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Everything posted by Xx-SKULL-ONE-xX

  1. I would also like the phalanx and spartan.
  2. yeah...seems pretty lame
  3. Do you guys think we will get the VF-17T? ha!
  4. They won't...but it will be a proprietary version that doesn't work with your other valks. Check this out Only one attachment point, which means the booster you have won't end up working. Maybe they will package it with the radome and super parts. EDIT: Comparing the fold booster to the "Plus" ones on mecha manual, it seems there are some subtle shape differences that would necessitate a new mold anyway...you win this time Yamato...
  5. Please just come with fast packs, no need for a separate release really.
  6. I believe this will be largely mitigated by the inclusion of the cover for it's "lips". Should make it look like a more normal VF. I know my lip cover won't ever be coming off.
  7. Awaiting review with great interest (not that it matters, my pre-order is in already)
  8. AH! I see now. I guess I only looked at the one photo. I just got my virgin road Max and the paint scheme is awesome in person. Makes me miss not having M&M VF-1J's even more. I would look for one if I was you...Ami ami has them.
  9. Ebay has them too. Just search CMS macross and there should be a couple. Harder to find is the CMS Max pilot suit. Took me awhile to track one down.
  10. Not to make you upset.. but you are also missing the CMS max Q-Rae figure, virgin road, and DYRL? VF-1A and 1S. Still though, awesome collection. I have the CMS DYRL? MAx pilot suit special figure coming for my Max Shrine...and I also am missing the VF-1J's.
  11. Awesome Idea. Even just a ghost with the arm cannon would be great.
  12. This was my point only. It wasn't even a comment on the toy, I think it looks dumb in cruiser mode in the show too (though all the cannons going off and destroids shooting helps with this somewhat). Didn't want to start a battle. So,in the spirit of getting the thead back on track a took a crappy picture of my YF-19 BOP I added a neck piece cover I made and I think it sharpens up the toy alot. If anyone has a translation for the BOP side of the box that would be great because I have only read the Double Nuts translation. EDIT: Oops, the nose is unlocked, rookie mistake...
  13. I have enough trouble with two!
  14. A Battle 7 from Yamato would be just as good (but probably better). I am gonna say it... I have the Macross Quarter, but I HATE how it looks in "cruiser" mode. Its like they didn't even try to make it look like a ship. Battroid is cool though. A Battle 7 or a Battle 25 would both be awesome! Now THAT is a cruiser mode.
  15. I could be wrong, but if we were going to see video game schemes, we would have M&M VF-11B's, ravens 11B's (they have milked this mold the least) and a YF-19 (1/60) by now.
  16. I was thinking. the fact that these are getting a release/re-release almost guarantees an M&M re-release. Maybe a low viz and Elint release too. hmmmm
  17. Sounds like it was a great event, I am looking forward to his plans for the 30th anniversary.
  18. Does anyone have an English translation for the YF-19 Bird of Prey from the box/ manual? All I seem to be able to find is the Double nuts translation thanks!
  19. BUMP! I put my preorder for both in...Now I am super psyched...These I would argue are harder to find then the M & M 1/60. Though a re-release of max and miria would be great too. I am a little upset because I told myself I wouldn't get into Macross TV because there were too many valks that were hard to find..Now, I have less excuse. Oh well, just have to pick up more OT
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