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Everything posted by Xx-SKULL-ONE-xX

  1. So as part of what I like to call my extended DYRL? line of Yamato Valkyries I am wanting to do a customized DYRL VF-1a. I know I need to add some black paint apps to the shoulders and forearms, but I am unsure as to what squadron to badge him as. Specifically, what logo should I use for the Fast packs and what numbers for his wing. I would like to use something from the anime to retain a degree of authenticity but would prefer if I could make use of decals that came with my other DYRL valks. Let me know what you guys think I should do. Right now I am thinking dark grey UN spacy kite for the fast packs, but I remember seeing the "green arrow" squad in a thread awhile back, and that was definitely in the show. I would hust need to make some decals
  2. My bad, I see now. Pretty darn comprehensive. I think I see every new 1/60 that yamato has put out in that cabinet. You need a Fan Racer maybe...
  3. I've done it twice. Like 5+ years between viewings. Episode 26 and fleet of strongest women are not bad and parts of Op Stargazer.
  4. Destroid Monster doesn't transform either...
  5. I like all these ideas. Please proceed with winning the lottery.
  6. Obviously Alto is holding Bobby. Are you people Blind?
  7. No, but if they released an English translated manga I would by that...then I might be interested in the new scheme.
  8. Less then a month now, which means like a year til I see it...Yeah! In all honesty though I am looking forward to reading reviews from those on this site as well as others.
  9. They could even milk the mold with DYRL versions, and minor changes for rocket types and scout types, though the scout would be a little more involved. Or give us one version with the rockets as accessories so we could make whatever variation we wanted simply by adding the packs onto the back. I am still surprised there is no TV Queadluun-Rau...
  10. No ones is. (see $60 dollar zentradi suit)
  11. Humbug to that! They have only made one toy for Macross 7 from scratch and it is not even out yet (Upcoming VF-19). (though admittedly I am sure it has been taking up their time for a few months) Don't get me wrong, the VF-22S is a great design but it was 95% poached and recolored. Same as the VF-11C. The color changes/sculpt changes don't take alot of time to do, but whole new designs (like a VF-17 for example) will eat up alot of resources. All I am saying is they should finish what they started before devoting all those resources to a new line. The phalanx is mostly completed. They could also do a Regult based off their kits as well. With that being said, any new model is great. I will probably buy a Blazer and a VF-17 when they get released and definitely a VF-11C when (if?) they ever go on sale. God help my bank account if a VF-11C GBP ever gets released...
  12. Voted for the Phalanx. It is mostly done already and they need to finish the line before they go hard into Macross 7
  13. The poll is a dead tie right now. It seems like most people are in agreement of the fundamentals, IE the SV-51 has a more versatile airframe and VF-0 has a much larger weapons payload. The question is, which of the two is most important? For a tactical,ambush/raid style fight the SV-51 might be superior. In an all out battle/itano circus style fight, the VF-0 would probably be superior. The Super Nova project was focused on quick hit and run missions on politically sensitive targets, they had capital ships to use for all out fire power. This in my mind helps give the SV-51 an edge. Both machines would probably run out of fuel before ammo, especially the Zero in Angel format. Hmmmmm.
  14. I really liked the VB-6...I don't even think Collection DX reviewed it did they?
  15. My point exactly. Anyway, not the end all be all, but definitely a point in the SV-51's favor that hadn't been commented on.
  16. Agreed. I understand your point but perhaps the extra layer of kevlar can prevent a catastrophic failure that just one layer wouldn't. Its a little more functional then just robot kibble was my point. And since it is two wing panels folded over each other it is like "2" extra pieces of kevlar. The VF-0 has no such option, though to be fair, three layers of "kevlar" didn't save DD from a protoculture super weapon anyway.
  17. I am not sure what else hasn't been covered. Surely the forward canards of the SV-51 have to count for something in the contest. Field changeable mags has been covered I think but is still advantageous. Also the arm tail fins can act very much like a shield in battroid mode when the ECA is operating (kinda like the YF-21 sans the pin point barrier). Especially in low speed flight (like GERWALK), I don't think the advantages of a periscope have been truly appreciated. Think about the giant ball atop the apache longbow and the benefits that provides. Perhaps in fighter mode the Zero beats the SV-51, but in terms of versatility I think the SV-51 takes it.
  18. It might be too late because HLJ has them listed as back ordered, but you fear mongers pushed me over the edge and I put in for one. You are all a bunch of enablers... Perhaps I should just sign over my paychecks directly to Yamato and save myself the hassle of pretending to manage my finances.
  19. I think it will mean whatever they want it to conveniently mean. Faster planes, more powerful weapons, smarter computers...everything will be explained away with it.
  20. Ha! You got me back though...I just smudged my screen trying to kill your .gif bug
  21. Do we see Hikaru use the strike cannon though? I know Roy does when he is attempting his rescue. That aside, I think you have a good point.
  22. I really like this idea. Would work better for a second tv series so it could actually be developed, but I like it alot. Just as Brera destroys his remote control device and joins the good guys Mikhail comes back. Besides, what is cooler than zombie cyborgs?
  23. Great explanation! Forgot about your earlier post but I am glad you went into more detail, it makes me like him more.
  24. Yeah but if you are looking for things that have been out for awhile you sometimes have no other choice. However in the Case of the SDF-1 1/3000 that should not be a problem.
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