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Everything posted by Ghadrack

  1. I am in Chattanooga Tennessee, not a giant city, but not the smallest city on earth either. Anyhow, there are a half a dozen guys from Michigan camped out outside our Circuit City store here all of them waiting to get a PS3 for resale, they were interviewed yesterday in their lawn chairs outside the store they all talked about the chance for profit being worth their time on the street. I just can't imagine what these people paying exhorbitant prices for these systems are thinking. Like MYK said in his post, I am going to wait couple months (Not like the game library available is going to chage drastically anyhow) and pick one up at shelf price, and not be forced to buy a bundle with a bunch of crap i don't need or want with it. People just seem to go bonkers around release dates, this isn't a limited edition collectable. Oh well, fools and their money........
  2. Not to sound like a shameless shill, but seriously, these kits are the bee's knees. Don't hesitate, these are some of, if not, the best "garage" kits ever offered for Macross fans.
  3. Hooray! PM Sent I'll take 2.
  4. Congratulations! I hope all goes well with the contract and editting processes. Hehehe, the cover art is a little rough, hard to give you any sort of serious advice other than you may want to try to make sure something unique or special about your work is involved in the cover art, something eye catching. For instance, if there were some mysterious "space crystal" or something that the story revolves around then have an outline of the gem behind the dogfight... Sex sells, if your protagonist happens to be female, dear god, get a really nice "strong yet femenine" character on the cover. If you have anything to do with the cover art, be sure to come up with several concepts so you can look at renderings of different ideas and hopefully one will jump out at you. Congratulations again and good luck with the rest of the process!
  5. My parent's anniversary was on Halloween too
  6. If you do the SDF-1 and it is pretty close in price to your monster kit, I'll buy 2
  7. Basically, Sony Sucks, they don't suck as bad as Microsoft because their game systems have better developer support for the types of games I play, but it isn't much of a stretch to compare the two. Lik Sang sucks for not being willing to work out a deal rather than going pure pirate, and we all lose one of the few relatively safe reliable importers for a while. Looks like places like NCSX will probably reap the benefits of this little spat.
  8. I am gonna play naysayer.... That looks like one of the ABC store displays in Akihabara, and unless I am way off bae they only display finished toys a few weeks/month before they are released. I just can't fathom how a Yamato SV-51 could make it to a storefront without anoyone finding out about it first.
  9. I am dying to see what he comes up with. After having seen several of his other projects, I have no doubt it will be spectacular.
  10. Hehehe, well, it would be pretty funny if you made a knock off of the tower of tokyo, strung some christmas lights on it and glued lego people all over it Well that's my idea anyway
  11. I think the generic easy one is the Tower of Tokyo, it was destroyed in a few godzilla flicks and is easily recognizable. It is kinda like the eifel tower too, so you could probably make a pretty quick job out of it by using a couple overturned laundry baskets and some spray paint.
  12. There is discussion about this thing in the toys section right now. I think there is som debate over if this is planned to be sold as a finished "toy" or a model kit. From the limited translation fo the text it is sounding like a "toy" made of ABS/PVC and Die Cast. There are more pictures posted in that thread, check it out.
  13. That picture in CF-18's post, on the right, is that a 1/60 VF-0s next to the SDF-1? If so, ummm, yeah I like this scale..... Edit..... Wait I am an idiot, if thsi is Wave's table then that would likely be their 1/72 Vf-0S Battroid kit. Still, I think the scale is not terribly small and I'd buy one or two for that price if I am not mistaken. ~Edit number 2, OK I was under the incorrect assumption that the Wave kit was 1/72.....Doh, every time I look back at the thread it keeps getting smaller. Time for me to shut up and get out a ruler
  14. Do Valkyrie and Battroid too
  15. Thanks for the assist Graham, WolfX and Haterist! I went home last night and gave it a little more scrutiny, I didn't see the second hinge in the backpack joint, and it was really tight which made me think I was going to break it. Anyhow, after I got that I started working on the neck joint and I finally got that loose. It was sealed up almost lilke it had been glued, but I am fully functional now! I still love my Hikaru 1S more than a man should love a toy, but this VF-0A is probably my second favorite valk, something about the color and design just sit well with me. Thanks again.
  16. Seriously, you do deserve a huge thank you. Keep up the great work man, I can't wait to see what you come up with in the "off season"! Nudge, nudge
  17. I thought since they tried to trump snakes ona plane with snakes on a train, then zombies on a plane would get zombies on a train. Speaking of "On a train" anyone here see the old Christopher Lamber movie "The Hunted"? man, ninjas on a train was sweet!
  18. I got my VF-0A today and this guy is spectacular, one thing..................... Back to the Future!!!!! OK I am frigging retarded, my VF-0A backpack is floppy and unlike the Vf-1 I don't see the flip-clip to hold it up, what am I missing? Anyone ot a top-down picture of their VF-0A or S that shows how the back-pack clips? I know I am missing something simple but the manual doesn't show it, and I just can't seem to find it....
  19. Stupid fear of toy guns is a reason I think they will either totally butcher, or just flat out skip Megatron. There is no good reason why they can't do a spectacular Masterpiece Megatron, lets hope that corporate beurocracy doesn't sabotage him.
  20. I can't wait, I can't wait, I can't wait...............
  21. That was a fun episode, I loved the character transformation into their post-WOW physiques. I imagine it was funny for non-players as well, but the little touches for those who played, the real game locations and character models, teamspeak, oh it was just hilarious
  22. Thank God, I have been dying for someone to take this on. I can't wait to see what you come up with, and to send you my money.
  23. I am totally open to fan interperetation if I find it aesthetically pleasing. I really enjoy this take on the GPB armor. If it were reasonably priced and available, I'd buy a set or two. Thanks for the link and pictures!
  24. Hot damn, that is very nice. Great work and lovely pictures
  25. Here is a link on Motorcycle Helmet information. http://www.motorcyclistonline.com/gearbox/..._helmet_review/ Basically there is a lot of science that goes into motor cycle crash safety and design. Still watching eagerly, thanks for the update!
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