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Everything posted by dna

  1. I'm gonna see if I can hit you later tonight.
  2. And do you see the glow coming off of Minmays hand? He even added in the spiritia effects! Seriously, looks nice.
  3. I wish I got a ribbon to wear on my birthday...
  4. It's kinda neat in a way. But I don't think I would spend that much time on it...
  5. I like Subway better.
  6. where do you see the commercial? i saw like 3 screenshots form it but nothing to actually see the commercial At the very bottom of the article is a link to download the commercial.
  7. There were also a few other variations for this, though I don't know if they were from the same company or knockoffs. There used to be a watch that transformed into a scorpian like creature.
  8. Um... that would be anything. I'm not certain what country Seventh-Moon is from , but if it's America, the DYRL OST has never been releasd here and is fair game, just as is Macross Zero, 7, etc. The unwritten policy is to buy legitimetly the items released in your country. If they haven't been imported legally, bootleg it, download it, whatever.
  9. That's not what Crom said to me the other day.
  10. Strange to see how quickly a topic goes off.
  11. Southcross has an FTP server with the entire Mospeada soundtrack. Search for it (I think hte thread was in the Movie and TV section) or PM him and he can let you know the details. No idea on the other.
  12. This is the most assinine if not arrogant statement i've ever read in here. Macross Purist till the end my friend You haven't been around for very long then. There are many more arrogant statements floating around, many of them voiced by myself.
  13. You would if you were a door knob. Determined to keep it alive!
  14. Weren't these designs also in Design Works? I'd have to go home to look, but they seem awfully familiar...
  15. What do you think Guvava is?
  16. Nice!
  17. I could do it...
  18. Every time I try to get on eof these books on Ebay, the price goes up to absurd heights. >:\
  19. To be expected - it wasn't really a Zentraedi ship.
  20. Do we know if the glass was there originally or was it added during the Earth refit?
  21. Would they be merging with teh protoculture bio-systems inside the mecha?
  22. What is wrong? 1 Kids are a primary market in Japan 2 Japanese kids like mostly big robots. Commercially, how profitable in toys were Votoms, Patlabor or Escaflowne? Maybe I just got the wrong impression, but the original Gundam wasn't allowed to be less tall than 18m. 3 While Americans grew fond of mechs (which were derivative of Macross' destroids), Japanese like sleeker mechas highly anthropomorphic. Most Japanese mechas are Super Robots, and usually Super Robots have faces and cheesy features. 4 Were Yukikaze and the like really mainstream? That's not to be said the story can't be good and someone can't think it has the best mecha ever, but business-wise I don't think it would that profitable. And if you start with too many violence it may end up getting nicher (less problem if you get violent in the later half, people already addicted will still follow the series). FV I still think you are wrong. All of these points (except, perhaps, for #1) are opinion taht I don't see support for. I'm not saying that a Destroid Macross would be the most popular ever, but I don't think it would automatically fail because the mecha fail to transform. Valks are the signiture to Macross, not the point.
  23. I would put Macross 7 before Macross II simply for the fact that 7 is part of the "official" timeline while II is not.
  24. Robot mode isn't too bad, but... is that supposed to be some kind of satelite???
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