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Everything posted by dna

  1. Jesus Major, your avatar hurts me eyes. What the hell is that ???
  2. Never mind - didn't read post well enough
  3. Splitting hairs here, but I think that it is meant only for space, but capable of surviving in the well. The question is: can the 2JA survive in space? Does it have the necesary engine mods to burn in space or was that left out to make it cheaper/lighter as it was meant for atmospheric use?
  4. Yeah, but he's asking about where it goes when there are no FAST packs. I don't have any art here to check...
  5. I'm not certain about the answer to your questions, but I can tell you that the VF2SS was not designed for atmospheric useage and thus you should not see that situation (unless emergency etc and then I do not know).
  6. These are the fighters we should have been seeing in Mac Zero
  7. At the risk of hijacking the thread to debate something else, Fox's Cardcaptors was unwatchable. You can argue that RT was the more hacked because it combined the three series, but it was still watchable (I know you will say it isn't ). Fox had changed the characters just as much in CC as anything Macek did. The general plot remained the same, (but then so did the Macross portion of RT) but with the removeal of the various love triangles much of the color was lost in the series reducing it to the level of any other action oriented saturday morning cartoon (which is what Fox wanted). /2 cents. That said, this guy really needs to get ahold of the Animego DVDs.
  8. That sounds a bit creepy to me. In A1's head, he'd be making love to Minmay (a cartoon), no Mari (all woman). Eeewwww... Sorry, to me Minmay is the hotest chick ever... Or she is in a dead tie with my favorite cyborg chick, Cher. but wouldn't it be funny if she yells out "Hikaru", "Hikaru" But it will be funnier when A1 starts yelling out "DOORKNOB DOORKNOB!" Huh? What? The joke is getting old? Aw... You must realize that the best part about a doorknob is the chance of seeing my reflection in one. lol
  9. That is a nice Starbird. I miss mine.
  10. That sounds a bit creepy to me. In A1's head, he'd be making love to Minmay (a cartoon), no Mari (all woman). Eeewwww... Sorry, to me Minmay is the hotest chick ever... Or she is in a dead tie with my favorite cyborg chick, Cher. but wouldn't it be funny if she yells out "Hikaru", "Hikaru" But it will be funnier when A1 starts yelling out "DOORKNOB DOORKNOB!" Huh? What? The joke is getting old? Aw...
  11. From the above pic, those are B2's. And whose to say that they can't carpet bomb? You can always refit a bay to carry something else...
  12. DAMN YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. I thought it was ok. Not great, but I don't think it sucked donkey like so many others do.
  14. I always thought Shin was the better pilot (in plane mode anyways ) as it looked to me like he would have plastered her in the first ep with his Tomcat if she hadn't been able to pull that Gerwalk manouver. Or maybe she was just playing with him then But yeah, I sure hope we get to see the two square off with no holds barred.
  15. No divorce, just seperated. At the end of M7, things seemed to be looking up but Kawamori didn't really state explicity what was gonna happen. Could gone either way, really.
  16. I smell a keg party coming on.
  17. dna

    MechMod for HL

    Quake 2 Transformers was actually a pretty good mod - well realised. You could transform, roll around and crash into things... The weapons were mainly the same with a few differences, but used models of Transformers guns. The best SSG bar none.
  18. What's the status with the US release on this now? I've been waiting for that rather than pick up the HK set. Is it still on or did it get swept under the rug?
  19. Let me do it for Agent One: [Agent One] Macross 7??? That's so lame and gay like baby Jesus When people like Macross 7 I just leave them a specil present on their doorknob to show them how gay they are. I constantly talk about gay. It's very important to me. That and fruitynes. I must let everyone one just how much gayness and fruityness are in Macross 7. Again and again and again. Ain't I great? Look at my muscles! [/Agent One] But he knows I love him
  20. I'm liking some of this Energon stuff. Some of it sucks though. But it's all better than ARmada
  21. That'll teach him to have an opinion!!
  22. I'd like to see one , too.
  23. In this hand bag at least, it's sandwiched between layers of plastic - just wipe it off. Just like a door knob.
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