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Everything posted by dna

  1. dna

    new valkgirls

    Oh, that VF-1S girl is nice. Very nice idea for the cod piece.
  2. What's ogm?
  3. I can't believe they didn't make a game from The Spirits Within. Every movie has a game these days and this movie is from a place that makes games. Weird. Has this game really been going for 2 years already? Wow. I might have to check it out.
  4. Ok, TBH, I can't think of a single place that does infer there is a Culture Park. I'm just ribbing Keith cause he can't prove that there isn't one. That is the message I was trying to get across, but apparently my satire was not hitting it's mark. I took a comment about the Tokyo tower thing and ran with it.
  5. And it started out as such a nice little thread about how one guy thought it wasn't too bad
  6. You obviously haven't really been reading my posts. My arguement is exactly both of those: Lack of evidence isn't evidence of existance one way or another. If something isn't said to be there, it could be or it could not be. I'm not following how you could have those 2 points be opposite of each other when they are saying the same thing. As for Culture Park on City 7, I truely have no idea if one is there or not. One was never shown, but (see above) lack of evidence isn't evidence of existance one way or another. I can't point to any one thing that says it is there. I can't point to any one thing that says it is not there. My whole point is neither can you. I picked this rather ridiculous arguement to showcase the fallacy of your sweeping statements pertaining to all the "continuity"errors that only exist for you. The point is, and this is about the same thing said by Radd above, that the Marduk are not a continuity error, but only somethig that has not been explained. The VF-4 is the exact same thing. If this is hypocracy, than I don't wanna be right ( that's a joke son, a joke). What I argue instead is this: If something is said to be there, it is (unless the facitious comments like the fairies running the UN Spacy (though, of course, you can't prove that they aren't, you just assume it was sarcastic). If something is said to not be there, it isn't. In SDF Macross, the Marduk were not mentioned. How does this mean that they are not there? In M2, the VF-4 is not mentioned. How does this mean it never was? Colonies are not mentioned. How does this mean they are not there? In 80 years, is it POSSIBLE that the SDF couild have been retrofitted with improved cannon arms and legs? Is it possible? Yeah, it is. It doens't matter if you like it or not, or if you think that is the stupidest thing in the world: it's possible. Is that fan fiction? No, it's accepting what is in the show. By stating that never happened, you are the one creating fan fiction. In 80 years, is it POSSIBLE that the UN Spacey patch could have changed? Yes it is. How in God's name could you possible expect people to look at this as continuity errors? When you point out to me the episode in SDFM where ANY Zentraedi state that there is no such thing, in the entire limitless universe, that there is no such thing as a "Marduke"; when you can give me the time code in M2 where they state that there were no other Valks between VF-1 and VF-2, then I will say, "gee, you're right, there are continuity errors." Untill then, (insert appropriate wise-ass comment here) I will never argue that M2 was Shakepeare, but for what it was supposed to be, it was decent.
  7. Now, that post makes sense! Yup, there were certainly holes in the story, but ultimately I liked it. And that's all that really matters for a TV show, I'd reckon
  8. Ah, there it is. Yeah, looks nice. Adds a little somthinsomthin that the Garfish was missing.
  9. A hundred or so years ago, it was common in America, too. Well, not the hentai, but marrying off the young girls (esp to older guys who needed someone to keep house).
  10. Dude, the Eiffel Tower is in France, not Italy. Get out more. (The difference is that Yoshi would smack you around if he read that... Where is he gone, anyway?) Dude, the Tokyo tower is in... Tokyo, which, last time I checked was in Japan. Internet says the Leaning Tower of Pisa isstill in Italy. Perhaps I wasn't clear enough to what I was referncing. Keith, you are messed up. Prove to me it does not exist. Prove to me that the buildings sit on the floor of City 7. If you've watched Macross 7 a dozen times, you need to take a closer look especially at the intro. That green ground type thing that you see? There's lots of metal below it. Enough for whatever plot devices get thrown in to do whatever they want. By the way, Yoshi is welcome to come here and smack me around as much as he wants, but he better bring facts to do it with, not refusal to deal with facts instead of conjecture. I have no problem with being proven wrong, the key word being proven. That's something that Keith has, so far, been unable to do outside of the "Keith continuity" which only he lives in. I wonder how much enjoyment he would get from M7 if he watched the real show instead of the one that plays in his mind.
  11. Well... I'd be happy if there was a picture there to look at... ?
  12. Huh, I didn't think Wing Commander ever had that good an engine. Of course, I've only played the PSX version
  13. Region free and good subs. What more could you really need? The only other thing that would be kinda neat is a commentary track from Shoji (we're on a first name basis you know ).
