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Everything posted by Ghadrack

  1. I do believe you are correct.
  2. 2 years ago I would have said definitely yes, However since they didn't and a certain model crafter made some SPECTACULAR, detailed Model kits. My need for Regults has been sated. I voted undecided / stipulations because it is possible that if Yamato made it, and it was a solid product I would still buy the toy version, but they would really have to "knock the ball out of the park" with QC and paint applications to win me over for the money it would cost. Same thing happened with the monster, if they had put out the Monster they mocked up I would have been throwing money at them, instead they mothballed the project and helped turn me back in primarily a modeller over a toy collector.
  3. I have been on the brink of buying a second 60Gig unit 3 times to store as a back-up in case my unit fails. But I always think, ah screw it, I'll just keep a slim PS2 set aside for my future retro-gaming.
  4. Maybe used 1/60's?
  5. Not to totally derail the thread but..... Was I the only one who thought the bioengineered cell phone frog was a pretty neat little touch? How disappointed will i be if it becomes a pivotal figure in the plot.
  6. Very nice post Winterdyne, I agree with every point. I wish I had advice like that ten years ago before I started my first resin kit and slopped glue all over the thing before seeing how I really wanted it positioned.
  7. Suxcktacular. I just had my first Yamato Failure with my 1st edition VF-0A. The left arm jsut fell off in my hand with a shower of plastic sprinkles at the shoulder-elbow joint. It is simple to see exactly where the failure occured. This toy wasn't abused of mishandled on my end, the joint just deisintegrated. I have thought about it and have come up with a fix I think will work using tiny metal washers and CA glue, it will take some hunting at the hardware store but should cost about a buck an arm. I was amazed at how miniscule the piece of plastic at that arm joint is I wonder why the hell they didn't make those out of metal.
  8. I look forward with great anticipation Bruce Campbell is my hero!
  9. I never latched on to the concept of remote play, help a brotha out here. Is the concept that you can play your PS1 or PSN games on the PSP if you are at a hotspot and have the game active in the PS3? I know I need to RTFM, but I just have never bothered to see what that feature is.
  10. This had dropped off the forums, there has been some renewed interest, any idea on what the price on the re-release might be if you do one and the time frame, I know you have had several other projects on your plate. (I wish I had jumped in on an gniw-X when you did those:( )
  11. Mike's monster kit is one of the most impressive Macross kits in existence, until you see one in person you can't truly understand its magnificence. I have mine still primed but I am agonizing over the paint scheme. If there is a second run it will make my life easier because I want one by the book and one with a fun, unique paint scheme. If you can afford one, don't hesitate if he offers a run, when you get the box you will know your money was some of the best spent modelling money you have ever spent.
  12. LOL Good one. Eugimon, I think there is a pretty strong arguement to be made that Sony and the PS2 were the straw that broke the camel's back for Sega, the Dreamcast was a fantastic system, I think it is fair to say it was far superiod to the gamecube, but the consumers didn't support the Sega product. This is all way off topic and totally irrelevant at this point in history I didn't point the finger solely at Microsoft up there, like I said, I was a Sony H8ter back when it was cool to hex on them as the big kid on the block too, but they proved with both the PS1 and the PS2 that they could deliver the type of games that I liked over and over, so they earned some brand loyalty with me, I honestly believe that for all of its other functions, the PS3 is worth it's price even with an admittedly lackluster video game lineup thus far. But that being said we are only a year in and new systems always have a tough first year while developers are catching up with the new system architecture. As time goes one the comparisons of game library and system performance will be more "fair". For now a lot of this is just bickering. Anyone else playing Time Crisis 4? Do the FPS mode controls feel really weird to anyone else? I forever find myself forgetting to aim the gun and trying to move the targetting reticle with the "mouselook" analog for just a second...
  13. Since you are fond of this one And since we are now discussing the 360 in the PS3 thread, They could extend the warranty to lifetime and it still wouldn't make up for the fact that they built a wholely defective system and sold it to the public. It is a fact that nearly all 360's built prior to the Halo 3 edition will fail. Yes there was a problem with some early PS2's but it wasn't nearly the entire crop like the 360 POS that is I still have both a first gen PS2 and PS2 japan that work as good as the dayI bought them within a month of their respective releases. And if we want to keep comparing apples to oranges like a 360 - ps2 comparison, which is the better system, the PS2 is clearly a better game system than the 360, graphics upgrade aside (apples and Oranges and bacon oh my!), in terms of failure rate, game library, game quality, etc, etc. Look No one with a brain who has put any thought into it should have difficulty understanding the current video game market force issues. Microsoft hit the market with the HD game system first, Microsoft writes the operating system used on most computers in the US and probably the world, it is in the developers interest to keep costs low so they are going to aim for the system that has the most consoles on the market and is least expesive to customize games for. that equates to a microsoft victory in this round of the console wars. The PS3 has catching up to do and likely will not (we get it). However, this doesn't change the fact that the more behemoth mega-coorporations that enter and dominate in the games market, the worse it is for us the consumers. More mergers of game developers, more exclusives owned by giant companies, less competition, less innovation, more sucky video game movie franchise crap games with big names. We can only hope that game developers like Square-Enix and whoever makes the dumb sports games not (EA owns everything right) have the sense to keep developing games exclusive to all the other machines to make sure that they have a market and not a monopoly to deal with in the future of game consoles. Remember Nintendo and Sony's insance Licensing approval procedures of days gone by. Well if MS runs off the competition you can believe that licensinc fees will skyrocket to cover and profit from their console price sales of days gone by. I wasn't happy when Sony came into the market and helped push Sega out of the console market, I am extremely not happy that Microsoft is trying to do the same thing but has way more money than Sony did to further screw up the video game world. On top of the fact that they released a total crap box in the 360 that is prone to self destruction, that they don't cater to the gamer niches that I inhabit for crap, they are just bad joojoo for the video game market as a whole in my opinion. Back on topic, I still love my PS3, I just got Time Crisis 4 and the new Guncon works much better than I had expected with my plasma screen TV. I think namco-bandai could have done a better job making the LED sensors less gaudy but I am happy with the game itself, I hope we get some more gun games they are one of my favoraite little niches in video games.
