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Everything posted by dna

  1. I want a helmet. I dunno about a purple one though...
  2. Xplay had a quick little blurb on it from their Japan show - looks pretty good from the brief few seconds they showed some guy playing it.
  3. I don't think I will be renewing. The biggest draw for me was the preview DVDs and they were hit and miss. The rest of the magazine was about 25% interesting, 50% what? and 25% no. I never really liked how they did the layout - pretty scatter-brained article placement.
  4. Oh that, sorry - I had put it in my pants. Every hour hurts, but the last one kills. /spam
  5. I've just spent the last 10 minutes trying to sort out all the different abbreviations.
  6. I didn't really care one way or the other about the special editions EXCEPT for the Guido(sp?) thing. That was not refining the film, that was wholesale fact changing. And I'm not even a (Star Wars) fanboy
  7. Check out the Gmax proggie - it's a stripped down version of 3DSMax and free. It also supports a "Game Pack" for FS, so there should be no trouble exporting to whatever format FS uses. Really, you might even be able to make the game pack work with 3DS, it's the same modeling engine (I think...).
  8. But it's true; coffee DOES taste better when you're naked with your family.
  9. Yeah, that version of LLA on the servers totally licks ass. I wish someone would rip and put up a decent copy. That was larger than 2 inches. In a decent format. With sound you could understand. But maybe I just want too much.
  10. Ah, OK; I just don't think it's funny then
  11. I'm not certain if I don't get it or if I just don't think it's funny...
  12. What is Minmay carrying in her hand opposite the gunpod? It looks kinda like the moon?
  13. Heh, I'd seen the face before, but never noticed the poor bastard. Now I'm gonna have to get my disks out again.
  14. Really? I have only seen 1 serious troll post. If you are refering to the other friendly neighbor hood trolls.... they have been either quiet or have been civil to say the least. Sorry, that was supposed to be sarcasm. We need sarcasm tags here on this board.
  15. Isn't that the image from the flashback?
  16. One of the few books I've bothered to keep up with. Did you read the short story that appeared in one of his collection books? With the Sisters of Mercy or some such, supposed to take place before The Dark Tower book. Not required reading for the story, but a decent little side quest for the character. Nuns made of bugs.
  17. I think they make sure to use the GoBots name to keep the copyright active.
  18. Untill Alternators make to these shores, Transformers are dead to me. I would rather get the Go-Bot Preschool transfomers than any of the Armada/Energon line I have seen.
  19. Sure have been a rash of troll posts lately. I can't understand how the mods can keep up with it all.
  20. OK, if anybody wants to hear these songs, the url = thebadplace. It's a temp page I'll leave up for a few weeks. Let me know if any links are bad.
  21. Oh man, this would just make me fix the arm... Damn you, that's alot of work...
  22. DestroidsRage uploaded a bunch of stuff to my server. Give me a day or so and I'll throw up a page so if anybody else wants them they can get them. I'll give the link in this thread.
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