  14. Wish I had pictures up too ;P Navi: main rig XP 2600+ (2.0GHZ 166FSB) K7S7A MB (2x) 512 MB Mushkin 2-2-2 DDR PC2100 @ PC2700 (to keep up with the system bus) 60GB Seagte Baracuda Geforce TI4200 128MB Hercules 7.1 sound card (not that I have 7.1 speakers, lol) Cheap CD-ROM HP CD-RW/DVD-ROM Thermal Take 400 PSU (or was it 425? I can't remember which size it was...) Cable/FM tuner (with my PS2 hooked up to the video input) 22" (21" viewable) Viewsonic Digital Doc 5 Water cooled by: Little River White Water CPU water jacket Cheap pump Bayres Resivoir 1960-something Ford Truck heater core A few fans for system circulation Onboard 10/100 I though it performed pretty decent till I got Halo Neuman: Smoothwall Box My old HP pavillion Celeron 400 256 MB PC100 (3x) Linksys 10/100 NIC cards Mother: file server XP1800+ K7S5A (1) 512 MB Crucial PC2100 2-3-3 80GB Seagate Baracuda Some GeForce MX vid card no sound - it's a server, geez USing a 2 port KVM to use same input and monitor devices as Navi Onboard 10/100 My wife uses Bob XP2400+ K7S5A Pro (1) 512 MB Crucial PC2100 Ebay vid card Onboard sound Onboard 10/100 I used to run a Q3 server on my pathetic broadband connection, but my old HDD wigged out, so that's not there any longer. Just a Cely 500 anyway.
  15. What? What does that prove? I haven't mentioned Mercedes in the last 4 months of my life. Does that mean they don't exist? I missed that part. Don't be an ass. You saw the top portion of City 7. How many levels does it have? The Macross had an entire city with a realistic outdoor illusion inside it's legs. What makes you think that City 7 couldn't do something similar. You're being pretty one dimensional here Keith. Yeah, one's a tower in Japan, one's a tower in Italy. What's the difference? I haven't seen it, so I can't really comment. If there is a directors cut like that, I'm gonna go rent it. Listen to my devestating rebuttal!!!
  16. Yeah, that was a different ep was'nt it? I was really wondering if she was gonna do it or not. Surprised me.
  17. I guess the VF-4 and the VF-2 were both at some point "standard" fighters, i.e. cannon fodder. The 19 and the 22 on the other hand were special (and expensive) fighters reserved for either special missions or selected elite squadrons, as seen in Macross 7. But I do agree that the VF-2 looks nothing like 80 years of evolution on from the VF-1. You can guess, but you don't really know. It's stupid to argue about things like that because neither side can prove the other wrong. Keith can't tell me that there were no Culture Parks in City 7 because he doesn't have a map. He cannot prove his point, just like I can't say that there conclusivly were. There are parts of City 7 and surrounding ships that were never seen. The rest of his arguements are like that as well. No Zentran ships in the MAC II UN Spacy? Prove it. No colony missions in Mac II? Prove it. No VF-4 in the history of the Mac II UN Spacy? Prove it. Maybe they had a short run and discovered a horrible flaw and went back to the regular VF-1 style as it was the design that worked. Maybe VF-4 were special forces for the Megaroad. Lots of possibilities that do not violate continuity and he can't disprove a single one of them. Just because Keith doesn't see something dosen't make it gone. I didn't see anybody eat bread in Mac II, does that mean that bread doesn't exist in Mac II? I can't prove that these ideas are right, Keith can't prove that they are wrong. If Keith doesn't like the series, for whatever reasons are important to him, more power to him but he can't go around trying to foster his POV on everybody else with such a pissy attitude. I really can't even take him seriously when he starts argueing like that.
  18. I've always thought it was an extra jet of some type. But now I know. And knowing if half the battle.
  19. You're taking all the fun out of this Agent
  20. Well, sure you would do it that way in that wack-ass macross II world, but Macross Continuity says that you build your culture parks on space ships. It's clearly outlined as such in the following Macross shows, like Macross 7 and it surely wouldn't have changed in the 40 years following. Sorry to be so hard on you AgentONE!!!, but I can't hold back a devestating attack like this. All of you know it is true. YOU WILL LISTEN TO CULTURE PARKS' SONG!!!
  21. Isn't the age limit quite a bit lower over there? You just have to remember that the show was not made in America, sensibilities are different elsewhere. I just accept it for what it is - if it makes you have uncomfortable feelings, that's your own problem (it's not like Mylene was forced into a Sex Camp... well, except for that D7 subplot )
  22. Yeah. Wow, I'm reeling from the "devastating" attack (the point-by-point annihiliation of the "devastation" being completely disregarded). What the hell are you talking about? The two of you have me so confused... I thought the discussion was about the sense of having the culture park... You build culture parks on SPACESHIPS! Not on the Earth! Just another example of how MII was so not following the consistency of Kawamori!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. I have to convince my parents to tape it for me - my cable channel decided Discovery was a "Premium" channel and replaced it with a shopping network. And raised my rates. At least I'll catch it on the reair date.
  24. Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't City 7 have something very similar to the Culture Park in Macross II? That or the opening credits is lying. Its not crazy for something like this to be built at all, especially after the devestation the Earth suffered. Just another blatant inconsistancy!!! OH, it's just so FULL OF HOLES!!!
  25. It's like Las Vegas. Those aren't the REAL pyramids you know...
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