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Everything posted by dna

  1. Why are our mods so helpless? Invision board should be able to hand this power out...
  2. Mao will die a horrible horrible death.
  3. You're missing part of Macross lol
  4. Must be that bio-signal given off when the seeds are put in stasis then.
  5. They are from Japan, not the deep south (j/k)
  6. PCS seems to be the energy emmission that the manifestations of the Guardian power /eyeball / birdman put out. I didn't see what it stood for.
  7. The Cat's Eye detection suite should be far more powerful than a Valk - that's why it was sent out. Remember, there is no Elint in the series, so there wasn't anything else that could handle the mission profile. They weren't attacking anybody, they were just out for a look.
  8. I dunno - whiplash would still get 'em. Look at the SDFM TV when Hikaru first takes the Super Valk out to save Misa - when he first changes, it looks like his head is not very secure - there are no strappy things for his brain.
  9. What, did you think that we wouldn't? Dude, you are at a place called Macross World. We get all the releases cause we're stupid that way. If INF really is that far below par, we would know as soon as the other groups are releases. Even if they are that bad, I will still kiss thier ass for letting me see this so soon, days before any other group. And if you think that every fan-subbing group isn't breaking the law, you are as stupid as your posts sound.
  10. And any other fan subbing group aren't? You don't even make sense any more. Anyway, if you're going to argue something, back it up. Show us where INF failed on this release. Point out with maybe a time frame reference so we can all be educated on just how bad this is.
  11. Those were some great pilots in those destroids. It's too bad we won't see them again.
  12. I have both anbu and INF EP 2 and the INF is much better quality. I will d/l V2 of EP 3 and not look back. Spykes, you said something about a DVD quality release? How are you going to go about doing that ?
  13. Hey! There's no fan service in CCS! Anyway, you guys are acting like she was flat. Take another look - there's nothing different in EP 3. At any rate, people look different when they are recumbant.
  14. I'll have to get a copy of this one of these days. Guess I'm waitig to see what the domestic release is like...
  15. But there is reaction mass of some kind in the Valk fuel tanks.
  16. Lol, so the universal laws of motion stop in space, huh?
  17. They oughta just pin that thread - it comes up often enough. Or take a whole bunch of those kinds of threads and make a FAQ pinned at the top. Kinda like Newbie Qs, but really a maintained list.
  18. Hmm, there were no pixels on my copy. Wait till you get the whole copy and see.
  19. It seems to be related more towards the guardians instead of the general population.
  20. That is the scene that I remember the most from DYRL.
  21. If you listen when Shin is found at the end, you can hear the Octos idling in the background. It's a diesel.
  22. I am looking forward to this.
  23. This really was a great effort. Good job!
  24. Where do you go to access these settings to change them? I don't see any kind of control panel... Like I said, I'm using 3.3 though, so maybe it's different.
  25. The way I understood Bittorrent was that the more people, the faster it was? I never get ver good speeds off of it. Is there any tweaking to do with it? Right now I have ports 6881-6889 forwarded to my PC thru my firewall as per some earlier advice that came thru MW, but that doesn't seem to do anything for the speed. Right now I'm getting around 7 down, 12 up. Bittorrent 3.3.
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