and see the hero(who isnt) get hosed
  15. bah it dont matter cause the fine gentlemen here in macross world HAVE done every valk ever shown on the movie and the series with their yamatos.
  16. hey, may be it will get alex medina for us
  17. i got mine from him after easter for 145$
  18. last week they were 190$?
  19. if you animated it it would be of great justice to the scene
  20. i have done 1/60 with stock yamato stickers, takatoy stickers and decals. i have to say i like the custom takatoy stickers the best. on my 48s i only applied the custom stickers. after i saw what the stock stickers looked like
  21. i got my corsair today, when i have time i will post pics if people want them
  22. George Lucas raped my adulthood! The first three SW movies we're cool, but these last two have been pretty bad. I'm an adult now and Lucas has molested my inner child. except for the whole jarjar incident I would say Phantom Menace was alright. I did not like attack of the clones very much but was saved by all the action.
  23. the real estate market is super overvalued and will correct its values soon (2-5years) and alot of people will lose money
  24. they have done 3 Hikaru valks already if you are counting. 4 if you count reissues
  25. other then checking the drivers. all i can suggest is post your problem here
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