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Everything posted by dna

  1. ooooh - if there is such an item, it would be cool!
  2. I think you are wrong.
  3. WTH?
  4. Sorry - I think I just don't like the MMORPGS things. It's all point and click. There doesn't seem to be any skill involved. I put it down after 30 minutes bored out of my mind, so I'm not the best person to judge it for people who like this sort of thing.
  5. And then gets blown to bits at the end like all Destroid pilots
  6. Well, this is the most boring thing in the world.
  7. Good point, but if I recall the plot correctly, those destroids weren't piloted by UN Spacey - they were all bad guys (I'm assuming since I killed them. I hope so anyway... )
  8. True. I think a Destroid saga would make a good side story - the 5 episodes of M0 would be about the right length i think.
  9. double post
  10. I installed the beta this morning. I'll have to fire it up after work and see what it's all about.
  11. What else wouold they have? I mean an Excalibur boosts how many weapons and given it's bulk it had plenty of room for armor. Or.... New materials and armor patterns developed pre-SSW 1 and were used. Thin, but just as effective ne? Funny, I was thinking of the Tomahawk and saying, "Look at all those weapons - where's it got room for armour?" Anyway, where does it say they are so heavily armoured? Maybe they skimped? There's got to be a reason why they get blown away so easily (besides plot.)
  12. Where is it said Destroids are so heavily armoured? Maybe they have paper thin armour?
  13. The DC's have both versions of each episode on them. Very useful to compare against that way. Hey, that sounds pretty cool then. Thanks.
  14. I say if they were still around we would have seen them in M7 (besides the Patroids and the old timers.) Of course, the guy above is correct; we will never know one way or the other untill official word comes down. But I think the odds are with me.
  15. Do the Directors Cut still has the original episodes on it? I was under the impression that they had erdone the last few episodes for that somehow (beyond cleaning up.) Maybe I'm just drunk...
  16. Southcross - I could take screenies from my PC DVD, but it would have to wait till I finish my current project (a couple weeks.) After I'm done, I'll take a look at what still needs to be captured and see what I can do for you.
  17. I had always thought that green flash we see on the monitor as his eyeballs fry WAS the green laser beam. It's not just static as you can see his hand in front of the green. The super heated air would be enough to make the inside of his helmit go pop, I would think. The only thing that doesn't agree with this is the outside shot that shows his canopy in good condition. However, perhaps the animators simply didn't draw the hole the laser melted through the canopy. If she raked his fighter from front to back from above, it would account for everything else. ALSO: does anyone have proof that it was Milia that iced Kakizaki? If I was Max, I would have a hard time porking the gal who just iced one of my subordinates (and good friends.)
  18. Well, us Western people are right, fo course
  19. They made Ironhide look like he does as a toy in the comics.. In this issue only - the very next time you see him, he was cartoonified.
  20. I read this as Gary Coleman, and wondered what drugs you were on. About the 3rd reading I got it.
  21. I would speculate this is the reason they are mounted where they are - backpack position for Battroid.
  22. Reminds me of Macross II. Regardless, it should make for some interesting video. Looks pretty cool, too.
  23. I don't know why people like that Ultra Jetstorm. Nasty piece of plastic.
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