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Everything posted by Xx-SKULL-ONE-xX

  1. Hey guys, for those who are interested, the Collection DX review was posted today. http://www.collectiondx.com/toy_review/2010/sdf1_macross_do_you_remember_love_type This should be enough to push all those who are on the edge off (the ones who survived after Grahams review that is).
  2. I misspoke. I meant with relationships they get walked all over. I agree with you, both seem to be quite competent in other martial areas. Anyone else think Max looks like John Lennon with blue hair?
  3. Better question would almost be which ones do you like? Good call with the MAXL and Protodevlin VF's. I still kinda like the base VF-14 though. I Don't expect the YF-29 battroid to look significantly different from the VF-25/27...I mean, why would it? Alot of closet VA-3 fans I guess, just looks silly to me, to each his own.
  4. I'll bite. In this particular space universe (and many others) we have the ability to fold/warp in close. Multiple space fighter craft would give a BFG Ship no chance unless it had its own similarly sized defense forces. You are also assuming that there are no counter measures whatsoever available to the defending craft such as electronic warfare and interference that may upset the targeting systems. A nearly imperceptible level of distortion at 186 000 miles would cause one hell of a miss. With that being said, I can agree that capital ship slug fests would probably figure more prominently in reality, but to say that small maneuverable craft would have no place is just wrong. As far as Macross is concerned, it is just more interesting (and dramatic) to see the fighters fighting, so thats what the focus is on. Just realized I am off topic..Um, yeah the YF-29 is ugly and unnecessary but I am sure after the second movie we will all come to like it at least a little. Other then the VA-3 Invader (IMO) is there a Kawamori design that is actually disliked? It will just take some warming up to it though it is upsetting to see $ making his design decisions.
  5. Hey, Alto got a vote! Didn't want to tell us why you like him?
  6. I am not sure if the mid range missile comparison is valid. I am pretty sure I saw the SV-51 "mid range missile" explode a destroyer(Just a guess, I know nothing about the Navy) sized boat in Zero. I highly doubt the AIM-200A AMRAAM 2 would have had the same effect. Your micro missile point remains quite valid though. Off topic point: As a M4 end user, I feel there may be about 1 or 2 weapons that are marginally better, for a substantial greater cost (Sig 551 comes to mind). There is probably about 100 carbines though that claim superior performance due to one gadget or another but offer no statistically relevant improvement and come with their own draw backs. Gun technology has hardly changed since WWII. Optic and ballistic technology though... End off Topic
  7. Yeah! Damn right, suck on that Basara. Before there was Basara willing to die for his music there was Roy! Prime, you just made my day
  8. Ah yes, I remember her now. I have only watched D7 a couple times... She probably deserves to be paired up due to a fairly significant amount of screen time.... I will fit her in somewhere. EDIT: OK, added to Ray and Mylene since they have no votes yet anyway. I am surprised no one noticed earlier. As for the other girls mentioned (Nora excluded because she has a spot with DD), vote in the miscellaneous section and tell us why you like them. I agree with Nicaragua that the Episode 4 dogfight was in Macross city. When Sharon initially takes over it is sunset (think bearded guy spilling coffee), then the fight with the X-9 is in the dark before Isamu comes back to Macross City. I think there is some artistic license taken with the order of events and are not exactly portrayed chronologically.
  9. I can't even for the life of me think who that is right now. My fast answer is "miscellaneous category". (EDIT:, IT just hit me, do you mean Misa as in DYRL? when she takes the controls from Hikaru? If so, still Miscellaneous) As for Sheryl? Lots of screen time, minimal Valkyrie time (thank god), therefore "miscellaneous category".
  10. He is still the current leader, though his spread is diminishing due to Max. Only three points between the two at this point in time. Though if it was only between the two, admittedly I would back Isamu. Max just seems to let himself get walked all over when he is not in a Valkyrie, kinda hard to respect that. All the same, if some more Max fans come out of the woodwork, he just may pull an upset... Still no Alto votes! If only Kawamori gave credence to these boards, we might not have to deal with Angsty gender confused protagonists in the future...though I am sure this poll would have an incredibly different outcome if it was Japanese, and that happens to be the target audience.
