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Everything posted by buddhafabio

  1. bump resurrect the dead thread hey fyi season premere is tommorrow
  2. 100? that is how much sithlord would buy also
  3. if the roy vf-1s is to be rereleased i agree with haterist. and suggest a part swap with the vf-1a to make it whole.
  4. that is what i was thinking, obviously the yamato execs see a profit potential there. and the 148$ price perhaps a fastpack set????
  5. i would have to think about it. i was a little dissapointed At first with this thread, i had expected to see another custom 1/48 cannon fodder
  6. i say privatization is the way to go, for 2 reasons, one they will do it any way and you cannot stop the small companys trying to make a name for them selves. Two they are using other peoples money where as nasa is using my money.
  7. with his budget cuba, mexico, iraq and other third world nations could build it
  8. you can always make your own
  9. or reissue a whole bunch
  10. that is the only thing going for the masterpieces but yammies look real nice in and out of the box.
  11. almost every custom displayed has takatoy stickers
  12. They should look at it like this. some smoe surfing the net comes across the psa parodies, remembers his love for the toys he had from the 80s. and wants to collect them. and joins a community of joe collectors increasing the demand most of those toys got broke beyond collecting status. so finding them is hard. Hasbro decides to break out the old molds and cranks out the toys agian. the smoe buys the reissues and while he is checking out another man behind him see the sky striker in his hands and decides to get his son billy bob one too because he also had a sky striker. and the sales explodes.
  13. nice catch, she dont look like miss piggy Though. so i guess you need to change your avitar now
  14. the monster is more pratical and possible than a valk. and even then it would be better to just put those four cannons on a tank body.
  15. they list the b25 mitchell as a static display bird. i wonder if it is the one from the small airport near me?
  16. Your super power is You posess the uncanny ability to see (with perfect clarity) 5 minutes into the past The color of your costume is Olive Green Your Battle Cry is "THE BLACK KNIGHT ALWAYS WINS!" Your side-kick is A 93 year old man named Melvin
  17. i predict the jsf to be the next thunderbird. maybe blue angel also
  18. the next carrier built in the beginning of the ncvx class will have electromegnetic catapults
  19. they would have put pinup girls on all their planes once the un spacy found out the reaction of the enemy
  20. one good thing about it is you can go to rtech forums and call it the latest greates stealth veritech and get the saps to buy it for 500$ dollars
  21. because they are cheap. they only offer thos gimpy startrek looking walkmans. made in china for 30cents or a cheap 2$ watch or at baseball statuims those team hats
  22. i babel fished it and this is what i got. Admission expense year fee permanence no charge! * Presenting the MACROSS original sticker as an admission benefit! * (Inc.) and presenting 1 マク loss VF-1J stealth version of mark make 48 parts to 3 people with pulling out selection furthermore the Macross official card the utilization 10 ten thousand Yen to 2005 December as a sip from 2004 July! It is worldwide limited 3 super premiere マクロス! it looks like a contest
  23. nope looks like jezter101 is from singapore
  24. the guy not listed that did the 1/48 vf-1
  25. granted we have BIG oceans in which our carriers can hide. as a matter of fact the admirals of the navy constantly hid the battle groups under storm fronts from russian satellites. for practice. but they are not invulnerable to attack. a few examples i have read are a few books (fiction of course) that list the super carrier obsolete. one author Michael DiMercurio has a couple of carrier battle groups get nuked and hit by theoretical plasma warheads by enemy drone subs (far fetched i know) in his series of books. nukes have always been a threat to a carrier battle group. And this book kilo class has a super quiet kilo sub sit and wait and get the carrier with a nuke torpedo and two books i read in high school 10 years ago was scifi. and set in this time period to the next few years has a carrier battle group "accidently" sunk by an orbital laser from an asian nation and the navy pretty much mothballs the carriers and resort to a coverted icbm subs, to house mini attack subs to fight arab commanded subs with their own mini sub fighters that were produced by the same asian nation for oil.
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