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Everything posted by buddhafabio

  1. you said it was a resin kit so one would assume it would be limited enough that a box could not be made or it is a recast model.
  2. Hello all. was finally getting around to stickering my 1/60 vf-1s gbp armored valk and couldnt find it. i was wondering what are all of the avalible after market sticker sheets out there and was there one ever doe for the yammie gbp armor. or were people waiting for the 1/48 set to be released.
  3. i have noticed in other forums that after you cut loose a long thread (after 1000 posts or so) that if you close it and re-open one with similar name the forum loads faster. i have noticed that some of our threads are getting long. some forums do this with a bot . but i am clueless as how it works. just thought people who care might appreciate how to tweak this place to make it better.
  4. david or any one else that may be able to answer, it was 1994 and i was 15 years old what is the slowest an f-15 can fly.? i ask because i was riding down hwy 98 east past Tynall AFB FL and pointed west rather low (200-300feet perhaps) to the ground and a it was flying along to the hwy probably 50 yards away. well any way it seemed to be hovering. but i figured it did have some forward motion. i watched it for a good 15-20 seconds is what i saw possible ? save an av-8b and recently a superhornet i have never seen a plane fly that slow. oh i forgot may be the occasional cessena
  5. one of those pictures you are comparing a takatoku ben in fighter mode to a 1/60 that is not a toynami the chunky monkeys where not as acurate looking as a mpc it is far more durable. and aside from the fact that yammies are better. what people are in a sence duing is going to boston and saying to the locals that the redsox suck. and comparing them to the montreal expos.
  6. CHILDBEATER! lol... trying to make that EXOidiot and Agentdumb thing catch? haha... not as catchy as MCOCK and MGTROLL. Besides, passing the balme towards politicians for your inability to straighten out your kids at the expense of people's freedom to choose is one way to show how much of a pussy your are. Damn... CHILDBEATER... 335173[/snapback] what about a good swat on the butt. the kind that is not done in anger but is done out of punishment. but you are correct a swat on a BABYS hand is abuse most experts say corporal punishment shouldnt begin til 2-3 years old. some practitioners od corporal punishment take it too far. but back on subject. but any way the whole mantality of preventing kids from playing with violent videogames is a hard one to combat. first you gots to educate the idiot parents to what the game consists of. not the GOOD parents , the idiot ones that dont care. then the parent has to besure lil johnny dont run to his friends house to play it because his parents let him get the game. it takes Good parenting to keep kids from games that they shouldnt be playing. legslation in the gaming industry will just mean it would be like the gun industry. all the criminals have all the cool guns and the average home owner has a peeshooter. oh and taking away fake toy gunns from kids wont help they have imaginations and a stick would be an decent substitute to a toy gun taken away.
  7. then you may want to look into broadband
  8. true but tell that to the toy execs selling them to starwars junkies
  9. McDonald Douglas? Um it was merged with Boeing. And if Skunkworks produce a VF, it'll be a damn ice multirole fight craft. 324216[/snapback] they did team up i think the plane is calle the f/a-22 Raptor
  10. I have had the same problem. they are hard to work with because i work at night. half the time i have to go and get the package at the home office. and one time the item was thourughy crushed.
  11. That Jetfire sold waaaay to high! I would rather spend a few hundred less and get this one........ JETFIRE 322258[/snapback] That jet fire pic made the front page of ebay
  12. he goes for the door knobs. oh wait that was for evles
  13. werent those lil gijoes like 2-3 $
  14. i can see it now, a kid will come up to their parent and say" i dont like the lion king, its too flat" look at my avatar now that is a toon
  15. wasnt final count down mainly just tomcats, crusaders, and intruders?
  16. My Webpage just pics ablibbed.
  17. From what i read from today it has always came off. But not as bad as it has been since 1997 when nasa dropped using Freon as an applicator to the tank for enviromental concerns. and that the section that lost the foam this latest time is the a section that was not altered when they "redesigned" the tank. if they were so concerned about the ozone because of freon why are they not concerned with the shuttle punching holes in it every time it goes up? this is even debated if it has an effect in the ozone. i would love to see more data on this.
  18. i moved at the begining of may and found i too had alot of stuff. but unpacking it took till the end of june.
  19. he had a five year old kid pretty amazing for an 85 year old. his last wishes were to have his ashes be blasted into space.
  20. he pulled off scotty so well i wish he did other gigs other then star trek. i was saddened when i heard of his alziemers. but like the last shof of Next generation said "all good things ........." on this world at least.
  21. is their popularity dying off that bad????
  22. for all scifi fans James Doohan dies @ age 85 a ww2 normandy veteran http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20050720/ap_en_...DRrBHNlYwM3NjI-
  23. Uhm, it has to do with the fact that 90% of the people are Sci-Fi fans in general, and most of the ones who model have been dying for this kit???? 310765[/snapback] Dont get me wrong it is a nice model. but the section this thread is in now is correct spot for this thread and the model section is for macross models only.
  24. and what does this have to do with macross??? i know it is modeling forums but for macross items.
  25. buddhafabio

    Gummy Bear Pilot?

    How old is it? is it rock hard yet
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