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Everything posted by idontknow

  1. I love my YF-21 and 22's. My most favorite design. Next up would be the VF-4 though. Still waiting for a Hasegawa 1/48 kit though. Would be awesome to have so I could customize to my hearts desire.
  2. 666Katyc666, Do you not have VF-1 Bandai Chunky Monkey or V1 /V2 from Yamato/Arcadia?
  3. May I ask what YJA is?
  4. Here is a direct link to their home page, can be found on ebay as well (search "Macross PE -game") Jasmine Models
  5. Maybe someone would be willing to cast or just let them go/sell them separately off the sprue? I don't know how many are of each in the kit yet, but when I get to work on it, I will make casts of the monsters for personal use, on it and my yellow sub kits. So long as they are close to being proportional to the scale.
  6. Was just reading their blog and this is the translation for our next chance for info "In addition, price and specifications, such as the release date (around spring 2015) also details will be undecided." Here is the blog link. Scroll about half way down to view it.
  7. Their is a smaller one that is not on the TV version. If you look right above the shoulder, it is elongated and looks to be the same design. Also, there is a smaller turret like on the TV shoulder, but smaller it seems. Hard to see with the line art here. It is facing outward and not forward like in the TV version. Seems to be ones on the TV version legs that are not on the DYRL version too. Hopefully someone will chime in and can say what they are on the DYRL version so as to know if they are turrets/cannons etc...
  8. I don't think they were moved, just a different design. Here are both with as close a perspective I could find for reference, just to see the differences between the two. Images are from Macross Mecha Manual
  9. Imai made a few sets http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/models/imai/imai_orig.htm (Look for 1/144 4-type) starts about 1/4 way into the page. I actually still have a sealed set of them packed up somewhere. They are pretty detailed for their size and how old they are.
  10. http://www.buildmillenniumfalcon.com/ Only available in the U.K. at the moment and not available to us U.S. customers yet, but here is some more info about it coming to the states. http://www.modelermagic.com/?p=66253
  11. There are quite a few differences in detail and proportions between the Hasegawa, Yellow Sub (now hobby base), and Yamato versions. I built the Yellow Sub version a long time ago and loved it's detail. Have the Yamato build version but not built it yet but have peaked at it and think it's detail is better than the Yellow Subs. Having seen the Hasegawa version pictures, I think Yamato and Yellow Sub have more detail and have more of an "Anime" look to them while the Hasegawa has a more of a "technical" look. Having said that, the Hasegawa allows me to purchase many kits for the what I paid for just one of the others so I can play and not worry so much about messing up while buying more to replace if I need to without them selling out so fast, and it's plastic! Easier to mod (think lighting), and will also allow some of our favorites to give us some PE and maybe even some other details/upgrades. Some good comparison points between all three are the shoulders and knees. Here are some links to compare all three Yellow Sub (couldn't find a better link, maybe someone can supply one that has closer pics with more detail) Hasegawa And the link from Chas for Yamato's version
  12. Wish I had thought of doing that. Many a time I cast a rtv mold for a one time casting. I had tried a generic silicone you get from a do it yourself store one time, but it was too flexible, then tried to use plaster to strengthen the outside, didn't go well either. I am definitely gonna have to try your idea next time.
  13. Hey Mickyg, Here is the link to the stuff I was thinking about originally http://www.composimold.com/ that the plastimake reminded me of. Thought they were the same when I first saw the linked material. But, as a kid I would melt my mom's large candles (and get in some trouble when I was caught) and re-work it to make things as it cooled. and would re-use it over and over. The wax from the candles back then were soft though unless it was really really cold. Hence why I think the plastimake looks like a wax type of material. Wasn't trying to say that either is a wax, only how the plastimake resembles wax.
  14. I read a review article in FSM (Fine Scale Modeler) on this stuff and he used it successfully to resin recast, one of the storage wings pods from a model. It was not a perfect cast but it worked just fine for him for what he needed. I will see if I can find the article on online and post it. EDIT: This is not the same stuff I was thinking. Thought it was the re-usable molding material I saw in the article in FSM, whereas this is a "resin" replacement. This stuff looks more like a special kind of wax.
  15. Hopefully you will let us all know when you are ready to take some orders
  16. I have some and have never had issues with them but I used them only for my YF-19/21 and VF-22's. For those people that have issues, could the silicone tips be taken off and replaced with a pencil eraser? A small slice from one with some super glue or epoxy to hold it to the tip of the acrylic rods?
  17. I personally want a YF-21/VF-22 2.0, but I don't see it happening. My 0.02$ is that usually with a buyout/restructuring they will continue with any plans the company had and then go the way of doing what they want. So if Yamato had already did what they wanted with the macross line then we probably wont see any re-issues or new releases. There is always hope though as the VF-4 was a limited yet quick sellout as well as the VE-1.
  18. Count me in for a set of both.
  19. Man, can't wait to be able to get one!
  20. That looks like the limited run resin kit from one of the wonder festivals.
  21. idontknow

    Lego DesignByMe

    I was browsing some sites on modeling and come across this, it was posted on mecha9.com I have no idea if anyone has ever posted this, im a newbie here. But if you go about 1/3 of the way into the video, it has Kawamori building a transformable VF-25 Lego. It then goes onto showing how he turned it into his design for the 25. Quite interesting. or
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