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Everything posted by vincemoto7

  1. Derex at it again... Nice job man!
  2. Jefuemon just posted that he got banned screen in error but then it happened to him again. Here's his last post... Never met him but he seems like a really cool dude that knew his stuff. He left contact info on that post too but I hope he comes back.
  3. Sad, but I loaded up too.
  4. Thanks for the clarification Cowie, I guess I didn't scroll down far enough to see "price in USD", my bad. I asked him about shipping to my address and it's pretty reasonable, its a little cheaper than what I get charged from HLJ.
  5. I just looked up their Facebook page, they posted $350 (I'm assuming that's AUD) not including shipping. That would be around $265 USD just for the kit. I might be in for one.
  6. That looks awesome pengbuzz, really nice work man! Did you make the Starfighter decal on the booster?
  7. Nice work on that cannon pengbuzz. What material are you using?
  8. It's refreshing to see that there are still good people out there... Yeah, I'm talking about you Thom!!
  9. Pengbuzz- Arbit is right, don't listen to the haters. Be proud of that project and keep showing it off. Funny thing about the internet - people will say anything hiding behind their computer screen.
  10. I agree. The nose and canopy just look weird.
  11. That SDF-1 is looking great Derex, and congratulations.
  12. Great job Derex, that's pretty cool!
  13. Well, that sucks.
  14. See ya when the site comes back online. Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas everyone!
  15. I got one from him when he first put them up for sale. You should PM mslz22, he's real good about answering.
  16. It won't let me view it, it says it's blocked in my country... Oh well, nothing a little whiskey can't fix!!
  17. The shorter video played, I'm sneaking at work so I'll do a more detailed search at home later. Thanks for posting though NZEOD!
  18. There are some pretty big names going to this thing, I wish I could make it. I'd like to meet the voice of Rick Hunter, Tony Oliver. I know, he's from Robotech but that's what started it all for me.
  19. I had a great a time but I do agree with you... I think the sign in process should have been smoother especially if you pre-registered for the event. Walk-ups got in in like 30 seconds as opposed to the 15-20 minutes for those who pre-registered. I only saw one person checking peoples names in the computer and putting the convention bags together, I think that slow things down a lot. Maybe some volunteers didn't show up or the QR reader was down but all in all I thought it was a great convention and very well put together. I'm definitely looking forward to next year.
  20. Is there still early entry in to the event with the Skull and Delta squadron levels?
  21. ugh... missed it again.
  22. At least you kept it upright. What track were you at? Here's me at Chuckwalla Valley Raceway just before I laid it down.
  23. Nice job, really great work.
  24. hahaha... That's funny man, you don't see selfies too much on here.
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