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Everything posted by dna

  1. I'm all over a MW DVD like white on rice.
  2. M7 first, then Galaxy (which I thought was kinda weak, but nicer production values) and then D7. I think I like D7 the most, but if you don't watch M7 before that, you'll be just WTF? Chronological is the way to go.
  3. Ah, I see. I've never hit anyone wearing a giant head before...
  4. You need to rewatch some Macross then. They have plenty of it. And the looping animation you mention in M7 is actually not too bad looking. If you wanna complain about loop animation in M7, then complain about the poor VF-11s that keep getting blasted every episode. Not only was it badly shot, it was bad quality. And when you mention Magcal Girl anime in conjunction with M7, you're supposeded to mention Basara and the monster of the week, not launch scenes. Get your complaints right!
  5. Lol, I have seen very few shows that have somebody who actually looks like they can play whatever instrument they have.
  6. IT might if I could read it... What's up with the big head? I'll read it to you!!! It says: HERE HE COMES HERE COMES-SPEED-RACER You are welcome. No, the pleasure's all mine. I still don't get the head thing though - the part you translated doesn't mention it at all.
  7. And this makes sense because...? It's all about the money. I tolerated it in SDF M cause the story was great, and there is a measure of great art. Same thing goes towards M7.
  8. IT might if I could read it... What's up with the big head?
  9. Lol, I watched the entire series for the first time on a weekend. There is no such thing as too much Macross.
  10. I am sooo struggling as to whether I want to fork out $80 for this thing...
  11. I woulda slapped him.
  12. The Roy colors work the best...
  13. You can have some problems with capturing screenshots unless you turn off hardware acceleration (assuming PC not MAC). Just if you don't know what I'm talking about, right click the desktop and choose properties/settings/troubleshoot. Move the slider off.
  14. I actually see some similarities. 'S a bit of a stretch, but not much. Really only in the longness of the face. Otherwise... not really.
  15. Oooooh, pretty... Damn you for showing me that!!!
  16. Thanks for the insights. I can tell that you really thought that one through. Don't be a hater. But he's right. Minmay Guard are not cannon in any way as far as I know. Not that I don't like the idea... but you asked.
  17. The Varuta Valkyries were changed to such an extent that they only bare a general simularity. I just count it as one of the plot holes. Somebody there should have at least seen some similarities.
  18. That is soooo kick ass. What a find.
  19. DOH!
  20. Ordered; thanks for the heads up. :thumbs:
  21. Which episode is that in?
  22. Isn't it Fuel, Armour, Sensor, Tactical? Or maybe it doesn't really stand for anything, it just makes the Valk look like it goes really fast. I think it comes with a Type-R sticker, doesn't it?
  23. Offhand I'd say they replaced it with the RDF and didn't bother to airbrush it from the cels.
  24. Vostok 7 Is Vostok trying to tell us he is actually a she (as in a female porn star) ... Wouldn't that be Shemale?
  25. Hmmm, I may have to get those. I wonder what price point they will be at? Weren't they cheaper than the "car" transformers ( a size level under) or am I mis-remembering?
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