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Everything posted by buddhafabio

  1. i am no expert either. but i seem to recall that he indeed was a diaclone.
  2. Yamato 1/48. there is no contests here you have a Cadillac, the rest are just yugos,pintos,and vegas. not really good enough to be called cars, are they. edit cause escorts and chevetts were ok cars
  3. what about designing modern flying boats with landing gears for fire fighting? it swoops in like prevouis flying boats gulps water like some and dumps it out. and if water source is not near by it can land and get filled up. on side a neato f-15 pic showed up on fark.com via airliners . net http://www.airliners.net/open.file?id=0804...ev_id=&next_id=
  4. i think the best not from scratch firefighting plane they use is the c-130 for it can go slow and haul lots of water. they are pretty stoked to be using converted 747s but i just dont see those going in a dive like they do. what did we use for defoliators in vietnam? that may be a good plane.
  5. how does this fight forrest fires? http://www.flightglobal.com/Articles/2006/...okes+blaze.html
  6. i have been googling for a few hours. so let me get this straight the asw role is suspended in 1999 and the s-3b viking is to be retired in 2009 with with the superbug to take over its roles as a tanker? we have learned in the pasts not to axe certian missions and capabilites for aircraft (guns for instance) and sub are sneaky we need all the weapons we can get for the threat of them. i under stand that the best subkiller is another sub. but the must invulnerable while attacking a sub is aircraft
  7. here is a neato pic of wake turbulance http://www.airliners.net/open.file/1091105/L/#
  8. what does an alpha have to do with macross?
  9. vf-1b?? got a pic?
  10. looking for videos for another forum i found this add http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5140493079085653369
  11. well i am not a pilot but i do keep up with what is published in the press. and the general consensas is that before last year the airlines outside of the us were drooling over them selves to get the a380 and Beoing was in decline. because of cost and design issues airbuss had to insert the same old fuesulage that they have been manufacturining to try to keep some manufacturing schedule and that the future orders have fallen off as.\\and so boeing is ahead in the airlines ordering department
  12. i wonder if any one has seen a model that matches that plane weathering wise
  13. i am actually surprised that they havent let a few char. slip by now most action movies of this type let stuff like this out a year down the road.
  14. rumor has it that this is iron hide (though i wont beleave it till i see movie) http://jalopnik.com/cars/movies/exclusive-...blvd-190681.php in truck form. i think it is just a fan boy
  15. i know, i know they are going to Eglin or Tyndall. they definatly wouldnt go to that Edwards place. 419710[/snapback] I guess I should tell the colonel and the general that they are full of it then huh? 419867[/snapback] i was just ribbing you man but sure go ahead,
  16. to accuratly do Kakazaki they need to make it look like a fire ball.
  17. i know, i know they are going to Eglin or Tyndall. they definatly wouldnt go to that Edwards place.
  18. i had a thought, has anybody seen a size chart of how each robot should look in their robot form size wise. i would love to see megatron next to any seeker. and most autobots compared to most decipticons. and after some thinking the biggest gestult should be superion.
  19. actually the corporate execs at yamato are probably sitting at a table asking the same question.
  20. my only comment on starscream thus far, i like it and i am getting one. for plane mode alone it looks cool the f-15 needs all the love it can get.
  21. well except for the space shuttle the space ships we used were named after roman gods. as a matter of fact the ones we plann to sent to mars are named after mars i just forget the names and google is no help right now. i would love to see ranger,hornet and yorktown rear their heads as carrier names. exp hornet. it fits one plane stings a country but a swarm from a carrier can cripple or kill a country.
  22. you are starting to get political. dont go there.
  23. i have a question. on aircraft if it gets shot up a little and gets patched up but they dont have time to repaint it before it sees combat what color would the patches be i was thinking either zinc green or straight aluminum
  24. this is where you post about macross toys maybe you would get more views if you posted here http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showforum=10 http://www.seibertron.com/forums/viewforum.php?f=4
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