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Everything posted by Ghadrack

  1. I'll take 2!
  2. Awesome, I plan to be there and I'd love to see it!
  3. Ghadrack

    DYRL SDF-1

    MSLZZ was talking about it a couple years ago it may have ben on the tail end of the original 1/72 monster thread. Anyhow, I'd be interested.
  4. A brief heads up would be awesome on both. It would be great if you had some of these for Wonderfest, that would help make it another successful trip for me
  5. I'm also pretty excited about Zent ships, is this potentially going to be a similar situation to the Garfish?
  6. I can't youtube from the office but my favoraite is the final battle in Jackie Chan's Drunken Master II (Legend of the Drunken Master in the US) I could watch man of the fights in that movie looped for hours.
  7. I had to think about it for a few days because my resin collection is becoming obscene, but I can't pass it up, worst case scenario I have an awesome present to give away in my version 1 Add me to the list for a V.2
  8. Thread here : http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...4&hl=Helmet
  9. I wasn't accusing you of anything, just trying to give some positive reinforcement that there are people around who know his work, trying to inject some positivity I think there was some internet miscommunication early on.
  10. Totally true, but the show was geting better and here's my armchair quarterbacking.... They seriously screwed the pooch on this one with the slow burn. 1. They should have aired Epitaph One, the unaired season 1 finale as the pilot for the show. or, the minute it was filmed, even if it was mid season, desperation should have lead them to make hard and unusual choices, things just moved way too slow season one to hold people's attention. Lay out there how there actually is a huge, cool diabolical Sci fi plot to the show, because taking a season and a half to get past the faux prostitution arch was disasterous, peope don't have the attention span for it. 2. Intersperse future and present plot at once in the show. I can't think of the girl's name, but Teh Internetz kidz love her, the one from Epitaph one. Had they shown one Dushku episode, then one with her in the future and had the story meet up then have those two fighting the resistance or whatever for the conclusion, they could have perhaps squeezed out a couple more years and kept fans interested. After the first half season or so, and defnitely after watching epitaph one, I was interested in the show and tuning in every week. Too bad he's got another one biting the dust.
  11. ROFL, I gather by the snarkgasm you got my point though..... Freaking out about how a ninja movie is going to be over-the-top, or cliche'd or suck? Seriously? This type of movie isn't meant to be in contention for the best dramatic picture of the year or anything. This kind of movie is about the "holy crap, did you see that, he cut off 6 people's head's with a ninja star! lol, cheer, lol some more "
  12. Not at all, We just need to get a couple pictures of your completed scale kits posted in the thread so people can see what you've done, a little eye candy never hurts 1/2000 toy fiasco was referring to the fact that Yamato toys was going to make a large scale version of the SDF-1, it was mentioned back in the thread several months ago and probably lead to some people gettnig cold feet about the idea of a model kit. There was price speculation, but then the company came out and the thing was going to retail for like $2,300.00 and just be a high end resin kit made by a prototyping company, so someone in the US was going to be looking at nearly $3,000.00 after purchase and shipping costs to get one, if they could at all.
  13. I can't wait to see this, I love me some cheesy kung fu action and am glad to see a new one making the rounds in american theatres. I guess it sucks to be so stilted that you can't sit back and enjoy a silly flick every once in a while.
  14. Justicar can do this and do it well, I've got a half dozen of his Star Trek kits, they are tiny and highly detailed. After the 1/2000 toy fiasco I hope that enough people decide that they'd rather have a model kit and get interested but only time will tell.
  15. Wow, that came out great. The lift, the valk, the launch arm, the launch vehicle, just Wow., great job, thanks for sharing the great pics
  16. Welcome, and thanks for sharing. I don' t think there's a much better way to do an intro post than to show off some work you've done, thanks for contributing! I like the kit and I think it came out great, I expecially like the subtle weathering, not overdone, just right IMO.
  17. We've had two of our talented kit makers on the board talk seriously about making a macross kit in the same scale range for a fraction of the price, (I know we are in the toys thread, sorry) but the discussion of this thing being on the horizon I suspect put them both off the idea. All i can say is no way in heck I'm gonna fork over $2,000 for a toy or model of the Macross, I want one, but that's too much for this collector.
  18. I want one of these, but 2K for a toy/display model is more than I can stomach. Maybe this fiasco will spur a couple of the people who were talking about making new model kits into action, because it seems like a stateside fan is boned on this one again.
  19. I on the other hand, I CAN"T WAIT TO SPEND MONEY ON THE MOVIE VERSION!!! :happy: YEAH!!!!!!!
  20. Yea, like the mighty X-man Wolverine, or a Highlander his powers of regeneration vary in strength depending upon the needs of the episode. I enjoyed this one too. I'm pretty pleased with the way most of the animated shows I watch have been going this year.
  21. I saw this trailer several weeks ago at some movie. During the spider demon granny bit my friends and I all look at on another gasped, "Evil Dead 3!~~~!!! Where's Ash?" expecting Bruce Campbell to pull up with in a 57 Chevy with a shotgun and some hot one liners. Then the tone changed and it went all Prophe-Stine and spiky mace wielding gritty angels with demonic pets were fighting dirty people in a diner. Oh well, might be a cool movie, but I felt totally teased and bummed by the intro which had a total Evil Dead vibe to the twisted granny.
  22. I'm not a huge fan of the recent Gundam series I've seen, but I love the robots. The Blue frame is amongst my very favorite Gundam model, I like this new revision alot, and will probably get one, but I'd sell an organ for a PG version of that thing. I think it reminds me of Berserk with the obscenely large sword.
  23. I'm sure you need blabbering from the peanut gallery like you need a hole in the head, but if it were me and I had the masters and the means to reproduce them, I'd probably do a run fast before other kits come out and hit Macrossworld, Starshipmodeler, Resin Illuminati and The RPF offering the kits for sale inthe sale sections and fast before alternative 1/72's come out that are cheaper. Mastered by Moscato carries some weight in the modelling communities, if you don't go overboard with giant runs, and the casts are good I'd be shocked if you can't sell out a run of each. Hell, I think a couple guys onthis board have done deals to have SSM sell their kits, maybe something like that could help you at least recoup your costs on the masters if not turn a small profit.
  24. If they keep showing pictures and taunting us, I might actually begin to believe that they will manufacture these. I am still skeptical, I want one, but I'm worried they will change their minds.
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