  11. Perhaps this is correct but I think Zero as a whole lacked alot of battroid (minus a few scenes). In Macross 7 it seemed like the only mode available. I think Shin gets it rough from alot of people, but I think he is pretty good, just being a little too average in the personality department makes him less interesting. He gets two sisters to fall for him (impressive), and pulls some sick stunts in an F-14 before he even gets his VF-0. He just doesn't fully wrap his head around the whole multi mode thing before the show ends; where as, we see Roy making use of battroids advantages right in the first episode, Shin doesn't get there before the OVA ends.
  12. Should we call him Rozma? Or maybe Ozmoy? I personally prefer Rozma, but maybe we need another poll... AS for Luca...I am glad he is sucking. He needs to get a haircut, wear some pants and put on about 50 pounds and six inches. I feel sorry for Guld having no votes because his worst character flaws aren't really his fault, plus unlike Isamu, Guld was part of the development team as well as the test pilot for his fighter. He had mad brains and could fly like a maniac.
  13. I also like Ozma's character, definitely my favorite Mac Frontier pilot with Luca being my least... Anyone else notice in Frontier how Bobby's love for Ozma is almost like a twist/parallel on the whole Roy/Claudia thing?
  14. Not only that, but at this point it is not even close, he is beating him by 2.5X as many votes...Incredible! Still no votes for Alto and Ozma at this time...I am actually a little surprised, especially since there are people on these forums who came here only through Frontier. I celebrate Roymas by getting drunk and trying to touch my wife inappropriately in front of other people...classy!
  15. Forgive me if I am out of the loop, but that looks like a VF-27 esque BFG hanging from the bottom. More anti vajra medicine for SMS?
  16. I agree...Strangely it doesn't make me like him any less Maybe a little like how most people's grand parents are a little racist...product of their time is all. Roy is a product of a time in anime and Japan where people may have thought like that still. Anyway, this is getting too serious for this topic, so back to the point... I think it is AWESOME someone voted for Hayao Kakizaki, I feel vindicated for giving him his own category Be proud of your pick Dynaman! Besides, Just being able to keep up with guys like Max, Hikaru and Roy is pretty damn impressive. I bet there are more of us like Kakizaki then we would care to admit
  17. A few people have said this now and I agree. Roy (my pick) also had this quality.
  18. Wow, Isamu is kicking butt. I expected him to be strong but not tops in all honesty. And no votes for Basara yet? Where is Keith? He needs to come represent. Keep em comin guys!
  19. While I felt that the tornado pack was unnecessary for the movie, I can appreciate the certain homage that it does with the "strike" esque cannons on the shoulders. There also seems to be some utility to be had by allowing the boosters to swivel so much. This YF-29, while yet to be seen in action, I agree with the majority in that it is an unattractive merchandising stunt, though who knows, maybe we will all be lining up for our YF-29 chogokins after the movie hits theaters...though I strongly doubt this.
  20. Yes, but why? Certainly not for his assertiveness with woman.
  21. I will try to get the ball rolling. I think this a very difficult thing to pick, however Roy is my choice. 1)Prolific. He shows up in a movie, series and OVA. 2)Skilled. While not the best pilot, he is damn good and there are no shortage of scenes where he is kicking butt. 3)Self sacrificing. Roy is quick to put his own butt on the line for a romantic cause. 4)Humor. I find his drunken advice on women, etc to be amusing also. 5)He dies. Instead of fading into obscurity he has been immortalized through a particularly awesome death scene in DYRL?. there...not necessarily logical but who cares. runner ups were Isamu, Ozma, Hikaru and Kinryu
  22. Ok everyone, I know there is a Best Pilot poll thread, but it seemed to degenerate into a shouting match and die. I propose a new thread were we can vote and discuss pilots not only on skill but other merits which make them (for whatever reason) our favorites. I listed major ones as much as possible, but as you can see I have provided a space for the obscure. Obviously this is not a comprehensive list (only allowed twenty picks) and I am willing do amend/change it if I have made any significant errors. As you can see, many pilots have been combined, this is only due to space, I tried to leave those I thought would be Hot picks on their own. I also tried to organize the picks in this order SDFM->Plus->Mac 7->Zero->Frontier->Mac II/Misc Please don't just pick a pilot and vote, give us your reasoning (raw skill, charisma, intangibly cool, underdog, funny,fashion sense etc.. Also, because I combined many pilots (especially the misc category)if you don't actually post who you picked, we won't know for sure.
  23. Thanks !
  24. SV-51 is ~13 and 1/4" tip to tip i don't have a VF-0 to measure.
  25. Not watching it at the moment, but March 8th when Nausicaa is released in North America on Blu-Ray I am going to be"sick" from work
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