  14. I am sure you have talked about it elsewhere, but why is it impossible to paint the nose like that?
  15. Don't forget Hiro in your list of characters that have to die to allow for any plot to have meaning. Having a couple characters around that can blink through and move around in time breaks any storyline. Virus, what virus, hiro just went back to the moment it was developed in a frozen moment in time swapped out the vial with some purified water and dropped the evil juice in a volcano. What' the virus mutated in the volcano and became a 40 story tall godzilla bunny, OK he goes back and doesn't drop it in the volcano he straps it to the space shuttle and fluches it into space. the ability to have endless "do overs" well, everyone knows, free wheeling time travel breaks the game. Hiro's "I'll get revenge on Adam" was farcical, why not as soon as he sees Peter guarding Takezo just blink back to a time when he knows the guy was face down in a ditch drunk and lop off his head, at least if he does it at some random moment in time Peter has to figure out when he died to go back and intervene, oh but wait Peter can read minds, and time becomes a loop. Time travel and God power characters have to go to make the show fun again. I think Sylar can still be salvaged as a great enemy character by limiting the numbe of powers he can contain. They can always cap his brain's capacity to carry powers at any time and I can't think of anything he can do at this point that makes him unstoppable. Peter can Fly, Go Invisible, phase shift, he has Telekenesis, Lightning Bolts, Immortality, Immunity, Time Travel, potentially also do everything that Sylar can because they were in each other's proximity. Peter's character is broken and should just go ahead and ascend to the golden throne or leave earth to go explore the Universe until they have to call him back to fight Galactus or something he wrecks every potential storyline. Ever. Nikki won't be dead, for some reason, and she hasn't really dont anything worthwhile in the show except look pretty, but they just love having that character running around being "emo". I love the show, I will tune in next season for "Villains" but they have to do the deed and write off a few characters that leave me scratching my head every week.
  16. The sad part is that if the companies that create the product would get onboard and offer essentially internet pay-per view for their content and cut out all the middle men charging a nominal fee, like 2 bucks per episode viewing for brand new content, as the author states, the current shows at the same time they are being broadcast in Japan they would likley be floating in cash. I agree that it is fear of change that is killing them. The time has come for online conttent distribution, streaming or downloadable, they just have to make a small investment in setting up a distribution channel and proper pricing for new content. Most people I know would embrace legal content downloading if the prices were reasonable.
  17. Same here, I'm in for a pair to round out the collection. Thanks again for tackling the subject John! As far as the views, and it might be heresy but when the Spartan design was liberated for use in Battletech it was renamed the "Archer". I'll check my old 1980's battletech manuals when I get home to see if there are any decent images worth sharing.
  18. I think the annual console quest is comedy gold. The dummy in the cubicle next to me told me his kid wanted and he was getting a Wii for Christmas in August and I told him to buy it then so he wouldn't get caught up in the christmas supply debacle. He assured me, no, no don't worry about it, "I have a buddy that works at the KMart and he is gonna get me one at his discount in November." I walked past six of them fresh off the truck in October at Target and told him 30 minutes later, he again assured me, no big deal it's all good. Yesterday I hear him on the phone franticaly calling all the local stores and unable to find one in town. I LOL'ed.
  19. Cool, looks like Graham's YF-19 transformation video is linked tot aht page too
  20. OK I might be out of touch, but I hadn't been to Yamato's site in a while. They have a nice english link to their "store" page. I wish I had seen this before and asked Graham to ask Yamato if there was any Chance they would be open to international direct sales. I sure would like to be able to cut out the middle men and order straight from the mother ship.
  21. I wonder if they will post the spot on their website. Maybe someone will throw it up on Youtube. Got any idea whish station it will be on?
  22. Wow, that is messed up, I remember when I was a kid people treated Canadian money like pesos you'd throw away their change if you got it at a grocery store like you got a slug instead of a quarter out of a vending machine. 1USD is worth .91 cents Canadian today, time to ditch the ego at the door. I too look forward to the Spartan to complete the destroid line-up ~Edit~ oh yeah.... On the subject of the Silver coinage. Where do you recommend getting them at or close to their actual value? I looked around online and they seem to be sold as collectibles at several times their weight value.... I am confused as to how I could find those so as to make it a win/win deal for both parties?
  23. Cool, thanks for the tip, from the description I think it sounds very interesting!
  24. <------ Not a karaoke fan. Just to throw it out there too, the singer feature in these games is often truly torturesome. Have you ever played the wii game Boogie? If the person isn't in to the song it is a lot harder to just plod through to unlock something that you will like than it is to strum through and try to get perfect scores with the guitar controller. GH 3 for me, I don't need any more bad singers within earshot.
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