To whom it may concern...
The prices are significantly lower than here in Atlanta, GA.
Non-FP 1/48's are $140 compared to HK $77 difference = $63 or 45% lower
1/60's are $65 compared to HK $38.51 difference = $26.49 or 41% lower
Bandai 1/55's are $65 compared to HK $28 difference = $37 or 57% lower
Japanese MP Convoy $108 compared to HK $88 difference $20 or 19% lower
The US prices I quoted were from I am sure Americans on the West Coast can get better deals than I can since they are much closer to Japan/China.
Those Hong Kong prices are great!.
Thanks for the other quotes Sebastian. I scored a Dancouga on EBAY for $207, What a Deal!