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Everything posted by alchemo

  1. Usually I don't like busy colour schemes but I like this one from the beginning, and it is true that the batroid looks better than I expected. I doubt that many are expecting engineering renovations on Arcadia's release of the 1/60 VF-1 since 1. the Yamato design is already very good. don't know why but I got a hunch that this price will be what Arcadia sell their 1/60 VF-1 with a colour scheme unreleaed in the future, and re-releases will likely be pricier than Yamato releases. King of reasonable as Yen rate had gone down a lot.
  2. Finally the much anticipated news
  3. NY opens for preorder again, at 25,000yen.
  4. alchemo

    Macross figures

    Basara is a primadonna
  5. Confession...That's what I spent for the 1/48 Stealth Combo when I get mine at a local store, with the yen rate at that time.
  6. I pre-ordered after they re-stock, and that was 17,000yen.
  7. I did not get a VF-29 30th Ann. at first but then get it at NY for 19,500yen, with the lowered exchange rate it was still cheaper then going to HK to buy one.
  8. I'm from Macau where toys are usually 10% more expensive then HK due to extra transportation and that's ok, as it would cost more to go there to buy them. The shop that I order from is honest enough not to cancel preorders and hold the stocks for retail with higher markup, but they may not get supply if the item is popular in HK.
  9. Thank you Neoexcaliber, got one from HLJ, first time that I got and Bandai VF with a discount ^O^
  10. NY's price, including shipping, would be about the same as if I preorder at a local store (but the store doesnot always get stocks), so NY's premium is OK with me.
  11. Hobby search is sold out already!
  12. I got one in my cart, by the time I can load the check out page, they are all out already! guess I have to pay the mark up to NY again.
  13. Wow, that's really a very healthy discussion Whatever, I think the design suits a memorial scheme and I will surely get one.
  14. I guess until the product arrived at the store (or web-store), any anticipation would be grasping at straws because Arcadia could cancel the production even with the prototype built, just like Yamato and Bandai had done before. But that is another matter, the point is, Arcadia had announced a VF-1 with the 30th anniversary scheme which features some gimmicks and high play value,be it 1/60 and PT or not, yet the image they shown had the same features as the other 1/60 PT VF-1, right?
  15. the two image does not have the same line arts neither, as mentioned by another member earlier, the one from Hyper Hobby have the hook at the tail and the sideview does not reveal the side of the back pack which is painted yellow. the shape of many parts are also different. I myself thought they are the same also until someone point out the differences.
  16. Sorry to say that but no, it is not the same image, you will see the different if you would look carefully. The gray curve at the tail area are obviously different. Although, as one member had said earlier, Arcadia can as well release a set of decal for the 1/60 PT VF-1 kit. but again, that is not the 1/72 Hasegawa kit.
  17. 2nd photo is from Dengeki Hobby, and it is the Hasegawa 2,940yen kit, but the first photo is from Hyper Hobby, and the curve line at the tail of the planes is different. Surely, nothing is clear until Arcadia post a picture on their own website.
  18. the two pictures have different linings at the back and as mentioned by Ignacio Ocamica, there is the hook from the backpack. I can't read Japanese but from the Kanji, it seems to mention that this is the Arcadia version and comparing with the Hasegawa kit, it would be a product with higher play value and more gimmick. I could be wrong, Someone who read Japanese please kindly take a look and tell us what was really written.
  19. I would like to add a few word here. In the case of Yamato. the first lot is always way too expensive. but later on the second lot would be 30% to 50% cheaper then the original retail prices. In my case, as I started late in collecting so I got most of my VF-1 and my VF-0(s), YF-19(s) at bargain prices, then I pay premium for the VF-19(s) and VF-17(s). if I were patient enough I would have got my VF-19 Kai, 19S and 17S at 30% to 50% discount (through retailers in HK or web shops) so it is not fait to say that yamato "marginalized themselves to a small core of collectors", In fact they are just doing business in a common way that those who wish to own the item early pay more and those who wait will pay less.
  20. 1200 yen is not bad but I will suggest keeping it as a collective item as this is the original box issued so 30 years ago (yellow box being the first version for this gerwalk kit) I had built one then and I'd say you probably will prefer a Hasegawa kit.
  21. This way it will be about the same height as the YF-19 also.
  22. IMO if the legs and can be a bit shorter, the wings, the back and the shoulders a bit smaller, then B mode would look even more accurate, and will not do much harm to the other two mode. As in fighter mode the wings are a little longer then what depict in line arts. However if that is possible in terms of incorporating the transforamation mechanism I don't know I admit I am spoiled by what they hae done with VF-19
  23. Thanks! This thing really looks better in live then in photos! Now begins the long wait for VF-17D and Milia's VF-17S
  24. Thanks everyone for liking the photos. One little thing I want to ask Graham I have strugled a bit with the hip joint the first time I transform it into B mode and now the two sides can be pull quite far apart and can swing pretty loosely back and forth when they are. Did I break something? They are still pretty tight only swing a bit when pushed in. It is normal that the joint was allow to swing a little bit when lowered to the position for the B-mode and pushed in?
  25. Here are a few pictures I took of the VF-17S
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