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Everything posted by buddhafabio

  1. one thing you wont see is actual broken cars. dodge chargers are hard to come by and if you watch a few shows you saw a few get totaled. so with computers you probably wont see frames bend anymore.
  2. 90% christian rock newsboys audio adrenaline skillet dc talk jars of clay and many others
  3. HIT F 5 takes care of 403
  4. though i havent served. i come from a military family, my granddad was in navy starting in 1946, step gpa served for 16 years with the Armys 102 Airborne during ww2. other gpa was in the fledgling Airforce during its first few years. My dad retired from airforce in 1995 after holding the line maintaining B-52s and i have one sister in Marine Corps Intellegence. And another sister to enter basic training in august for the Airforce
  5. you can get a decent disk swap system for around 30-60$
  6. isnt the Kennedy a training carrier
  7. I have seen it enough i Dont ever need to see it agian. this one along with a few others.
  8. easy answer it is called "Were back! a dinosaur story". I am the oldest brother of 6 kids and that was one of the movies i was subjected to when i was to watch them. basically i would put it on and the little ones behaved. so it was a mixed blessing.
  9. it is the seen that drew people to this movie
  10. enemy mine was a better book
  11. final countdown anyone?
  12. i am good for 3
  13. wasnt there a cartoon involving evil tomatoes once.
  14. If they wanted to waste the money to make one movie. i would feel it would have a better chance if they had did two and have it centered on the romulian war. Have the first one the begining of the war an then twards the end the federation is set up foundation wise. the next the romulians are defeated and the federation is founded
  15. is there any good palce to get the grimlock altinator in the states?
  16. cloaking device theorized (not the gimpy plasma cloak that the Japanese developed)http://www.livescience.com/technology/0502...ble_shield.html
  17. i dont know pretty easy to photochop that even in ms paint
  18. i recieve hardly any and try to keep it tidey
  19. true but the last 2 presidential administrations Gave them the rtechnology to catch up. and the chinese now have the manufacturing compacity to increase production.
  20. some people need to qiut cheating with photoshop
  21. chances are the things will end up on ebay and when you do you have your guy.
  22. i had one in 89 sold it though
  23. most of those guys are bone heads just save money and sell painted up 1/60s with fastpacks.
  24. i was 60% sure of cgi because i could see the reflecion of the model on the base yet i couldn't tell if any objects from the room could be seen.
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