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Everything posted by Xx-SKULL-ONE-xX

  1. Thanks for the link, but my Japanese is a little bit rusty..err, non existent. Coles notes version anyone?
  2. What is the history behind the Thunder Hummer model? Something fan made in a hobby mag that has been re-cast by fans a few times is my suspicion. Is there a story/non-cannon behind it too?
  3. Quite a Japanese thing to do
  4. They still owe me $150 for a toy not sent. This was from December. I would highly recommend you stay away, even if they are the only place with what you are looking for.
  5. I saw the movie first, didn't care for it, then saw the OVA and a light came on. 1)I enjoyed how things built up more. I.E. Isamu didn't get to fly the YF-19 right away. He had to wait for it and that made the first flight that much better because of all the anticipation behind it. We already know Isamu is almost Max good from the Zentradi battle so we can't wait to see him fly it. Especially because we see how awesome the YF-21 is in various sequences before hand. It makes that first flight scene that much more meaningful and to use the modern vernacular...EPIC! 2)In the movie, I thought the extra scenes with Millard, and the ones with Lucy weren't very good, (Not that Lucy isn't hot...) 3)The movie cut more good stuff then it added in (IMO)(extra YF-19 vs 21 battle, Zentradi fight scene, some character development) 4) Already said, but I feel the need to reiterate, Isamu is an A$$hole in the movie. He is way more human and believable in the OVA. I think it is great that people like both versions, but for my time, OVA everytime. The only time I pop in the movie is to skip to the scenes with extra content I like. Like it has already been said, the best version would be the OVA with SOME of the extra movie scenes. Isamu buzzing the control tower added into his first flight, extended Guld X-9 battle, extended Isamu being hypnotized scene (flying through Macross city). Maybe some of the extra concert stuff...but even that I didn't overly care for. It would be neat to see a detailed scene for scene breakdown between the two shows.
  6. Macross 7 had the purple haired band manager...
  7. I get headaches when I think about my bank account when all these get released...but my heart is happy! It is going to be a great fall/Christmas
  8. I got my booster yesterday and after some time with it I have a few points. Good 1)Very large and impressive. Looks great on Battroid. 2)Good amount of detail and sufficient tampo. 3) Attachment to battroid mechanism well hidden. 4) Another Basara figure is a nice bonus Bad 1) The Display stand adapter clips on too tight and is damn near impossible to take off without scratching plastic. Seriously, unless you intend to display it on the stand, don't clip it on just to see. The fighter mode adapter doesn't have this issue as you can use the tabs that attach to the fighter as leverage to unclip the mechanism. 2)I am not in love with the stress that the fighter attachment puts on the tailfins. I already had one fin pop out of its socket. Easy fix but it scared the bejesus out of me. 3) Where is my cockpit display decal Yamato? Thank god I have more no-step decals
  9. I think there are good points on both sides. Here is my take Good 1) Mecha designs (Minus the battle pod). I actually didn't care for the VF-2SS initially but it really grew on me (come on Yamato!). 2) Macross Cannon. 'Nuff said. 3) Sylvie and Hibiki's Ishtar rescue attempt and escape. 4) Though at slow speed the Metal Siren looks pretty boring/odd, its action sequence is pretty awesome, especially when Nexx destroys the cruiser. 5) The music is pretty good. Bad 1) The plot is just meh. 2) The animation quality is inconsistent at best and poor at worst. I really feel that if the animation had have been at a higher quality most people would be willing to forgive many of Mac II's sins. I mean, there are many scenes in Macross TV that look better then some of the best scenes in Macross II. That seems unforgivable considering their age difference. And don't even get me started on DYRL. 3) The pacing feels off to me. Often times the show didn't let the excitement build, it just dropped you into an action scene, or when the excitement did build, the action sequence was far too short. Some of the slow scenes were a little too long without moving the plot forward at all and not really developing the characters. As to whether I would like to see more in the Macross II universe? Yes, but not at the expense of the non-alternate universe timeline. What I really want is for a Macross show to fill in some of the gaps between FB 2012 and Plus. Getting to see the VF-4, Star Mirage, and VF-9 and VF-14 in action would be pretty sweet.
  10. yeah...kinda figured
  11. Are there any good shots of the underside of the wings that may indicate clips for accessories like MDE's? From what I have seen it doesn't look like it but one can hope, the Gen 1 style sucked IMHO.
  12. Very interesting, The line art must exist somewhere. Where can I find the MW magazine archives?
  13. They could science fiction away any age difference easy, whether it be traveling at the speed of light for the last 15 years or being in a cryo sleep. I don't want Sheryl and mylene to sing together, just saying it could happen...
  14. McDonalds colors...Check Robots with a face...Check Cheezy 80's style rock and roll...Check I think you figured it out, Basara IS Rodimus prime. Or perhaps Rodimus was Kawamori's inspiration for Basara.
  15. Because they are ugly? And they have to be made to turn anyway, so might they as well be made to be removable.
  16. Both the VF-11C and B are awesome. If you don't like The VF-19 Kai you can wait around for one that is more to your liking. I think you need at least one VF-1 v.2, my favorites have fast packs.
  17. I prefer Kakizaki over Basara. though the point is well taken
  18. Does anyone know what animal Ozma's skull comes from. Doesn't look like an earth creature skull (could be a bull minus the cheek and chin spikes). Have we seen this creature before in Macross? Definitely not Vajra (my first thought).
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