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Andy NYK

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Everything posted by Andy NYK

  1. doesn't this pic give you the "Luke, I am your father" vibe?
  2. arigato gozaimasu & sayonara, rest in peace.
  3. too bad the 1/100 lines all died off, they're good companions to the bigger scales actually.
  4. Fun and freedom is the good part, renovation and furnishing is the bad part...
  5. my temporary valk line-up in my room to prepare for moving to my own apartment in few more months. i have kept my smaller-scaled valks into their respective boxes. the angled posing was unintentional due to the limited display space. does look good though^^
  6. renewal armoured ozma looks just awesome, guess i'll mess around with my "crumble monkey" version tonight^^
  7. i'd say he's the sleekest captain (chick & milf magnet).
  8. yes & no, lol. the landing gears are actually attached to the stand platform, and the hi-metal excalibur just sits on it...
  9. superb pair of yamato s-series mac7 valks. i have to settle with my bandai mac7 valks.
  10. Watching Mac7 again with 2 companions gives you better enjoyment. You can have some hands-on when you feel like it.^^
  11. Had to dismantle my V.1 DX VF-25S to fix the shoulder hinges after the left one broke when i transformed it from battroid to fighter mode recently. Photos not to clear cos i just snapped it with my phone. I used UHU glue which was slow drying but once it hardened, it was really durable. Hopefully this repair will last.
  12. UTSUKUSHII means beautiful, Max said this to Milia after he defeated her in a Meltrandi battleship in DYRL.
  13. imho, i think kinryu deserves some credit in the vf-17s too. and the blast effect looks awesome.
  14. January 2012 TV Episode 36 Fly High Defensive Battle of Macross City. (let's gear up our valks to kick Quamzin Kravshera's ass) Humankind emigration project publicly announced. (then it's time to pack our bags and be prepared to get lost in space)
  15. 16 years has been a long wait.
  16. gamlin really can't sing, lol~!
  17. those who are excited with this valk, cheers & hip-hip-hooray~! those who aren't in favour of it, just chill, relax & support the excitement. no need for all the drama & conflict of interests.
  18. sugoi~! toy engineering marvel of the year.
  19. blazer pwns the wallet big time it seems, hehehe...^^
  20. ah... guld, max, milia & gamlin pwnage~ gotta love transformation sequences^^
  21. I love my chunkies~!

  22. oh, my god. i'd like to have a wife like yours for x'mas, lol. customize the sound booster into some kind of miniature macross cannon^^
  23. my chronology of bandai chunkies:
  24. nice, that'll deculture him and build his muscles, lol^^
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