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Everything posted by dna

  1. Well, now you've made me want the soundtrack. Thanks a lot
  2. I've got a decent collection, but I mostly play SP FPS - I keep coming back to Quake, esp with the newer engine ports like Tenebrae and FuhQuake. Online, I've been playing UT2K3 and, of course, Q3 is always there. I hate team games. I can't play well with other people. Well, unless I'm killing them. I do wish there was DM in RTCW.
  3. Ah, so it IS a single head laser. Good pix.
  4. dna

    70's Hi-Vis Valk

    After seeing the "70's" paint style reference, I expected it to be all dayglo and stuff. Rhinestones. Disco Valkyrie.
  5. Or you could disable smiley's in your post.
  6. dna

    hikaru fanart

    Whoa! Fan art that's not all tits! At Macrossworld! Whoa! Looks nice BTW
  7. Yeah they told the same thing to eLvIs. Quoting doesn't do much for "proof" of some kind of wrong doing. On the other hand, what does it really matter? Everyone knows who the a-holes are already. Who cares if they edit their posts away? Edit: Whoops, had to correct my spelling. Edit again: Someone's not keeping up with the word filters.
  8. Alien is a classic. I think people will be able to watch it for generations to come. Even though it is a SCI-FI movie, it doesn't rely on it - it's more of a suspense movie set in a SCI-FI world than anything. Ironically, Aliens, even though a kick-ass movie, I don't see aging as well simpy because of its action genre.
  9. Correct, mods cannot edit that one little part of your file (but just about everything else). However, maybe you could sweet talk some unsuspecting admin to preregister you.
  10. IVB doesn't have an option to limit the pixel size of pictures (though you can limit the pixel size of Flash - sorry Red Comet). However, there is an option to instead show a thumbnail in which you can specify the size. I'm not certain how that works as I've never enabled it, but I am assuming that instead of just posting an image, it will instead post a clickable thumbnail. This could be just as good as limiting the pixel size of a .jpg while still allowing the higher bandwidth people to have a higher res option.
  11. OK, I've watched you people talk in orgasms about this game and I've gotta ask - what type of game is it? I had always thought it was a fightem game, but some of the comments seem to say otherwise...
  12. Not to argue, but something like that shouldn't be any trouble - it's just a check box away. I say if there's a concern, might as well do it. But you're right about anything being hackable. It's just a matter of dedication to finding it.
  13. Nice link; I haven't seen half of those things before.
  14. This is why it is useless to clone yourself for immortality.
  15. Pretty sweet looking...
  16. **1st printing July 1993**opposite title page. All Macross II characters and mecha are copyrighted 1992 and 1993 and trademarked by Hero Communications/Big West/Macross II Project. Exclusively licensed throughout The United States and Canada by L.A. Hero/U.S. Renditions. All rights reserved under the Universal Copyright Convention. No part of this book may be reproduced in part or whole, in any form or by any means, without permission from the publisher, except for breif quotes for use in reviews. All incidents, situations, institutions, governments and people are fictional and any similarity, without satiric intent, of characters or persons living or dead, is strictly coincidental. Macross II is a trademark owned and licensed by Hero Communications/Big West/Macross II project. Palladium Books, Rifts, and Megaverse are all registered trademarks owned & licensed by Kevin Seimbieda. Robotech is a trademark owned and licensed by Harmony Gold USA, Inc. **back cover** features US Rendidtions logo: US Rendidtions A subsidary of Nippon Shuppan Hanbai USA inc English Subtitled Videos
  17. I believe Hasbro has that now...
  18. It's very hard to determine that either way - even examining al the pictures closely, you can only see the same damn side each time! The side in question is insidiously hidden in all pics.
  19. I just wish they would have thrown more money at the production team. I feel so sorry for those VF-11 pilots who had to die over and over again the same way each time. Think about it. *red alert sounds* The VF-11 pilots look at each other with dread. "...not again," one of them whimpers. "I just can't take it anymore."
  20. My wife watches as much anime as I do. This includes Macross 7. I think she likes it more than SDF Macross.
  21. You folks should just pin one of the Mac 7 threads.
  22. Looks good; I think you'll find that IB is a really nice board with lots of hacks available if you want them.
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