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Everything posted by dna

  1. That is really nice looking. I can't wait to see the finished piece.
  2. Ah, so it's that crook near the end of the wing as opposed to a straight edge.. Thanks.
  3. Are there any diagrams comparing the two? Just want to see the difference in shapes in a line art form if I can.
  4. I guess refers to a delta shaped wing - does it refer to all delta wings or a specific kind?
  5. It'd be a good time though...
  6. I only have one codec set on my machine that I downloaded from divx.com. Why go through all the searching to find these things? As long as you run a spyware prog after you install it...
  7. I need to find me a copy of that game...
  8. That's not his VF-0D, just another one that was downed. Shin was just calling out to see if the pilot of the zero was still alive and say that he was an ally. Ah. I was wondering about that myself.
  9. Did you actually read the quote you referenced? Where did he say that Nanashi should get rid of all his copy protection? But way to go with the rabid attack.
  10. Way to go with the zing! Except that it would make it EASIER to integrate with the protoculture concept
  11. Dude, don't even joke about that - no one else could do Minmay justice like Reba does. Reba IS Minmay!
  12. I think Reba would be the deal breaker for me - if she's in, then I'm in.
  13. I think it's actually on a stand of some kind - just hard to see it in the lighting.
  14. It looks dead on though, even down to the stampings on the underside.
  15. I'm downloading it just for the hell of it. Thanks iMacross IV! Even though I may regret it later!
  16. Except that G4 programming sucks ass. Tech TV might have been past it's hey-day, but it was loads better than G4. Did I mention it sucks?
  17. I'd woulda bought one boot or not - looks too nice to worry about it being bootlegged.
  18. https://www.secureserver.net/whois.asp?prog...MACROSSPLUS.com
  19. Still... waiting for... fan subs.... :dead smiley:
  20. I like RT, but I wouldn't say it is a poor mans Macross. It's way too different. I can't comment on the scene question.
  21. But does it transform?
  22. If Kawamori wanted me to buy his product, why doesn't he make it easier? Even if he can't release state-side, he could still make a region free disk we could import. Even better, that would have real translations. By not doing this, Kawamori and Bandai Visual are telling me they do not want my business. This is why I don't bother to buy R2 copies and instead patronize bootleggers. I have no problem with giving HG my money if they make a product I want.
  23. fansubs not...out...yet....ack
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