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Everything posted by dna

  1. dna

    playing legit macross

    Though I cannot comment on the items you have listed there, I have used GameShark on my PS2 to play my JP copy of Macross 20th Anni, and that works great. It uses a boot disk and you just select the region you'd like to play. Only on DVDs though, it doesn't work on import games
  2. So... are you saying she's free? Hmm, to have my very own sticker making person ... Maybe I'll look her up
  3. Good song. Yokko does the music, of course, but the songwriters seem pretty good too. PS, I think it is supposed to be math, as it is refering to her cyborged nature.
  4. I don't know jack about Toshiba, but I do know I would never buy another HP.
  5. dna

    new valkgirls

    Don't like. Way too skinny, htough the Valk kinda forces you to do that. Mostly, that protrubance around the groin area just doesn't look too sexy on a girl. Should have been a Valk man.
  6. Like that extra toe on Marilyn Monroe...
  7. Yeah, the Destroids definetly did get the short end of the stick.
  8. I just have no idea what you guys are talking about...
  9. Actually, prices in this town are about $8, but for the crap roach hotel it plays in, that's still WAY too much. My living room provides me a better theatre experience, and it's not that good. But that's what happens when there's only one theatre company in town. Gouging gouging gouging...
  10. Porn is really the driving force behind many inventions. Guttenberg Press? Not the bible, it was PORN!
  11. Meh, I'm not a diecast fan anyway. If plastic can do the job, then I'm all for it. As for the paint... as long as it doesn't end up with an Armada paint job, I'm happy. For $19.99, I can buy some testors and do it myself After plunking down $80 or more for some of the Yammies and being less than thrilled, I'm shy to do it again.
  12. No it didn't; that's why I'm asking
  13. Screw the packaging. I just want what's inside.
  14. dna

    MAXL girl

    Lol, I like it. Nice cut-out on the stomache.
  15. Huh. OK, thanks.
  16. Since I didn't want to plunk down the moolah to see it myself, I still don't know WTF happened! Can somebody clue me in? TIA
  17. I used to have the kanji for "Ichiban" across my rear window. Nobody knew WTF it meant. It was more annoying than anything else as all anybody could say was, "What's that mean? What'd you do that for? Hyuck hyuck hyuck"
  18. Hmm, while I liked the Gosu variation, that Tread doesn't do much for me - way over the top.
  19. Well, it's not an official version or anything, so the why would be cause it looks cool
  20. Never seen it before. You have a larger version?
  21. Why do they always use Real Media, damnit?!?!
  22. I think the APHOS was a Protoculture sex machine. That's why Sara is all nekkid at the end; she's ready to get sexed up by the giant totem.
  23. I don't see how it could be a mistake. What's wrong with not knowing? The mystery is far better than the mundane truth we would have gotten...
  24. Pukin dogs?
  25. Actually, I think Protodevelin can fold independent of shipboard systems.
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