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Everything posted by robomatt

  1. Look again... see the bottom price in yellow. The sale price is $109. The Bandai 1/55 scales are sale priced at $29.99. The lowest priced 1/55 on Twin moons was #54.99 So you can buy the Yamoto from Twin Moons and the Bandai from the Sale place. that is if you like the chunky monkey
  2. gundamstoreandmore And for Shawn... They also have mocross kits on sale! Check it out
  3. robomatt

    Britai attacks!

    The coolest thing for me was seeing all the pictures of places in Japan. Is this a guy playing with the dolls? Well at least he/she incorporates action. He has a great ability to frame a story. I could not read the text but was interested int eh story. Pretty cool.
  4. "Show me the money!!!!" (Pics)
  5. Well, Let's see... MIB Green Gakken Alpha Fighter $300+ shipping Mospeada Ride Armour large version $200 I think. 1st Issue Yamato 1/48 $140 I think. Tons of Transformers PG Zeta Gundam $200 (wedding Present) All my toys are in seperate bags up in a closet until I get something to display them in. I moved recently and the apartment I was in had shelves to display the toy love. Oh well my new house is better in other ways. But I'm poor after dropping the humongous down payment. I havn't bought a toy in months. Patience...Patience... It seems the largest amounts paid for Toys is on the Elintseekers. Yamato needs to make a 1/48 Elintseeker.
  6. 1/35 Gakken Green Alpha Fighter, Large Gakken Ride Armour, 1/60 PG Zeta Gundam (which I could never get the lights in the wings to work properly)
  7. To whom it may concern... The prices are significantly lower than here in Atlanta, GA. Non-FP 1/48's are $140 compared to HK $77 difference = $63 or 45% lower 1/60's are $65 compared to HK $38.51 difference = $26.49 or 41% lower Bandai 1/55's are $65 compared to HK $28 difference = $37 or 57% lower Japanese MP Convoy $108 compared to HK $88 difference $20 or 19% lower The US prices I quoted were from Bigbadtoystore.com. I am sure Americans on the West Coast can get better deals than I can since they are much closer to Japan/China. Those Hong Kong prices are great!. Thanks for the other quotes Sebastian. I scored a Dancouga on EBAY for $207, What a Deal!
  8. So what kind of deals did you guys get??? Can you let us know in US dollars? If not hen HK dollar is fine. Inqiring minds want to know. I would like to visit Hong Kong and am courious as to the price difference (not considering shipping of course). Is it woth the trip from the US? No "I cought a fish that was this big" type stories.. Ha Ha!
  9. I AM SO ENVIOUS OF YOU GUYS! Wish I could have been there. I am glad you guys had such a fun memorable time. When you have something in common with people it is amazing how the walls come down. Cheers!
  10. robomatt


    Merry Christmas fellow macross fans. Cheers!!
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