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Everything posted by Ghadrack

  1. Dear Sweet Bacon Jesus that is impressive. Do Want.
  2. Great news all around. And I'm seriously interested Mike, I've got two Beasts and wouldn't mind getting a pair of baddies to go along with them
  3. What's the good word here Cap? I have a week long business trip coming up and don't want my kits to be returned by the P.O. in my absence, I will in fact be up in Maine, maybe I can drive up and get mine in person
  4. Woohoo!
  5. Lookin good! Congrats on the productivity, man seems like you've been firing on all cylinders the past few months churning out kits, working on new stuff, and building! I just got my PDkit from Vaderdarth's thread on the RPF at lunch today. Castings look pretty great, I almost feel obligated to get a Hyperdyne kit to put in it. She' so pretty I feel like it'd be criminal if she can't sing and dance. .
  6. Mwuahaha, I just got my PD shipping quote this afternoon And that Hyperdyne motion/light/sound kit looks straight up awesome.
  7. Alright, if they have Gary Oldman and Hugh Laurie playing the bad guys I might end up having to eat my words and give it a chance. It was the first Rated R movie I saw in a theatre I own Robocop on Criterion LD, DVD, Blu Ray, and I love it dearly, but I may still give them a chance to prove my doubts wrong.
  8. I saw it, I'm not going to reinvent the wheel with all the stuff that has already been discussed over and over. I enjoyed the movie, as with any movie with a "horror" element, I think that the behavior some of the characters exhibitted was unrealistic. I thought the character design for the "Engineer" race was awesome, I thought the movie was beuatiful to look at, and I appreciate the broad strokes of the the concepts for the back-ground of the Alien universe. I liked it and don't really feel the need to over think it beyond that, it may have had some warts but I had a good time.
  9. I grabbed a couple at Wonderfest as well and put one together in my hotel room late Saturday night. I love miniatures, these are so awesomely detailed for their scale it's hard to describe
  10. I'm curious too. If the only thing missing are a few joints and a canopy, and it's beenn a couple months, I'd almost rather have the model parts shipped to me now and consider paying extra to have the joints/canopies shipped to me seperately later. Every month that passes makes the random liklihood of a lightning strike/heart attack/alien abduction seem more likley to my paranoid brain
  11. Yeah, it's a funny con, they actually don't do pre-registrations, you buy your tickets at the door. Unless they move the ticket/registration this year it is always set up right across the hall from the dealers room entrance so you can't miss it.
  12. Barring catastrophe I'll be there Friday early afternoon so if there is some sort of meet up I'll try to attend as well!
  13. It makes me sad you can't make Wonderfest, because I would honestly love to just sit in the the Dealers room if you and Steve were going to be there splitting a table and film people's wallets being pillaged to gruesome deaths for 2 solid days because you guys have bar-none the very coolest model kits on earth. For unsuspecting Star Wars / Macross Modellers,walking by your table would be like a crack head with a credit card walking past a table covered with cocaine, I would literally be able to film people's willpower breaking.
  14. How're things going Cap'n? The thread dropped off the model page, and curiousty got the better of me.
  15. Yup, the con will be there next year, the family event won't. Hope you can make it next time! Definitely let us know if you end up going next year Exo, There are several memebers of Macrossworld and even more RPF'ers that go every year, I've met up with dozens of people I've talked to on the boards at them.
  16. Stupid weddings! Well who knows, maybe she'll reschedule again. If not, there's always next year. Maybe we can have a small but growing macross contingent every year
  17. Glad you heard back and I hope it all workks out for the best!
  18. lol It is a pretty low key con. Unless things have changed, you don't buy memberships in advance, you book a room and memberships go on sale Friday night between 5 and 8. I have been going to cons for 20 years this one for the last 3 or 4, Wonderfest is my current fave, it is low key, more focussed on one subject (models) and not as cluttered with tens of thousands of stupid people, it also draws a little older crowd so you don't have the big contingent of bored frat boys looking to get trashed and break things that most huge cons have. The events are all usually pretty darn fun too.
  19. You had to send your stuff to a real address for someone to receive it, and there is a thread specifically for bad deals in the sales section to protect people from scammers. I think you ought to be safe posting up the name and address that you sent your goods to. It s along shot but a future person may be saved from a sock puppet scammer if they see a name or address that a person got hosed from. Here is the Blacklist thread: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=172 Not to sound like a vindictive, aggressive jerk, but if you feel like you've exhausted all reasonable means of contacting the person, like you got robbed and your stuff is lost to you, you shouldn't feel bad about offering up the RL (Real life) info you've got ont he person that stole from you, not only for you but to porotect others. If they stole from you, they should die in fire. If it turns out it was some sort fo 6 month disaster, and they come through with your stuff, post an update and delate anything negative you've said. Or maybe I am too vindictive, I dunno
  20. Thor, those look Viper tube/ garage kits look great and it's a brilliant idea to make accessories for those available kits, I hope you can mop up with them.
  21. I don't know the dude, and I hope you didn't get scammed, I'll only offer the only thing I can, which iks probably why you trusted the guy. He (or she) has been a member for like 8 years so hopefully this is just some kinda communication break down. I hope you get your commission / kit back and it is just some kind of internet connection debacle. Good luck, if your kit doesn't come back don't be afraid to post up the person's RL info so we can be on the lookout inthe future!
  22. I am going, I have gone the last few years, but really don't know jack-squat about the area, but I'm up for something, even if it's just a get together at the hotel restaurant/bar or room party. I am going to get off my buttand make a pledge to enter a Macross kit in the model contest this year.
  23. Jesus.... 1/48 officer pod? If you cast them nice and thick aren't those big enough to put a motor scooter engine in and make street legal LOL.
  24. From the album: 40k

    Jpeg version
  25. Ghadrack

    Evil Sun

    From the album: 40k

    Evil Sun Scan from Ere'We' Go

    © GW 1994

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