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Everything posted by dna

  1. Actually, after reviewing the first some episodes, I decided that Planet Dance wasn't really played that often. Does that mean it wasn't, or that I'm just used to it?
  2. From that time line, it's possible that Rainy Night could take place that August. Really can't tell either way from that.
  3. It is possible... Those other shows you mentioned I don't like at all... They are all kiddie and lame... They give anime a bad name when they come to the US in my opinion. I think he is right on the money. I have always thought that M7 was,well not really part of that genre, but kind of a bridge so to speak. I think that is one of the reasons I prefer it to SDFMac. I seems to be a more well-rounded series (IMHO - flame away ) than SDFMac in that it had it's dramtic moments but also seems to focus more on entertainment. I like anime of all kinds, but you can't help but like best what you like best
  4. You keep talking as if that's a BAD thing
  5. I dunno Agent ONE, you seem pretty fixated on this whole gay thing... and there is that "friendly" picture from the "What we look like thread"...
  6. Yeah, I like the first one, too. But the MAXL idea intreigues me...
  7. So... how ocme nobody is discussing prices? How much for the stickers? What is Exo looking to get out of a rifle and figure? YOU ARE ALL JUST TAUNTING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Unless the police come snooping around. Then it's time to hide some of those instrests.
  9. Not even a question about it - drop her
  10. What's broken with them? I always go and look at that set and think I should buy it, but never do. Should I not?
  11. It's the only way to be sure...
  12. Actually, I'm kinda surprised that we haven't seen some kind of micronian P.A. by 2050. That would be far cheaper and easier to train than even destroids. Just give 'em all some kind of LAW type launcher and small groups should be able to take down renegade Zentran P.A.'s. At least in urban environments, and it would be great for stealth in the field. Maybe there's some kind of heavy combat Patroid some where... Nied, that is nicely written. I hope that destroids do make some kind of a comeback in later installments of Macross (either on TV or in video game land). I also think powering up the a Macross class cannon or two (if your fleet was lucky enough to have a capitol ship like that) would help with orbital supperiority. It would at least clear a corridor for going down the well. Of course, people like Max could just fold in right on top of a base and start blasting away too...
  13. It seems to me that Destroids have always been shown as getting the short end of the stick - more easily blown away because of their ponderous speed. Of course that could just be chalked up to the fact that none of the heros have been destoid pilots but... The question would be their combat effectiveness: Would it matter if you had twice as many destroids as I had Valkyries if my kill ratio was 10 to 1? Of course you'll just say "prove it" but that is the message I got from watching Macross. Varuta forces were constantly invading the interior space of City 7. It would have made sense to have civil defense destroids if there were any to be had. In a fleet as big as 7, you would have seen some destroids if there were any. What kind of mecha was guarding Edwards AFB on Eden? Not heavy destroids, but battroid mode VF-11's. I guess the question you should be asking is are there any destroids that just somehow missed screen time? I just don't think so. If there were any to be had, Kawamori would have thrown them in even as a glimpse somewhere. Of course, that doesn't mean that he won't suddenly come up with some, a la VF-X2 (which, with the exception of the transformable Montster, had nothing but SDF era destroids for my Valk to walk all over ), but probably won't.
  14. I like the Cannon Spider well enough, but it needs to have a real cannon on top of it. The child spring loaded launcher looks to nasty to sit up there.
  15. Well, I believe that in 2040 UN Spacy, there are no Destroids (save the old relics). So it would have to be fought with Valkyries. Actually, I'd just fight it with orbital bombardment. Screw taking intact targets.
  16. Downshift was the best of the lot, personally speaking. The main problem with the Omnibots was the size - I had always thought they were the same size as the other main line car Autobots of the day. When I finally scored them on Ebay, I was dissapointed at their strange half-breed size... But, I needed to fulfill that childhood dream,
  17. Actually, it's Camshaft that's a pile of crap. A worse robot mode is hard to come by. My Overdrive stands very well
  18. I think the series is just good fun. Yeah, it's pretty cheesy, but it's entertaining to watch. I will probably follow it as long as they sub it. I do tire of the sub jokes though. The series is funny enough to laugh at it for itself without having to see someones else's concept of funny.
  19. I don' t think it was ever represented with a splitting bow to fire. Palladium RPG listed it as having two cannons (each bow), but I can't think of a "cannon" (lol) source to back that up with though.
  20. Hmm, yes, it DOES look like you're taken
  21. Do you REALLY think Shoji couldn't fit Sound Force in something like that?
  22. Post M7 or M+, with a focus on the Anti-Unification people.
  23. I'm just going to follow around A7's threads and download whatever he tells me to. It's worked so far...
  24. Huh?
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