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Everything posted by dna

  1. Maybe it's just me but calling her a Girly-Woman wouldn't be much of an insult and could probably be taken as a compliment... Depends on how butch you are.
  2. CROM laughs at that girly-woman Reba West!
  3. OK, I have to ask this: I always thought it was ALL Reba West, but this isn't the first time that I've seen this Rebecca Forstadt chicks' name. Who did what?
  4. No - the only time I ever really update is when the new Mac Zero comes out and I find I can't play it. Otherwise I don't really follow it too much. Guess I'll have to go out looking for this, heh Otherwise, I did find a download from Ani-Kraze in a format I could play, but only Ep 1. It's strange to see the hip things change from time to time in Japan - lots of recent releases have had a definete French influence, especially names and such. I'm assuming that it was Spanish for the title song, no? That's the closest I could get just by reading the grammer anyway.
  5. Three Dog Night.
  6. http://a.scarywater.net/nla/ http://a.scarywater.net/triad/ Which codec are you using for this? All I get is a green square with a few pixilated parts on it. Sound seems to work...
  7. I would encourage you to buy the Macros CDs. I listened to my Robotech CD once, maybe twice, just to hear all the music again. My Macross CDs are in my player constantly, after years of repeated listening. The music is totally different, and much better. For a taste of it, if you haven't seen Macross Plus yet, give that a try. The DVDs should be able to be had for not too much and will give you a taste of Macross and where it is heading, great music, great story. There's alot more to the Macross Universe than what was turned into Robotech.
  8. Good enough; thanks.
  9. ewww... they're mother and daughter... ok, ok, how bout Millia vs Rex then? I don't see anything wrong with it the way it is
  10. Thx
  11. You guys are making me want to get my Mac7 out and watch it again. I don't have time for that.
  12. This is one title I would like to see. Are there any...links...where one might see it?
  13. Hi, I am looking for a UN Spacy Kite suitable for a web page background, preferably 400 pixels wide (and tall I suppose since it's round ). Needs to be background-like as text and other things would be flowing over top of it. Color, gray, whatever. Can someone point one out to me? TIA
  14. You people are forgetting one thing: lowest common denomenator Just because you wouldn't have been confused doesn't mean that Cornfed down the street wouldn't have been. Even if only 10% of the kids were too stupid to figure it out, that's 10% of your audience, and pocket book, that you would miss out on (maybe). At any rate, Wrylac's money explanation is probably closer to the truth than anything else here. At least as far as the credits go
  15. Crom: Look. This... is all a mistake. I'm just a compound interest program. I work at a savings and loan! I can't play these video games! Guard: Sure you can, pal. Look like a natural athlete if I ever saw one. Crom: Who, me? Are you kidding? No, I run out to check on T-bill rates, I get outta breath. Hey, look, you guys are gonna make my user, Mr. Henderson, very angry. He's a full-branch manager. Guard: Great. Another religious nut Crom can laugh all he wants, but he gets wiped in the end.
  16. I guess I'll have to see Reloaded one of these days. I have to say that after I saw the first Matrix this past July, alot more of the (in)jokes on the internet made sense.
  17. Why's that? She turned out to be not too shabby of a pilot. Certainly better than all those CF VF-11s
  18. Well, from what I've seen... yes. Anyway, A regular show changing it's intro every season VS Robotech changing it's intro, cast, and storyline would be much more confusing IMHO. That's really even hard to compare the two situations.
  19. Then it would have been like watching three different shows - do you know how confusing that would have been to the average (little) kid that they were trying to capture? They needed to keep that Robotech intro to remind you that you were watching Robotech, all three parts. Instead of a different intro/closing, they could have changed just the credits appearing for each part. Maybe that's what you were saying and I just took it the wrong way
  20. Here - let me do it first: (agent one!)AH!!! YOU GUYS ARE ALL HOMOS!!!(/agent one!) I find Mac 7 more entertaining to watch than SDF. All the problems that Mac 7 has are (almost) all present in SDF as well, and nobody ever beats that too much. Basically, I think Mac 7 just needed more money thrown at it.
  21. I'd like to have it, but funds are drying up. And we're entering the merry season of buying pretty soon, too. I might just sneak it in somewhere...
  22. Huh, I didn't know you could buy those things. $1500 is a bit much... is that USD? The body armor looks pretty plasticky though. I don't know if I'd wear it out in public. I'd wear it in front of my wife though
  23. No. At one point a person could buy one tape of ep. 1 of a show called Super Spacefortress Macross. It had the SDF-M music and sounds, but a different english dub than the RT one (the same voice "actors" though)... oh yeah and Hikaru's name in that was Rick Yamato. Incorrect. There was a series of Robotech VHS tapes released that had both the Robotech ep and the corresponding "other anime" (Macross, Southern Cross, Mospeada) ep. Forget the actual title of the series, but it was original voices. This came sometime after the end of broadcast. I'd have to take a look for actual dates and it's been too long since I've watched it to give impressions. I should compare them to my Mospeads DVD set to see just how accurate they were... I don't know if they actually completed all the tapes in the Macross oportion (for some reason I'm thinking it was cancelled before they got that far) but they did go all the way throught he two later series. Not that I'm saying that there wasn't a Super Spacefortress Macross - I'm sure there was, but there was this as well. EDIT - Fine WDC, beat me to it. I don't care.
  24. That doesn't make me look any better in purple.
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