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Everything posted by buddhafabio

  1. I liked Both voltrons, but i perfered the lions better.
  2. The only thing i can think of off the bat is the hornet can lose 1 engine and still fly.
  3. i was also thinking silver flecks here and there to indicate space debris hitting them. or trying to match the smudges of the valk.
  4. it looks great but it needs more weathering the fp look too new still like they only been on valk for a flight or 2
  5. I just found a torrent for medieval weapons paper models. i can email torrent file to you it is a 33 mb file other wise
  6. Cool i will give this a whirl as soon as i get off work. in the morning.
  7. Crazy russian pilots, trying to save the us government the mony it would cost to shoot down a mig..........By attempting to fly through Chinese cave. http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20060228/ennew...DRpBHNlYwM3NTc-
  8. nice but this has to do with macross with????
  9. usa to day from last friday sad f-14 last combat mission was on the 8th of feb.
  10. if i was a japanese avation enthusest i would be all over the camo but i am not. the kind of camo i love is the sea scheme and the similer one on the B-52Ds. and it looks like japans first stealth may just be the f-22a so if i were going to do a stealth version it would look like that plane.
  11. He didnt repaint his monster either and the zentradi did not know how to repair their stuff how would they know how to paint?
  12. Eh? That conflicts with my info which is from a pretty reliable source, which says they are the Low Vis 2 & Stealth color schemes. Graham 372064[/snapback] one would assume by these comments, that you seen pictures, Graham. is it possible for you to show us the picture you have seen? Oh well guess we are stuck still speculating till a magazine comes out.
  13. Tell you what when i heard of the "new " low viz and stealth varients, i envisioned exactly that a variation of a grey Valk and a flat black valk. and since the pictures came out i have heard yes the pictured valks are the new ones and no they are not. so now at this point i and most every one else keeping an eye on this thread need either pictures or a person from yamato spilling their guts.and if you combined all of the money spent on their merchandise by every member of this board. it would amount to a hefty sum and should entitle us to better news.
  14. Thanks. but pictures of these two will make me and everyone else at ease
  15. only thing that was inspired from the vietnam era is the drugs the designers were on now this is more of a low viz camo jet
  16. WHOA! So these are the new Low Viz and Stealth variants. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Not really my cup of tea. 371769[/snapback] No kidding some one must have dipping in the sauce when they thought of these. they look like bootleg yammies
  17. If someone talks to the US Toys R Us Execs on how profitable it is to sell yamatos products here and ignore the ban HG has placed to prevent the sale of any Macross related items in the US. Umm... I nominate Graham!!!! 369838[/snapback] we would help toys are us out by not only buying said items but telling folks at rt.com forums about high quality rtech toys being sold at toys r us
  18. a little wierd that they didnt hold on a few for reserves. when the governmentr stripped the F-4 off of the carriers. the navy and the Marines still had reserves of them into the early 90s
  19. any one think the government will demil a few tomcats to sell to civilians for airshows? and how long before last tomcat is retired? no naval reserve?
  20. I did not preorder but building up funds to get this and other items. i can still get one before june right?
  21. i got the demo i am still looking forward to the game, though i found the planet to planet controls a bit confusing.
  22. hey did search on agent one and this came up http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0430878/ http://www.agentonehalf.com/ a new movie for next year
  23. i emailed my dad about the AN/APG-77 radar basically just sent same website i found in google and he said f-18e/f has same system and so does the french mirage.
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