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Everything posted by dna

  1. Fuel pod? I thought that was a bitch-load of ordinance, the "aniti-ship" portion of it.
  2. cool. check to see if you have the bug on disk 4. if so email adv to get free repalcement disk. for more info on the rpealcemnt procedure and what to look for go here This bug is why I haven't rushed out to go get one. It would be such a pain to get a replacement.
  3. To this day I still want the GoBot Puzzler. Ulyses 31 was cool, but I only caught a few episodes. I had always liked the mechanical designs and if Shoji really did work on them, I guess it makes sense. Inhumanoids was pretty decent.
  4. Me, too. The price seems a little high... I should just go Ebay hunting.
  5. I haven't seen this SDP-11. Nanashi?
  6. Nice, congrats! No way would I break up the set though...
  7. You don't mean that, do you? You'll always wonder...
  8. Hikaru would probably get his arms blown off and then get raked by friendly fire.
  9. Then someone must die.
  10. This new book does sound bitchin.
  11. dna

    VF plush dolls?

    If she does do this, post the pattern so all of us can hug a valk. You know... I just had a thought about plush valkyries and those full size body pillows... Oh yeah...
  12. Unfamiliar with the baby throwing scene.
  13. This isn't ikonboard.
  14. dna

    Newbie Intro

  15. I was bitterly dissappointed with this title. Not eally all that funny.
  16. Is there any way to tell what the nose cone says? (at work so can't watch the ep in question )
  17. I remember that and it's too bad it hasn't happened yet - it would be pretty cool.
  18. It's close to Roy and Misa, but not quite. Anyway, I don't think Roy would stoop to piloting a CF even for a trist with Misa
  19. Jem is excitment. Jem is adventure. Glamour and glitter. Fortune and fame. Jem
  20. I'd have to review the actual ep in question, but I doubt Max would haul home boxes of tokens. They seemed to be treating it like money.
  21. dna

    VF plush dolls?

    Maybe we need a ... recast?
  22. As near as I can tell, the payouts from the video game machines seemed to be in credits, not game tokens, as you can see Max lugging it home (IIRC). So there's your chance to see it. What was it, a big yellow coin with an "M"?
  23. Action star. Body building is a niche (sorry AOne!), I had no idea he was a real business man, can't talk about politics cause there's nothing to talk about, and he's done nothing heroic. If it wasn't for the movies, he'd be a nobody by now.
  24. I think Edgar will surprie you all. He's got lots of pluck!
  25. Bit Torrent downloads would be best for freeness. Otherwise, Valk Exchange I think carries the boot or go to Ebay.
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