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Everything posted by dna

  1. OK - so we've all heard about the crappy quality of the american Mac+ Movie DVD. My question is this: Is it still worth it to buy it, or can I make just as good a copy by dumping my existing VHS tape into my PC and burning my own VHS dump (much like Manga did ) Forgive if this has been answered but I did not find this particular quesiton.
  2. Here's a thought: I know you wanted to concentrate on one series at a time, but I'm wondering if we couldn't take a look at teh Mac + designs now as well. Which SDF box I get is dependant on what the Mac + box looks like as they will be sitting side by side on the shelf. Know what I mean?
  3. I'm thinking that's the one
  4. I don't get it...
  5. I saw a reference to this page earlier in the thread, but I did not find a link for it. Has it not been public yet? Also, are we talking like weeks here or months or...
  6. Yes, the box is made of a plastic skeleton covered with brushed aluminum. See www.designpaulchampagne.com for details and examples. What's the timeframe for this? For an extra $60 I've gotta pull outta my butt, need to start planning
  7. I'm interested, but a little fuzzy on the details. You say this box will be made of some kind of metal?
  8. Which mp3 are we talking about? I can put it up if no one else does. My bandwidth just sits around for the most part anyway Send me a PM or something.
  9. They should only use the original movie posters (which there were many different varities anyway) when and if they EVER release the original trilogy in it's theatrical form. True, but I doubt that will evar happen.
  10. I hate them all. They should use the original movie posters.
  11. I think it was an actual toy (not a kitbash) but I know it wasn't a TF. I think a boot of some kind, but that's all I've got.
  12. As for the 2nd link, I picked up some other boots (Protectobots and Ariealbots) from that "company" while I was at a flea market in Denver this weekend. Q seemed "OK" but not great. No small weapons and the heads were hard to fit into the center piece. Colors seemed right on except for Hot Spot whom they colored red instead of blue. There were small differences in design on the protectobots. I paid $5 per set and thought they were a decent buy - but don't expect the world.
  13. This quiz blows - way too easy to skew the results. Gee, which planet do you like best? Which element do you like best? I wonder how it will turn out???
  14. If they're fake, they've definetly got the SW style down on the concept shots.
  15. Link?
  16. The mecha itself is not seen again, only the pilots.
  17. That last page just looks like a pile of crap thrown together. Still, I bet it took some time for the guy.
  18. I thought the designs were passable up till the very last one. But it is still impressive
  19. Isn't Xmas in Japan like Valentines Day here in America? I've heard that it was a big party holiday.
  20. If you can macronise a turkey, why not a cat?
  21. I'd always figured the Mel had their own share of Regults. Not everyone can be a power armor ace but I can't think of any documentation either way.
  22. I will chime in and say I like the OVA better, but you need both The dubs are some of the best I've heard - it's got some RT voice actors, but their performance is waaaay better. But you need the OVA because that is the only way you will get the asteroid dog fight scene, yes? (I don't think it's in the movie anyway) and that is the best dogfight scene in Macross IMHO. BTW, it is this scene where you see Isamu use Gerwalk mode in space, so I don't trust all those people who say Gerwalk is unneeded in space.
  23. It's a cute little space suit. Though it doesn't look like it would work very well what with the feet and tail sticking out like that. Maybe it's just protection for that rugged outdoors Guvava type.
  24. I liked Voyager for the most part, and TOS rocked. The rest didn't. Meh.
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