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Everything posted by buddhafabio

  1. in the book she got pissed at sam and dumped him then he met carly and was with carly from the beginning of the book. this is micheal bay he dont go too far in to the social side of characters
  2. after feeling i was ripped off with the second film i decided to read the 3rd one before i watch it....... i am going to see the film mikala is NOT in the book. (this is important as it shows the book will be very similar to the movie)
  3. when i was in welding school one of the guys i was in class with said "if you cheat, make sure she is prettier then your girl, so that your girl does not want to leave you." seeing arnold fling reminded me of that quote lol
  4. i thonk i will get a skystryker..... i need something to dogfight with my MiG- 15
  5. http://celebslam.celebuzz.com/2011/03/adrianne-palicki-wonder-woman.php?bfm_index=26&bfm_page=0 more pics. meh i guess it depends on the time slot they put it in will dictate if i watch it. i gave the cape one chance, i will give this the same.
  6. with a helmet like that i expect the pilot to start screaming COBRA!!!
  7. have they found the missing trains yet? i am so sorry that this has happened to Japan i lived on Okinawa in the early 90s and i know the Japanese to be a friendly nation. I also know them to be tough and if history proves to be an indicator they will bounce back.
  8. oh my, your kidding right? i hope for better for the other three
  9. interesting pics have shown up with the 747 ferry aircraft for the shuttle http://markosun.wordpress.com/2010/12/17/phantom-ray-drone-makes-its-first-flight-a-piggyback-ride-on-a-shuttle-carrier-747/
  10. thats cool, i thought one of the next 2 carriers were to have had it incorporated in the design though. this means its still being tested
  11. i loved the original commando from the first one.
  12. the black boxes they put in a car that nark on you when you get into a wreck.
  13. cell phones period..... i hate people on em when they drive, in a eating establishment ordering, people at work texting when they should be working. kids that look more intent then what their family is doing.
  14. then they either need a bigger carrier transport aircraft, or make this a reality http://www.theaviationzone.com/factsheets/c130_forrestal.asp
  15. i got as far as you did. so at least i wasnt the only one.
  16. isnt the shuttle seen on radar entering the atmosphere? pieces of the columbia were seen on radar and they were bathed in plasma
  17. since Dynaman listed a few of my most favorite series Off Armageddon reef- is a good one about humans having to dumb down technology to hide itself from extermination from aliens. Empire of Man-is a tale of how a space faring prince is marooned on a primitive planet and has to escape to save his empire 1632 series- a modern coal mining town in west virginia experiences a phenomenon where the whole town is transported to 1632 germany and has to defend it self. the phul series is a good read about a rich brat given a space platoon to appease his powerfull family and get him to quit forever war- is good and has time dilation hell the id4 books were good reads some of the starwars books are ok.
  18. my pop was a b-52 and kc135 mechanic in the 80s he hates the f-16. yet i remember seeing the first iron eagle 2-3 times in the theater with him when i was 8. he picked at the movie here and there. but i am pretty sure he liked it because he bought the vhs. me being 8 i loved it. i like it now for its entertaing value and have it on dvd
  19. http://www.sharkit.com/sharkit/X-31/X-31.htm
  20. i dont think they will have the neato v stabs. because if i i recall, the v vertical stabs wont be on the se line for a bit.
  21. accidents on hollywood sets are not new remember Brandon Lee? movie sets are like any other work place accidents will and do happen.
  22. they should have it set in the future from now and involving space fighters lol.
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