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Everything posted by Ghadrack

  1. Not yet, but sooon
  2. I don't know if you've seen the full two minute trailer they are running in theatres right now, but seriously, once you do, there is no point in seeing this film, youve seen every key action sequence, and with the exception of a few plot points that drive them to the battles you know the story. I am really sick and tired of trailers made to lure in the LCD spoiling every cool/funny/clever/surprise/shock in films. Blech.
  3. Wow. That looks Spectactular!!!!
  4. Cool. I just booked my room, I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to make it this year due to a work obligation / conference in Florida, but it will nto conflict so I'll defiintely be by to see the table. hopefully I can scratch together some decent fun money again this year I'd like to bring a couple models to put in the show, it's been a busy year between my job and recently moving into a new house that has required some "Fixing Upping", but We'll see.
  5. It was MSLZ22, he has the skills, but that guy is about as busy in the kit business as anyone on earth. If he makes one and a kit available I'll be in line to get one, but I wouldn't hold my breath until he has the opportunity. PS check out his current regult thread, i's pretty spectacular.
  6. I went and checked this morning. It looks like therpf domain is still in the hands of the hackers. there has been a lot of activity the thwart the spoof site and to get it back but it seems like that will be a beurocratic wiating game. thereplicapropforum site seems to have been secured, but I don't know if the hacker can still get in and screw around on the new board, from what I've read they seem to feel pretty confident that the new board is safe for the time being. The whole thing is really very rediculous. I'd advise still staying away from therpf.com site.
  7. This morning they were saying on the boards that there was concern on thereplicapropforum.com that the hackers had gined admin access to the new site as well. I'm not sure about either of them for right now.
  8. I know there are several members who are part of this site and the Replica Prop Forum, in case you haven't been over there last week their site was hacked and stolen, their Domain was stolen and transferred to another owner and a spoof site has been set up, presumably to harvest people's information (why else would you do that?) I haven't seen any warnings about virus or information theft, but they have apparently hacked admin access on the new replacement site as well. I don't have any advice to offer other than be careful with logging on to those sites. I'm not completely internet illiterate, but I also don't overestimate my knowledge when it comes to stuff like this.
  9. Are you going to have a table at WF again? If so, and you wanted to give a brotha some hints about stuff that might be available, you might entice me to pack my wallet and get in the car in May
  10. Ghadrack

    Kit's Power

    I like the fact that the info that this is a recast house cheating our members is available. Maybe links to the legit source for these kits through the approved sellers as an option might be a good way to go? Like Don't buy from site www dot jerkysaurus d oit crom , they are available for pre-order on castings from: (insert correct ssm link here?)
  11. I've been out of the loop for the last several weeks moving to a new place. Have the final installments begun (or finished) shipping?
  12. I am a huge fan as well, and I thought Flapjack was one of the best cartoons on TV since Ren & Stimpy, so put me in that camp. On of the things that I love about the show is that it is clear that the jokes for Jake, who is voiced by the actor that does Bender on Futurama, are written specifically with that Bender tinge but a little more kid oriented. I also love the randomness of lots of the humor.
  13. Final payments sent. Great pics, the size of it next to that soda can makes me giddy
  14. Ghadrack

    Kit's Power

    Pretty much Standard Operating Procedure for recasters isn't it? Obviously if there's something we don't know and the masters were sold to this outfit I'll retract my statement, but looks like like straight up recasting to me. just goes to show you, if you make something awesome, they will copy it.
  15. I'll keep my eyes peeled for that sale thread. I got a couple from the initial run, I've had one in my truck and the other in a detolf shelf since then and they both still look great.
  16. Looking amazing! You are closing in on the finish line with this massive project, How's it feel? Will you be building one or more yourself?
  17. I'ts showing my age, but about ten years ago when I was going to Anime Weekend Atlanta regularly they showed a video of music by Peter Gabriel, the song was Rythm of the Heat and the video was composited off clips from Princess Mononoke, it was one of the best AMV's I have seen to date. i couldn't find a good copy to link because of the BMG block on youtube, anyhow if you haven't seen it, it's a classic, but it's great.
  18. Oops, installment payment incoming tonight when I get home from work, sorry I missed the note the other day.
  19. I finished Dance with Dragons a couple weeks ago, my friends and I didn't think it was weak, but it is a "middle book" as a stand alone story it wouldn' tmake any sense but its not a stand alone story and it has set up a number of events and characters that obviously are going to play a huge role in the finale of the series. Plenty of signficant events happen in the book and it was basically playing catch up with a bunh of characters storylines that were cut from the last one due to length. I still have high hopes for the series ending very strong. Here's a list of the things that I think were crucial to the storyline that happened in Dance with Dragons And there were several more seemngly minor events that you know as a GRRM reader are likley to end up being critical to the storyline. Anyhow, all that to say that everyone wasn't disappointed with the last book, or that last two for that matter.
  20. I'm missing 13 panhead 2.0 x 6.0mm 2 flathead 2.0 X4.0mm 1 of the "Bubble top" 1.8 X 6.0 mm screws. and I ended up with 9 extra various screws of the other types that I plan to scavenge to fill gaps where I can. I searched the big hardware stores like Lowe's and Home depot and they didn't have anything if use, then I went to the little ace hardware store down the street and they have a magnificant selection of screws, and in fact a Metric Mini Machine Screw assortment, I'll be going back with my list, hey didn't have 4mm length screws but I can probably cut down the 6mm screws if necesary. Anyhow, if there is an Ace Hardware near you, they might be worth a try and get you closer to a complete set wihtout having to mail order and pay shipping and handling.
  21. Thank you for doing it too. I am about 50 kits behind and digging deeeper every month so probably would have just shelved it for a while without giving it a second thought.
  22. Ooh, that's cool!
  23. Mine arrived today, this is a pretty awesome package for a modeller. I can see someone with no interest in putting things together being put off by it, but that extra sense of satisfaction I get from building kits and displaying them over putting a toy on the shelf is immense so I'm a happy camper!
  24. Got my shipping confirmation from HLJ this morning Wheeeee!
  25. There actually were a lot more of us there than I expected. I'm in between computers right now posting from a ten year old POS that I can't upload pics on yet but I got a few for when my new comp arrives. From Macrossworld I met up with Mslz22, Valkyrie, Neptunesurvey, Thor, and Tundrayeti and several other guys from the RPF. We didn't really have a "get together" just chatted in the dealers room around a couple of their tables and saw a couple panels and checked out the model contest room but it was pretty cool to put faces with names and see the stuff those guys are doing. Thor and Tundrayeti's 3D stuff is pretty amazing to see in person. I'm not going to blab but I heard a couple ideas that a few of them have for future projects that sound pretty amazing so hopefully there will be a few announcements for other neat kits over the coming year. Good time. I really enjoy Wonderfest it is such a laid back, easy going convention it's just a nice coupe days to relax and see some cool stuff.
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