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Everything posted by vincemoto7

  1. vincemoto7

    Hi-Metal R

  2. Check here... http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=40715
  3. Damn derex, awesome so far. Can't wait to see the "fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy" all completed.
  4. Hahahahaha... yeah, who needs 'em anyways when you can buy cool s**t!!!!
  5. Hell yeah, hope I won't have to sell one of my kidneys to aquire if though.
  6. I have a feeling I'm going to go into shock when they reveal the price.
  7. Just saw that the perks are up for the different levels. Any chance a picture of the t-shirt that's included with the skull squadron level getting posted?
  8. Looks pretty cool but I'd never be able to build a 1/144... I got balloon hands
  9. I'd be interested if there was a 1/48 version.
  10. Last year there were 2 rooms, one where the speakers will be and another where the vendors are. Last year was my first time attending and I enjoyed it, I was able to put a face with the screen-name and meet the man himself, Tenjin. Looks like they are still putting together the perks of each level but being able to get in earlier was pretty nice.
  11. Damn it, alright I caved... ordered... that's why we work, right?
  12. Look at the assembly guide on the the first page, there should be a re-order form. I don't have this particular kit but most Hasegawa kits have this. Its usually in japanese so I don't exactly know what you can order, I know you can re-order decal sheets, but you need to have the exact form cut out from the guide, no copies. I think jefuemon has pointed this out in another thread I read somewhere. He's been pretty helpful.
  13. @derex... I say scout pod, cuz you don't see too many of them.
  14. Looking great chaff!! Thank you for taking the extra effort do this write up. I will be applying what you've posted here to my own projects.
  15. I'm very impressed with the quality on it, I remember as a kid (many, many, MANY moons ago), that snap fit kits were junk and you ended up having to use cement anyways cuz the tabs would break or the parts were wobbly. Good luck with the rest of you build, can't wait to more pics on this!
  16. The detail on that AT-ST ain't too bad for a snap-tite.
  17. WOW, awesome job!!! Wish I went in on this when I had the chance... I hate myself...
  18. Taking into consideration your past projects I'm sure this one will turn out just as awesome, if not more so. I'd be interested in a 1/48.
  19. WOW... that valkyrie is absolutely amazing Mintox!! Thank you for sharing your work.
  20. Great build but yeah, would love to see more pics.
  21. Great work so far, thank you for sharing.
  22. Just saw on HLJ for pre-order. http://www.hlj.com/product/HSG26/Sci
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