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Everything posted by buddhafabio

  1. well considering that the civil air industry is chuck full of unused air worthy 747s this is a smart move by boeing.
  2. probably because tooo many english people had asked for that book (i know i did)
  3. ps2 wise if you get both battlecry and macross you will find thae battlecry seems more for kiddies and macross is more for adults.
  4. i think i saw it on one of those discovery like channels last year.
  5. is this one commissioned for you? knowing kurt doesnt reveal his clients
  6. i might have a vf-1s some where but i am getting ready for a trip and wont be back for a week.
  7. i saw it today, it wasnt a great movie but i dont feel like i wasted my time or money
  8. Dale Brown? My dad is huge fan of his books. Just recently he read the one about that fake B-52 megafortress. I personally found that book interesting. 402085[/snapback] He is my faviorite author. i even built a 1/144 scale megafortress out of a revel b-52h model and a bunch of f-14s and f-15s and a arii vf-1s model. (used the nose to make b-52s pointy
  9. when you want to deal with drug dealers hammer heads by dale brown has some very intresting ideas. his books are a little out there but they are meant to be entertaining
  10. these aircraft are from an anime so they are all myth
  11. i thought it was the same model gun as in the series my bad it is gpu-9 in macross zero not the gpu-11
  12. he should be carring a gun from a 1/60 vf-1 any way. the gun given to us is bigger then the gun given to the 1/48
  13. The space shuttle discovery was wheeled ot to the launch pad yesterday. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/5000116.stm
  14. i am feeling kinda morbid. is there any good web sites with collections of pictures of military aircraft in accidents.
  15. recieved mine. one froppy leg and 1 broke antenna on a tail but the piece was there so i fixed it.
  16. the market is already near flooded with diecast/plastic aircraft. they wouldnt really make any money, it is better for them to stick to movies ans cartoon replication.
  17. THANKS i remember that tower vividly when my dad took me to the flightline for errands/airshows between ages 5-10 he was in a field maintence squadron when he was station there.i am courious, how much of the base is still in use. is base housing still there? (i used to live on thunderchief lane about 1/4 mile away from the bx.) which is probably a 1 1/2 mile to 2 from the flight line.
  18. I love the A-10 as much as the next guy. but the airframes the airforce has are getting worn down. to the point they are going through the bone yard to get wing spars. and while we still need the flying tank it will at some point be to worn out to fly. i dont think the f-35 is a decent replacment for the A-10 and to find one you need a durable airframe with a big cannon. how many F-35s will you hear of comming hoime with massive amounst of damage? I know of 2 hogs comming home shotup bad 1 in each gulf war and i am not even in the service there maybe more. i know atleast one was totally killed also. so the hogs are not impervious.
  19. a new addition to the valk horders society??
  20. airforce looking to use coal derived fuel for planes http://www.wilmingtonstar.com/apps/pbcs.dl...7/1002/business
  21. i heard passive radar(which can be done with fm radio) and a LOT of computing power can detect stealth also
  22. Are these taken at was once called Carswell AFB. my dad was stationed there once.
  23. Any one recieve theirs from Neova yet? i am not nervous just impatient. how many americans have recieved one yet?
  24. Damn, that is one big bird... 398569[/snapback] I know kinda makes all of those people ruinning around saying this 1/60 is not worth 160$ look foolish
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